Circular City

Moving from a linear to a circular economy means minimising the waste and pollution by reducing, recycling and reusing. The City of Amsterdam aims to redesign twenty product- or material chains. The implementation of material reuse strategies has the potential to create a value of €85 million per year within the construction sector and €150 million per year with more efficient organic residual streams. Amsterdam set up an innovation program on the circular economy; By converting waste into electricity, urban heating and construction materials, the Amsterdam Electricity Company generates 900 kWh per 1000 kg of waste. 75% of the sewage system is separated for waste and rain water and the silt which remains after treating waste water is converted into natural gas. Share your innovative concepts and ideas on circular economy here.

Ebbi Elferink, Project Intern Startup in Residence at City of Amsterdam, posted


Kom naar de ‘COMPLETE TURNOVER’, de dag waarop circulaire economie centraal staat tijdens WeMakeThe.City.

Op 19 juni staat het festival WeMakeThe.City - waar de vraag centraal staat: Hoe maken we samen steden van de toekomst? in teken van de circulaire economie! Op deze dag komen ontmoeten we Kate Raworth, de bedenker van de Donuteconomie, en Marieke van Doorninck, wethouder Duurzaamheid én alle indieners van circulaire projecten voor het Innovatie- en Uitvoeringsprogramma Circulaire Economie 2019.

Amsterdam en de Donuteconomie
De dag is opgebouwd rond de principes van de Donuteconomie (meer informatie via deze link). Hierbij gaat het niet alleen gaat om het terugdringen van CO₂-uitstoot en afval of het beschermen van de ecologie. Alles, van stikstof- en fosforstromen en chemische vervuiling tot inkomensverdeling en sociale gelijkheid, moet vallen binnen de grenzen van de donut, met een sociale ondergrens en een duurzame bovengrens.

We gaan samen aan de slag om een stad en metropool donut-proof te maken. Hierbij staan we stil bij wat we tot nu toe bereikt hebben en gaan we aan de slag om te leren van elkaars projecten. Daarnaast is er de mogelijkheid je eigen onderneming of werkomgeving donut-proof te maken.

Ben je projectindiener?
Als projectindiener heb je de mogelijkheid om jouw concept te pitchen tijdens de marktplaats voor interessante investeerders. Als je hier interesse in hebt, stuur dan een reply op deze mail, met als onderwerp ‘aanmelding pitch WMTC’.

Wil jij aanwezig zijn bij de Donutworkshop Circulaire Economie?

Meld je dan nu aan! Let op, aanmelden moet voor de verschillende onderdelen apart:

1. Presentatie van met Kate Raworth over de donuteconomie; aanmelden kan hier:
2. Marktplaats circulaire initiatieven; aanmelden kan hier:
3. Workshop Maak je onderneming of werkplek donut-proof; verzeker je hier van een plek:

Meer informatie en het hele programma vind je hier:

We zien je graag op 19 juni as.!

Ebbi Elferink's picture #CircularCity
Anuradha Sharma, Management Consultant , posted

Looking for a job opportunity in the areas of smart cities / digital transformation

I am a Smart Cities Consultant, actively looking for opportunities in the areas of Smart Cities, Digital Transformation, Livable Cities, Sustainable Development, Urban Mobility, ICT/ IoT, Strategy Planning, Project Management, Urban Management, Urban Economic Development, Urban Governance, Feasibility Studies, Technical Research, and Development.
I hold a Masters degree from Germany with specialization in Urban Agglomerations. I would be happy to hear from you pointing out at any leads or opportunities.
Thanks in advance,
Kind Regards,

Anuradha Sharma's picture #DigitalCity
emily joens, posted

Internship in Circular Economy

I am Emily Joens, a studied industrial designer but an eco-warrior at heart.
I have a BSc. in Industrial Design Engineering, did an exchange at the University of Berkeley in Entrepreneurship and Innovation and have experience as a Sustainability and Purpose Consultant.
I am seeking an opportunity to do an internship in Circular Economy.
I would be grateful about any potential leads!
Feel free to contact me via my email -

Anonymous posted

Kennisland is looking for the most innovative ideas that tackle plastic waste!

