
Roxani Gkavra, University Assistant , posted

Participants required! Travel experience research and data collection

Check the intro/promo video of my research https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wlrq1iFa0EQ.
In my master thesis I examine how people experience their everyday trips in the Netherlands and the parameters that affect their perception. Data is now collected via the UMO Research app (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=nl.tudelft.umo&gl=NL) and you are invited to participate.
The thesis is performed at the Department of Transport & Planning of TU Delft.
Roxani Gkavra

Anonymous posted

Marineterrein Amsterdam Last Mile Challenge

Door werkzaamheden in de openbare ruimte kan het een uitdaging zijn om je eindbestemming te bereiken. Heb jij een innovatief idee over hoe de last mile het best afgelegd kan worden? Doe dan mee met de Marineterrein Last Mile Challenge en grijp je kans om zes weken gratis te testen op Marineterrein Amsterdam!

In steden wordt continu gewerkt om leefbaarheid en verkeersstromen te verbeteren. Door de wegopbrekingen die hier soms voor nodig zijn kunnen delen van de stad tijdelijk moeilijk bereikbaar zijn. Als parkeren in de buurt niet kan, hoe zorgen we dan dat mensen hun bestemming bereiken?

Deel je idee
Met de Marineterrein Last Mile Challenge doen we een oproep aan iedereen die een goed idee heeft om de bereikbaarheid te verbeteren en dit wil testen. Vanaf zondag 23 februari is het door werkzaamheden aan de Kattenburgerstraat niet meer mogelijk om te parkeren buiten de poort van het Marineterrein. Een ideaal moment om te experimenteren met oplossingen voor de last mile.

Wat zoeken wij?
Wij zijn op zoek naar innovatieve ideeën die het Marineterrein bereikbaar houden tijdens de wegwerkzaamheden. Dit kan zowel over de weg als over het water zijn, en moet een oplossing bieden aan tijdelijke problemen met de bereikbaarheid: Makkelijk te implementeren, en makkelijk te beëindigen. Als jouw idee gekozen wordt, krijg je de kans dit vanaf eind februari/begin maart gedurende zes weken te testen. De operationele kosten worden vergoed. Houd er dus rekening mee dat je ook snel moet kunnen starten. Stuur je innovatieve idee vóór 21 februari 16.00 uur in via dit formulier!

Alles op een rijtje:
- Last Mile Challenge: Wie heeft de beste oplossing om de tijdelijke last mile soepel te overbruggen?
- We zoeken oplossingen die vernieuwend zijn, in de vorm van hardware, een platform of samenwerking.
- Fietstaxi’s en andere reguliere commerciële activiteiten zijn uitgesloten van deelname.
- Gratis testen op dé plek voor experimenteren op het gebied van stedelijke vraagstukken.
- Gratis exposure en koppeling met gemeente Amsterdam/Chief Technology Office.
- Testduur tot ten minste 20 april.
- Inschrijven kan tot 21 februari, 16.00 uur.

Een commissie kiest uit alle inzendingen het beste idee. De commissie bestaat uit:
- Thijs Meijer, adjunct-directeur en procesmanager van Bureau Marineterrein Amsterdam.
- Pim Stevens, projectleider Marineterrein Amsterdam Living Lab.
- Gerben Mienis, thematrekker Last Mile oplossingen.
- Joshua Serrão, innovation officer bij Chief Technology Office, gemeente Amsterdam.

Op basis van een eerste selectie volgt een pitchronde, waarbij de geselecteerde ideeën gepresenteerd worden aan deze commissie. De winnaar wordt vervolgens op korte termijn gekozen, zodat bezoekers van het Marineterrein zo snel mogelijk gebruik kunnen maken van het gekozen idee!

Vragen? Neem contact met ons op via info@marineterrein.nl

Bureau Marineterrein Amsterdam is gerechtigd om te besluiten de challenge (vroegtijdig) te beëindigen als inschrijvingen onvoldoende invulling geven aan de gedefinieerde challenge.
De overeenkomst over het uitvoeren van de last mile challenge wordt in overleg met beide partijen opgesteld en ingevuld na bekendmaking van de winnaar door Bureau Marineterrein Amsterdam.
De uitvoerder Last Mile Challenge is zelf verantwoordelijk voor het aanvragen en afsluiten van de benodigde vergunningen en verzekeringen.
Deelnemers zijn verplicht tot het verschaffen van correcte, actuele en complete informatie bij de deelname aan een prijsvraag of winactie.
De persoonsgegevens die in het kader van winacties worden verkregen, worden alleen gebruikt door Bureau Marineterrein Amsterdam.

