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Curious about... Taking back society

Power to the people? Jazeker! Actief burgerschap, gemeenschapszin – het is helemaal in. Mensen zijn toe aan verandering en willen een stem hebben in de dingen die belangrijk voor ze zijn. De grote uitdagingen van onze tijd vragen om grote oplossingen en daar willen we onderdeel van zijn. Meer en meer krijgen we dat samen voor elkaar, buiten de gebaande paden, in vernieuwende organisatievormen, of op eigen initiatief – niet langer aan de zijlijn, maar midden in het speelveld. Van samen je eigen droomwoning maken tot het testen van ons collectief vermogen om te delen.
Ontmoet de doeners en makers die de maatschappij terugpakken om de wereld vooruit te helpen. Op 29 januari organiseren A Lab en Vandejong de 5e editie van Curious about... We duiken in nieuwe organisatievormen, nieuwe woonvormen, nieuwe zorgvormen en nieuwe natuur. Er zijn succesverhalen en hobbels op de weg. We ontrafelen hoe geld onze samenleving beïnvloedt, krijgen inzicht en handvatten om onze idealen te verwezenlijken, we leren hoe een initiatief niet wordt overgenomen door kapitaal en hoe niks zorgt voor meer... Bekijk het volledige programma en meld je gratis aan op

Op 21 november 2024 vindt de tweede editie van Just.City.Amsterdam plaats. Dit jaar richten we ons op een belangrijk thema: rechtvaardigheid in de praktijk brengen. Waar we tijdens de eerste editie verschillende perspectieven op rechtvaardigheid onderzochten, gaan we nu aan de slag met de vraag: Hoe doen we dat?
Wat kun je verwachten?
Vanuit het A Lab in Amsterdam Noord gaan we de wijk in om rechtvaardigheid van dichtbij te ervaren. Samen bezoeken we lokale initiatieven die actief werken aan meer rechtvaardigheid. We kijken naar wat er gebeurt, wat werkt, en wat misschien anders kan. Daarnaast denken we samen na over wat jij zelf kunt bijdragen aan een rechtvaardige stad.
Tijdens Just.City.Amsterdam.2024 ervaar je hoe rechtvaardigheid in de stad wordt toegepast. Sluit je aan bij één van de excursies waarin lokale gemeenschappen hun projecten en uitdagingen delen, en leer meer over hun inzet voor rechtvaardigheid en verandering. Of kies voor een workshop waarin je dieper ingaat op hoe creatieve en praktische methodes bijdragen aan een eerlijker Amsterdam.
Bekijk het aanbod hieronder, meld je aan en doe mee aan het gesprek over een rechtvaardige stad!
- Excursie: Inkijkjes in de Energietransitie - met Tessa Steenkamp
- Workshop: School voor Strijders - met Massih Hutak
- Excursie: Red Amsterdam Noord - met Eva Bollen en Esmee Barel
- Workshop: De maatschappelijke impact van documentaires - met Ester Gould
- Excursie: De Rechtvaardige Stad en Community Wealth Building - met Floris Bremen
- Excursie: Van wie en voor wie is de buurt - Met Bart Stuart
Red Light District Relocation: What do you think? 🤷🤦♀️

Amsterdam is set to relocate its iconic Red Light District from De Wallen to Europaboulevard, marking a significant shift in the city's approach to sex work and urban development.
This move aims to create a more structured and safe environment for sex workers while addressing concerns about over-tourism and its impact on local communities. We analyzed available data online to understand the hottest topics from affected groups.
<strong>See data insights on Playground Journal. Or listen to a short 5-minute podcast on this here.</strong>
This is your opportunity to engage in the conversation. Your insights and opinions matter in shaping a future that respects the city’s rich history while addressing the challenges and hopes of its diverse inhabitants.
The significance of this relocation lies in its potential to reshape Amsterdam's cultural and social landscape. It reflects the city's commitment to balancing the needs of residents, tourists, and sex workers, ensuring that the new Erotic Centre aligns with contemporary values while preserving the district's historical essence.
As this transformation unfolds, community input is vital. Residents, business owners, and other stakeholders are encouraged to contribute their thoughts and ideas to help shape the future of the new Red Light District. Your insights can influence the new facility's design, amenities, and safety features.
While communities can influence many aspects—such as building design, types of amenities, and community engagement processes—certain elements are fixed. The location of the new RLD has already been determined, as are existing laws and regulations governing sex work. Additionally, the core concept of the Erotic Centre and project timelines remain unchanged.
Let’s ensure that the new Red Light District reflects the values and aspirations of all who call Amsterdam home. Your voice matters!
Embassy of Digital Futures: Balanceren tussen Utopie en Dystopie