For this year's European Social Innovation Competition we’re looking for projects, products, services, business models and collaborations that tackle plastic waste. Out of all entries 30 semi-finalists will be selected. They will receive a package of support from experienced social innovators to turn their idea into a viable venture. The 3 most promising ideas receive 50.000 Euro prize money to further the development of their ideas!

We're looking for ideas from one or more of the following fields:
- Reducing the consumption of single use plastic products
- Recycling, reusing, and upcycling existing plastic waste
- Dealing with accumulated plastic waste in landfills and the environment
- Changing consumer behaviours, retail and wider business practices to reduce levels of plastic waste and/or increase recycling and re-use
- Implementing alternative business models and optimising supply chains to reduce plastic waste and/or increase recycling and re-use
- Introducing new materials fit for a circular economy or that offer sustainable alternatives to fossil-based plastics

Do you have an idea – big or small – that can help us reduce our plastic waste? Share it with us and apply 4 April at the latest for the 2019 European Social Innovation Competition via the website:

Amsterdam Smart City, Connector of opportunities at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

Dutch entrepreneurs: join us on the Smart Cities trade mission to New York City (12-15 May 2019)!

Ben je actief op het gebied van Smart Cities binnen de thema’s stedelijke mobiliteit, resilience en circulaire economie? En zoek je uitbreiding naar of zakelijke kansen in de regio New York of de Verenigde Staten? Ga dan mee met de innovatiemissie naar New York, georganiseerd door RVO, in samenwerking met Amsterdam, Rotterdam en Eindhoven!

Het doel van de innovatiemissie is de Nederlandse Smart Cities sectoren op de kaart te zetten in het noordoosten van de VS. We zijn specifiek op zoek naar schaalbare projecten (technologische oplossingen die een maatschappelijk probleem adresseren), die te integreren zijn in Amerikaanse steden.

Tijdens het Smart Cities evenement in de VS zoeken we de verbinding met de uitdagingen van de steden aan de Amerikaanse oostkust:
- duurzame stedelijke ontwikkeling
- mitigatie en adaptatie
- verbeteren van mobiliteit
- tegengaan van een groeiende inkomenskloof
- verder werken aan veiligheid en bereikbaarheid.

Het Nederlandse programma is in 3 thema’s verdeeld:
- Circular Economy – mogelijk gemaakt door Amsterdam Trade & Innovate
- Resilience (klimaat, water en energie) – mogelijk gemaakt door Rotterdam Partners
- Smart & Green Urban Mobility – mogelijk gemaakt door Brainport Eindhoven
In alle tracks komen overkoepelende thema’s als civil engagement, cybersecurity en big data aan de orde.

In Nederland zal op donderdag 18 april een kick-off worden georganiseerd. Het programma in New York begint op zondag 12 mei met een receptie. Van 13-15 mei is Nederland aanwezig op de internationale Smart Cities New York conferentie met een nationale booth. Naast de conferentie is er de mogelijkheid om pitches te geven. Ook zijn er - specifiek voor de Nederlandse delegatie - relevante side events zoals workshops, matchmakingsessies, ronde-tafel-bijeenkomsten en een European Tech Night. Ten slotte wordt voor start- en scale-ups een uitgebreid bootcamp programma georganiseerd.

Vicepremier en minister van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties Kajsa Ollongren vertegenwoordigt op een aantal momenten in New York de Nederlandse Smart Cities inzet. De minister onderstreept het belang van een integrale benadering voor de stedelijke planning waarbij data en technologieën op een veilige en democratische manier wordt ingezet.

Henk de Jong (general manager PBLQ) is zakelijk missieleider. Door zijn ervaringen bij o.a de gemeente Amsterdam, adviesbureau CrustYoung in New York en de Nationale Politie zal Henk de Jong u – waar gewenst - adviseren in de ontwikkeling van uw internationale Smart Cities proposities en een verbindende rol spelen in het zoeken van (samenwerkings)partners.

Aanmelden is mogelijk tot 8 april 2019, via RVO selecteert aanmeldingen op basis van aansluiting op de thema’s Circulaire Economie, Resilience en Smart & Green Urban Mobility.

Amsterdam Smart City's picture #CircularCity
Laura van den Boogert, Project lead , posted

Sign up now for new Startup in Residence Sustainability incubator!