Wouter Giesen, Adviseur at TripService, posted

Partners for pilots in our Mobility services

TripService is a joint venture between BeSite and 2Ways.

Through this collaboration we have been able to develop many new services. We would like to use these services to run pilots at events, roadworks or large companies with many buildings.
With these pilots we want to improve our services and enter into multiple partnerships.

Wouter Giesen's picture #Mobility
Juliette Crespel, Project Manager at EVBox, posted

Apply now to pitch your startup to 1,000+ attendees at REVOLUTION 2020

REVOLUTION is thé event about the future of mobility, taking place on the 31th of March 2020 in Amsterdam. Every year REVOLUTION brings together the mobility industry with one goal in mind: accelerating the transition towards sustainable mobility.

For the first time ever at REVOLUTION, we're giving startups the opportunity to pitch their idea to 1,000+ attendees. Powered by StartupAmsterdam and EVBox, 10 startups will showcase their innovations! Are you one of them?

Fellow members of the Amsterdam Smart City community, check out the criteria and apply here 👉 https://bit.ly/34fBWOW

Juliette Crespel's picture #Mobility
Anne Wijnen, Programmamaker Mobiliteit & Technologie at Pakhuis de Zwijger, posted

Stageplek Programmamaker Mobiliteit & Technologie - Pakhuis de Zwijger

Vanaf februari 2020 zijn we op zoek naar een stagiair Programmamaker Mobiliteit & Technologie! In deze stage leer je bij Pakhuis de Zwijger een programma van A tot Z te maken. Programma's over logistieke stromen, (duurzame) manieren om je te verplaatsen in de stad, de toekomst van het openbaar vervoer en de nieuwste technologische ontwikkelingen komen voorbij. Kom jij ons team versterken? Kijk voor meer informatie op: https://vacatures.dezwijger.nl/stage-programmamaker-mobiliteit-technologie/nl

Anne Wijnen's picture #Mobility
AMS Institute, Re-inventing the city (urban innovation) at AMS Institute, posted

Job opportunity | Roboat Science Technician

The city of Amsterdam envisions a future where fleets of autonomous boats cruise its many canals to transport goods and people, collect trash, or self-assemble into floating stages and bridges.

In the course of 2020, we will pilot the first full-scale hashtag#autonomous boats on the #Amsterdam canals. Do you have the technical skills and would you like to work on this high-impact project, then continue reading!

You can apply for this position until December 23rd 2019


AMS Institute's picture #Mobility
Henk Vogelzangs, Retired , posted

progress on V2H?

Is there any progress on V2H systems? Are we near the moment that I can buy a system with which I can charge a car battery directly from my solarpanels and decharge the battery during the night or as I wish?

Janneke Ritchie, Designer , posted

Advice please: e-Tricycle for Oma?

Oma lives in de grachtengordel and is still happily riding her bicycle at 80. She’s noticing though, that the streets keep getting fuller with erratic tourists and it’s making think maybe it’s time to get a tricycle for her safety. Any advice and /or recommendations?

Janneke Ritchie's picture #Mobility
David Eskilsson, CEO at Edeva, posted

Searching for early adopter for Smart city traffic system!

With 45 Actibump installations in Sweden and 7 in Australia Edeva are now looking for a first customers in The Netherlands.
The Actibump is a dynamic speed bump. In combination with the web service EdevaLive (SaaS) this a real Smart City System.
Besides safe and accessible pedestrian crossings the system generates loads of data in real time.
We are offering the first customers to rent the system during a test period.
Please read more at http://www.actibump.com and get in touch with david.eskilsson@edeva.se to get the offer!

The test-site we’re looking for has the following properties:
• Speeding issues
• >2000 vehicles/day
• Pedestrians and/or cyclists crossing
• Speed limit 50 km/h or lower
• On an active bus route

There is no upper limit on the number of vehicles per day. There is also no upper limit to how heavy the heavy traffic may be. If the road can handle the load, then so can the Actibump.

