Temp Job: Looking for community manager keen on cycling to join the project in sharing economy

Hey there! We want to invite bike enthusiasts to join our peer-to-peer team as the opinion leader and help us to manage the community of bike owners. Teambrella is a peer-to-peer coverage platform that lets you, your friends and others provide each other with claim coverage using crypto-currency.


Kate Kalinina's picture
Kate Kalinina

Hi Luc! Nope, the vacancy is open.
Thank you!

Luc Baardman🏃☕️'s picture
Luc Baardman🏃☕️

Are you still accepting applications or can we mark this request as completed?

Eli Knijff's picture
Eli Knijff

Hey @katekalinina
Sounds cool! I might be interested. Can you email me with some more details?
