Show your project on our New Year's Drinks!

Dear Amsterdam Smart City innovators,

Do you have an initiative that will benefit the future of Amsterdam? Are you involved in an innovative project? Is your solution ready to be shown to the world?

You get a chance to show Amsterdam! On the 23rd of January, Amsterdam Smart City will hold its annual New Year’s Drinks in A Lab. At the New Year’s Drinks we will welcome our friends and warm contacts. Together we will listen to some great pitches by the Smart Mobility team of the City of Amsterdam and Bas Boorsma. After that, we will toast on a promising 2018!

We have three stands available for three projects that will surprise our community! A great opportunity to show your initiative to thé network of innovators in Amsterdam and mingle with all of them right away!

Would you like to get a chance to show your product to the network of Amsterdam Smart City? Please send an e-mail to Nancy Zikken via before the 15th of January. After that day, we will choose three initiatives and get in touch with these lucky stand winners!

Best regards,
Amsterdam Smart City


Gaelan Goodfellow's picture
Gaelan Goodfellow

Hi Nancy, this is something that I would be interested in. I would love to showcase my Innovative solution BinStrap for a Cleaner Amsterdam.