Startups & scaleups and social enterprises, check out our 2019 sustainability programme and sign up now:

The governmental startup incubator Startup in Residence gives sustainable entrepreneurs the opportunity to collaborate with the local government towards solving 18 sustainable city challenges. The sustainability challenges cover a variety of topics including waste recycling, new energy sources, sustainable sports city, climate-proof city, etc. Add to that, we as a municipality, would like to become more innovative and sustainable. Find the complete list of challenges here: !

Apply for our programme now! We’re looking forward to receiving your applications from February 5th until March 24th 2019!

Laura van den Boogert's picture #CircularCity
Eline Vliegen, Marketing & Communications at Amsterdam Economic Board, posted

Sluit je aan bij Community of Practice #3 – Circulair inkopen en aanbesteden!

Circulair inkopen vraagt nogal wat. Dat het nodig is, snappen we allemaal. Maar het echt gaan doen betekent dat je echt moet willen. Daarvoor moet je buiten de gebaande paden durven denken en doen. Dat doen we binnen de Communities of Practice Circulair Inkopen en Aanbesteden, waarbij we leren van elkaar!

Op 30 januari start de 3e Community of Practice onder leiding van Boardlid Jacqueline Cramer. Er zijn nog enkele plekken vrij.

Mocht je willen deelnemen, neem dan contact op met Eline Vliegen:

Eline Vliegen's picture #CircularCity
Robert Praas, Data scientist , posted

Looking for organic waste disposal solutions

Hi! Next week I will be pitching an idea to separate organic waste in student's dorms. The biggest challenge for this process is to have a big container where the organic waste from one or more buildings can be disposed of in the dense city centre, for instance. Do you know about any solutions or do you have a suggestion of your own? I would love to be hearing about it!

Robert Praas's picture #CircularCity
Eva van Dijk, Co-founder & Owner at Amsterdam Odyssey, posted

Mini internship (shadowing) for US student on sustainable renovation of historical buildings

Hi fellow Smart Amsterdammers,
We (our private tour guide company with sustainability as a default setting) have received a request from a US scholar who's interested in shadowing initiatives in Amsterdam, that are related to sustainable renovation of historical buildings. Is there anyone here that would like to give her the opportunity to help you in your work for a few days during the second or third week of June?

This is her message:
My research centers around how to modify historic cities, built long before sustainability was a factor in development, in order to make them environmentally friendly without drastically altering the historical landscape which, I'd argue, is crucial to protect. I've noticed that, in the US, this is a hinderance to sustainable development, as the majority of major cities are to some extent historically protected and, in general, people are unwilling to find compromises that protect both history and the environment.
So, in theory, I'd like to focus on the intersection between sustainable development and historical preservation, or projects that deal with modifying or adding more efficient components to classic parts of Amsterdam's landscape. I am interested in shadowing a project that deals with these topics for just two to three days.

Eva van Dijk's picture #CircularCity
Shan Young, International Affairs Liaison , posted

Looking forward to exploring the construction waste recycling system in Amsterdam

My name is Yang Shan, I'm from a association of China, 12 members of our association will visit Amsterdam and wish to have a tour in the city and wish to learn about how the construction and delmolition waste to be recycle and reuse in the city when staying there. They will arrive at Amsterdam on 18th Nov afternoon, and leave in the afternoon 19 th. I am wondering if there is any professional expert or business people in the industry would like to guide them? please contact me。 Thanks and best wishes.

Amsterdam Smart City, Connector of opportunities at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

Register for a knowledge exchange with Dutch and international cities in Barcelona!

From the 13th till the 15th of November, the Smart City Expo World Congress in Barcelona kicks off! A Dutch delegation of companies, knowledge institutes and governments, including Amsterdam Smart City, visits the event as part of a Smart City mission. There will be more than 200 participants from the Netherlands.

On the day prior to the Smart City Expo, on Monday the 12th of November, this Dutch delegation will host an international business day, for our non-Dutch colleagues. Dutch cities will prepare workshops about mobility, resilience, circular economy, safety & security, data and healthy urban living. We hope to share knowledge and experiences with companies, governments and knowledge institutions from all over the world.