Embassy of Digital Futures organiseert een expositie op de Dutch Design Week 2024 over superpowers & escaping the algorithm. Op de conferentie: “Balanceren tussen Utopie en Dystopie” gaan we op zoek naar handelingsperspectief.
Er is de laatste tijd veel aandacht voor de polarisatie, mentale gezondheid van jongeren en de toenemende invloed van de big tech. De Embassy of Digital Futures gaat in op de vraag hoe we de ontwikkeling van digitale toekomsten kunnen beïnvloeden. Deze toekomsten bieden een beeld van hoop en nieuwe mogelijkheden. Er komen ‘superpowers’ tot onze beschikking! Deze superpowers hebben echter ook een keerzijde.
Onder het motto "Escape the algorithm" zoeken we naar het handelingsperspectief en verkennen we de ingrediënten voor de volgende vraag in onze zoektocht naar digitale toekomsten.
Na een presentatie van o.a. Koert van Mensvoort verdiepen we ons in de expo van ontwerpers; Julia Janssen, Leonore Snoek, Mayra Kapteijn en Bas Sala waarna een paneldiscussie volgt met onder meer Martijn de Waal, Marcel Thaens en Mieke van Heesewijk.
Klik hier voor meer informatie over de programma’s rondom de Embassy of Digital Futures
Kennisland-podcast #1: geen vernieuwing zonder ongemak

Geen vernieuwing zonder ongemak. Maar durven vernieuwers het ongemak zelf in de bek te kijken? En wat kunnen we daarvan leren? In deze podcastserie ter ere van 25 jaar Kennisland gaan we in gesprek met sociale vernieuwers over scheve machtsverhoudingen, schijnparticipatie, gebrek aan diversiteit, preken voor eigen parochie, haperende verdienmodellen, de paradox van vernieuwing en andere olifanten in de kamer waar wíj het juist wel graag over willen hebben. In deze eerste aflevering gaat Marieke van Doorninck in gesprek met Tofik Dibi.
Eerste gast: Tofik Dibi
Tofik is een Marokkaans-Nederlandse oud-politicus, schrijver, activist en sinds 2018 bestuursadviseur van het stadsdeel Nieuw-West in Amsterdam. Hij richt zich onder andere op het vergroten van kansen van jongeren in grote steden. Tofik staat bekend om zijn gedrevenheid en is niet bang om de knuppel in het hoenderhok te gooien. Regelmatig zorgt hij met scherpe tweets voor reuring op X. Hij is bovendien lid van onze Raad van Advies. Marieke van Doorninck, directeur van Kennisland, gaat met hem in gesprek over ongemak en vernieuwing.
> “De realiteit vraagt soms om een bittere toon.”
Ongemak inzetten en toch verbinden
Ze praten over hoe je ongemak kunt inzetten om de status quo te bevragen en de gevestigde orde uit te dagen. Belangrijk daarbij is om tegelijkertijd comfort te bieden. Ongemak werkt het beste in een veilige setting. Hoe kun je de confrontatie aangaan zonder de ander te verliezen?
Luister de podcast (28 minuten) via onderstaande link.
Enhance Your Business Processes with Expertise and Insight
My name is Denis Yaa Kyerewaah, and I am a business administration student at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. For my project, I am seeking a current and relevant business challenge where I can provide insights and add value to your organization. I would like to propose a collaboration to optimize and improve your business processes.
Project Objective:
The goal of this project is to deliver a concrete advisory and implementation plan for a specific business process within your organization. This project will focus on one of three core areas: Operational Management (OM), Information Management (IM), or Organizational Behavior (OB).
Project Proposal:
- Core Area: [Choose one: OM, IM, OB]
- Challenge: [Briefly describe the relevant business challenge]
- Objective: Provide insights into current processes and explore opportunities for optimization and improvement.
Project Approach:
- Preliminary Research (3 weeks):
- Conduct a minimum of 3 interviews per week with relevant stakeholders.
- Analyze current business processes and identify optimization opportunities.
- Research and Advisory Phase:
- Conduct an in-depth analysis of the chosen challenge.
- Develop a concrete advisory and implementation plan.
- Implementation Phase:
- Support the implementation of the advisory plan.
- Evaluate results and make necessary adjustments.
Critical Success Factors and Requirements:
- Time and Support: Access to multiple stakeholders for interviews, questions, and support throughout the project.
- Organizational Requirements:
- Minimum of 20 employees (exceptions possible upon approval).
- At least 2 years of operational history.
- Supervisor with at least a higher professional education (HBO) level.
Benefits for Your Organization:
- Gain insights and optimize a key business process.
- Receive a concrete and actionable implementation plan.
- Collaborate with motivated and well-trained business administration students.
I believe this collaboration will be mutually beneficial, and I look forward to discussing this further with you. Could you let me know if you are open to a meeting to explore the possibilities?
Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.
Kind regards,
Denis Yaa Kyerewaah
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
Opgavegericht werken...uhm?!