David Eskilsson's picture #Mobility
Jacqueline Verheugen, Community manager at Marineterrein Amsterdam, posted

Job offer: operations officer Marineterrein Amsterdam Living Lab (16-24 hours)

Marineterrein Amsterdam Living Lab is een samenwerking tussen de partners AMS Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions, Amsterdam Smart City, Amsterdam Economic Board, NEMO Science Museum en Bureau Marineterrein Amsterdam. Het belangrijkste doel van Marineterrein Amsterdam Living Lab is het realiseren van opschaalbare innovaties die steden leefbaar maken en houden. Om dat te bereiken, brengen de partners hun expertise en netwerk op het gebied van onderzoek, innovatie, stedelijke ontwikkeling en experimenteren samen op deze unieke plek in Amsterdam.

Voor het komende half jaar (september 2019 - maart 2020, mogelijk met uitloop) zoeken we een gedreven operations officer die het Living Lab operationeel gaat maken, aanvragen toetst, start met het runnen van de experimenten en zorgt voor verdere ontwikkeling van het Living Lab in samenwerking met de partners.

Interesse? Bekijk de vacature hier: https://www.marineterrein.nl/vacature-operations-officer-marineterrein-amsterdam-living-lab/

Mathilde Delrocq, Research intern , posted

Looking for a job opportunity

I’m enrolled in the Master’s Degree of Urban Planning and Cities Development in Strasbourg (France) and currently I’m a Research Intern on Mobility for the Brussels Studies Institute. I will graduate at the beggining of September. I really want to work in Smart Cities and Mobility , especially with my background as Urban Geographer and several experiences in France and Belgium

Mathilde Delrocq's picture #Mobility
Elizabeth Esposito, Student , posted

Parking Data

Hello Everyone,
I'm a Master's student at the University of Connecticut and I am doing research on the connection between available parking and mode share. Does anyone know where I can find data for the number of off-street parking spaces in the city center before 2013?
Thank you!

Elizabeth Esposito's picture #Mobility
Luke James, Director & Head of Research , posted

Less than two weeks until IMPACT>MOBILITY lands in Amsterdam

Hi All,
I'm writing this from a particularly wet and windy London evening as I plot my bike ride home and I thought an apt time to remind people that IMPACT>MOBILITY is now less than two weeks away!
With over 60 European cities joining us and leading mobility movers and shakers such as Bird, Uber and Lime joining us it is the essential and must-attend conference for folk looking to understand new business models and align private commercial strategies with city mobility leads.

If you're interested in joining us, don't hesitate to reach out directly.

Luke James's picture #Mobility
Luke James, Director & Head of Research , posted

Introduction to Impact & Monetising OEM & Fleet Data

Hi All,

This is my first post so I thought I should introduce myself... Hi!

I lead all our research across Impact, a mobility business intelligence unit based in London. We are holding our first Mobility Conference is in Amsterdam this June (24-25) and as such I'm keen to connect and engage with as many people in this space as possible! If we're not already connected you can find me on Linkedin here https://www.linkedin.com/in/lukejames1/

Conference Brochure & Attendee List - https://eloqua.impactconf.com/LP=22957?extsource=brochure_website

Conference Website - https://events.impactconf.com/mobility-eu/

Introduction aside I am currently in the midst of a deep dive into new monetisation strategies for OEMs and fleets. If any of you are involved in this space please say hello as I'd love to chat!


Luke James's picture #Mobility
karan chawla, Co founder , posted

Opportunity for Collaboration (Individuals / Startups)

Are you an Individual / Startup involved in mobility (road / construction / lighting) sector In Amsterdam ?
Are you an Individual / Startup who believes in utilizing waste to create something amazing out of it ?
Are you an Individual / Startup who's ready to grab an opportunity to make this city more Safe, Smart and Sustainable ?

If you said " Yes " to all !! We just want to hear from you !!

We are bunch of engineers working on smart product to lighten the roads and cycle tracks. The product is ofcourse made up of waste and uses solar light to completely highlight the edge of roads/tracks. (A previous pilot in NL : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qTXJswXo_Q) but we bring it out in more Economical and Sustainable way to make is easily feasible on large scale.