Would you like to exchange knowledge with more than 200 smart city professionals coming from Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague, Utrecht, Eindhoven and ‘s Hertogenbosch? Then we are looking for you!

Please find more information about the international business event ‘The Dutch and Smart Cities: Shaping the Future by Challenging Today’ here and register via the link in the document (it's free! :))

We hope to meet you there!

Amsterdam Smart City's picture #CircularCity
Sabrina Zaini, posted

Digi.Bio is offering several internships

Digi.Bio is a biotech startup with big dreams. We are looking for a young and ambitious team to join us in our mission to reprogram biology. We have three internship positions open:
- Design
- Engineering
- Business/Finance
Read more about the vacancies and sign up:
Design -



Sabrina Zaini's picture #CircularCity
Sanne Mylonas, Impact Entrepreneur & COO , posted

Looking for: futuremakers for the “Growing Green Bridges” Hackathon

Heb je ervaring met (circulaire) bouwmaterialen, energie neutrale & eco-positieve innovaties, life cycle analysis, verbinding maken tussen infrastructuur en de omliggende omgeving, water(management) of het onderhoud van bruggen? Kortom: ben jij een ‘bruggenbouwer’?

Op 18 oktober brengen de provincie Flevoland en de gemeente Almere een selecte groep van 100 toekomstmakers bij elkaar om mee te denken over de te ontwerpen en te bouwen innovatieve bruggen voor het nieuw te ontwikkelen Floriade gebied.

AANMELDEN: Meld je vóór 1 oktober aan via:

ONTMOET inspirerende sprekers over (circulaire) innovatie; neem deel aan interactieve workshops waarin jij gaat brainstormen over, en bouwen aan, jouw ideale Floriade gebied; netwerk met 100 toekomstmakers die zich inzetten voor circulaire infrastructuur, duurzame innovatie en GREEN BRIDGES!

WANNEER: 18 oktober 2018 van 09.00 tot 21.00
WAAR: op een nader te bepalen inspirerende locatie in Almere en omstreken

Deelname is exclusief en gratis.
PARTNERS: Provincie Flevoland & Gemeente Almere

Sanne Mylonas's picture #CircularCity
Florentine van Boetzelaer-Tiemstra, Trade developer Smart City & Health at Amsterdam Economic Board, posted

Looking for Dutch companies active (or want to be active) in the USA and or Canada

On 29 of November together with the people working for the Dutch Embassies in the United States and Canada we are organizing a seminar for entrepreneurs interested in expanding their business there. For this seminar I am looking for entrepreneurs that have experience in doing business in the USA and Canada and who wish to share this experience with other entrepreneurs active in the circular economy/ urban development.

It is a great opportunity to expand your business network, find possible partners and to meet the people working at the Dutch Embassies in the USA/Canada.

Please email me at if you are interested or drop me a line below!

Florentine van Boetzelaer-Tiemstra's picture #CircularCity
Amsterdam Smart City, Connector of opportunities at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

Entrepreneurs, join us to the Smart City Expo 2018 in Barcelona!

From 12 - 15 November 2018, the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO), together with several Dutch cities, including Amsterdam, will organize a mission to Barcelona again.

This year’s trade mission will be filled with opportunities to strengthen your international network, get in touch with various international and national cities and acquire fantastic visibility.

Amsterdam Smart City is looking for:
- Companies (working on the themes mobility, climate & energy, healthy urban living, safety, circular economy and data) that want to join the trade mission and a business event on Monday the 12th of November. Preferably from Amsterdam or the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area.

- Startups working in the circular economy. Since Amsterdam has its focus on the circular economy, startups can pitch their plans during the Expo for 5 minutes for a big audience.

Joining the mission will only cost you 250 euros per person. Travel and accommodation costs are not included. Please register before 5 October 2018.

Do you read this after the 5th of October?
Please send an e-mail to whether it is still possible to join us.

For registration:

Join the World’s leading event for cities!

Amsterdam Smart City's picture #CircularCity
Charissa Koolen, Project manager , posted

Looking for startups in circular packaging who want to win €25,000 and substantive support to realise their innovations.

Often start-ups - with circular packaging ideas - are unknown for the greater audience, or lack the knowledge and financial resources to get their initiatives up and running. The Netherlands Institute for Sustainable Packaging invites these start-ups to participate in the Challenge for start-ups in circular packaging. The two best ideas receive € 25.000 and substantive support to realise their innovations.

Start-ups can register for the Challenge until 26 November 2018. After November the selected start-ups will be invited for a pitch. Based on the provided information and pitches, the Netherlands Institute for Sustainable Packaging, together with an expert group, will award the two winners and will help them realising their innovations.

More information:
Or contact Charissa Koolen:

Charissa Koolen's picture #CircularCity
Geneviève Arends, Programma manager transitiepad Circulaire Economie at Province of Noord-Holland, posted

Voor ondernemers - Call to Action! VNG

Heb jij een idee over de aanpak van afvalstromen? Een circulair plan dat nog niet van de grond komt? Of een concept dat de transitie naar duurzame energie versnelt? Dan zoekt de VNG jou!

Global Goals for Sustainable Development (SDG’s), grondstoffen- en klimaatakkoorden; dagelijks lezen we over alle ambities rondom duurzaamheid. Nederlandse gemeenten, ondersteund door VNG’s Gemeenten4GlobalGoals campagne, staan voor een enorme uitdaging om de duurzame ontwikkelingsdoelstellingen te behalen. Tegelijkertijd start 1/3 van alle nieuwe ondernemingen vanuit een sociale of ecologische missie. Maar deze ondernemingen merken vaak dat de financiering van hun ideeën lastig is, wat de schaal en impact beperkt. Met deze challenge brengen BNG Bank & VNG gemeenten ondernemers en financiering bij elkaar!

Daarom zijn BNG Bank en VNG op zoek naar financierbare ideeën rondom energietransitie, afval en circulaire economie om zo veel mogelijk impact te maken, met name op Global Goal 12: ‘verantwoorde consumptie & productie’.
Kijk voor meer informatie op de website

Geneviève Arends's picture #CircularCity
William Reed, secondary teacher , posted

USA school teacher: opportunities to learn about Dutch climate mitigation/adaptation strategies Jun28-July7

Hello! I'm hoping (at the very last minute) to connect with some folks who might be interested in sharing their work with me through a brief informal tour or interview while I'm here in the Netherlands for the next 8 or 9 days. I'm here with the help of a small, self directed grant to develop a unit of study for my students in Chicago that will inspire them to better understand climate change as a global issue with which they can engage in creative ways in their local context. I'm interested in more or less any and all work happening around Amsterdam (or Utrecht, where I'll be from July 3-July 5, or Wageningen, July 5- July 7) that relates to the effects of climate change or mitigation/adaptation strategies. This could include any climate relevant public or private work in the electricity, transportation, building, industrial, agricultural, tech, or education sectors. For example, if you are involved with a start up that does circular economy work that reduces emissions, have a perspective to share on regional transportation, know something about zero emission architecture, or work in education and are interested in developing collaborations in terms of sustainability/climate curriculum, I'm interested in hearing from you and (in an ideal world) chatting for 30 minutes or an hour. My students are typically low income, racial minority teenagers who I believe need to be empowered to make the future as much as their economically well off and culturally "mainstream" peers. Most of my students are also soon to be voting eligible citizens of the USA, which seems relevant. Anyway, I appreciate you considering my vague request! I am of course thrilled about the wealth of resources available through Smart City Amsterdam (including the very cool new Amsterdam Innovation Tour app), and I've booked, for example, a standard tour on Friday through architour. But unfortunately my dates of travel did not align with WeMakeTheCity, the ASC Open House is not happening this Friday, and many of the other tour options are out of my price range as an individual traveling on a small grant. Thanks for any and all input. Cheers!

Mitchell Elferink, Student economics at University of Amsterdam (UvA), posted

Call out for interesting research projects for 4th year students starting in the fall semester (sept 2018)!

In 2015, the HvA became a cooperation partner of Amsterdam Smart City. In addition to various research activities, the HvA also provides education in the field of Smart City. Fourth-year Business Administration students conduct research projects for organisations that deal with smart city solutions. If you are interested in inviting a student group to do research for your organisation, please contact Wieke Schrama . One of the students (Mitchell Elferink) has written a blog on the subject.