We are on stage of development and pilot for product and hence !! Looking for someone like minded to launch this product in Amsterdam with Startup in Residence scheme !!

If this interests you !! Drop a comment and let's get things rolling.

Thank you

karan chawla's picture #Mobility
Elton Zorba, Urban planning , posted

Internship request in transportation

Looking forward to become part of an project or an existing program that covert the sector of transportation in metropolitan areas. During the bachelor and master course I could gain knowledge on the use of software related to data management, remote sensing and geographic representation-analysis. Othe courses related to economic estimation of impacts derivative from the interventions. Hope to make a path on an new urban experience. Linguistics soft skills: English, Italian, Albanian.

Elton Zorba's picture #Mobility
Wouter de Wit, Consultant at Deloitte, posted

Sign up for the Amsterdam Mobility Challenge!

The Metropolitan Region Amsterdam (MRA) expects to grow by two million people and more than 200,000 houses in the next 30 years. Because of this; a complex mobility challenge arises that has to answer to the following questions:

• How can we keep the traffic flowing in a way that allows people to get where they need to be?
• How can we make sure goods will be delivered to people and companies?
• How can we approach this challenge knowing that we are moving towards an emission-free world?
• How can we maintain investment levels in infrastructure at an acceptable and affordable level?

We’re challenging teams to develop solutions that focus on:
• Optimization: improve driver, vehicle and fleet efficiency
• Public transport & shared mobility: introduce new methods of transportation and multimodality that are more accessible and flexible for everyone
• Interactive systems with existing infrastructure

Solutions should contribute to Amsterdam’s 2025 zero emission target and should work for and benefit the whole ecosystem of the government, transportation and logistics companies, retailers, insurers, the automotive industry and tech/digital companies. In addition, a major focus should be to provide citizens with new modes of transportation that are faster, cheaper, cleaner, safer and more efficient.

First prize for the winning solution:
€4.000 + travel for two people per winning team to attend the Garage Opening Festival in Amsterdam, April 11, 2019, where they will pitch their idea to top CEOs from each industry.
Second price: €2.000
Third price: €1.000

Sign up before the 15th of February!
For more information, please see: https://deloittegarage.bemyapp.com/mobility

Sarah Yemmas, Student , posted

Master thesis about the use of ICTs for Smart Mobility

I am doing my master thesis about the use of ICTs (sensors and the data we get from) to make the mobility in Brussels smarter. And the case study I took is the bicycles. Can somebody give me some informations about the use of bikes' data in Amsterdam ?

Best regards,
Sarah Yemmas


Sarah Yemmas's picture #Mobility
Susan Vermeulen, posted

Looking for start-ups with awesome mobility concepts

How will smart mobility transform the last mile?
The municipality of Amsterdam, the Vervoerregio and the Province Noord-Holland organize a congress Smart Mobility: Just do it! (Smart Mobility: Gewoon doen) on the 1st of November. We want to inspire guest with new, innovative, smart last mile solutions. A part of the guest will travel by public transport and we want various start-ups to be able to show their products for the last mile. It will be from train station Zaandam to our event location. This is about 2.9 kilometres. It would be ideal if you have a MVP to transport guests from the train station to our event location. You get the opportunity to meet various policy makers regarding (smart) mobility to expose your product and inspire them.
Are you interested? Contact me at s.vermeulen@amsterdam.nl.

Susan Vermeulen's picture #Mobility
Florentine van Boetzelaer-Tiemstra, Trade developer Smart City & Health at Amsterdam Economic Board, posted

Looking for Dutch Smart City companies wanting to speak at the Smart Cities Summit Asia in South Korea

On September 18- 20 2 the RVO and Amsterdam Trade is organizing an innovation mission to South Korea. The Dutch Embassy in Seoul has reserved speaking time at the conference for specifically Dutch companies. In South Korea there is a lot of interest in Dutch Smart City solutions. Speaking at this conference is a great opportunity if you wish to do business in Asia as many city officials and other Smart City companies will be listening. Drop me a line, if you are interested. Deadline is August 10

Florentine van Boetzelaer-Tiemstra's picture #Mobility