Waarom werken wij opgavegericht? Welke opgaves hebben wij te doen? deze een paar andere vragen probeer op een simpel manier te beantwoorden in een YouTube filmpje van 17 minuten.
Smart City - Moderne stad of digitale gevangenis

Maak jij je zorgen over je privacy en controle van de overheid? Of kan de digitale revolutie je niet snel genoeg gaan? Op woensdag 8 mei gaan we bij Argan in gesprek over de mogelijkheden en gevaren van de smart city: een stad waarbij technologie en data worden gebruikt om de stad te besturen. Een moderne stad moet slim zijn om alle problemen het hoofd te bieden, lijkt het idee. Maar wat is ‘slim’? En om welke problemen gaat het? Meld je aan voor het gesprek, stel je vragen aan het panel en praat mee!
Tijd: Inloop 19:00 - Start 19:30 - Einde 21:00
Locatie: Argan op Jan Tooropstraat 6A
Toegang: gratis
Demoday #23: Mobility Injustices and the creative mind.

In a world where moving yourself from point A to point B is becoming much more crucial than ever, there are people out there who cannot experience such a luxury at the flick of a wrist, or perhaps the clack of an ankle? It is hard to imagine sometimes, but there are those who cannot move around as easily as others; be it because of financial, physical, vehicular, or other reasons. A community that can go about as they please without any issues is a happy community that is beneficial to society – For a collective of governments and businesses it is in their best interests to ensure citizens can experience freedom and liberty in their mobility. The question of how to achieve this freedom in mobility and how to deter against injustices regarding mobility remains a hot topic, however. On behalf of Provincie Noord Holland and in collaboration with Amsterdam Smart City and Amsterdam Centre of Expertise, a group of graduating students tackled this topic on the latest Demoday of 2024.
Starting the voyage : What are mobility injustices?
A value workshop led by Jackie Ippel and Jade Salomons engaged the participants in a fun, creative wave of brain-crackling activities. Participants were presented with a question of whether they knew what mobility injustices, or as we call it in Dutch “Mobiliteits Armoede”, was. An explanation of which followed suit soon after. Mobility Injustices, as described by the KiM organization, explains the inability or difficulties people experience in terms of reaching activity locations due to inadequate transport options, combined with socio-economic and spatial conditions in which people find themselves. As a result, they are often hindered in their participation in social life, which negatively affects their quality of life.
It is important to think about the definition of what exactly mobility injustices entail, as it helps us find a better understanding in finding a creative series of solutions that will solve this complex jigsaw puzzle.
Like a ball of yarn : unraveling theorems.
In order to stimulate the brain of each participant and to get the blood pumping through their legs, each participant was asked to stand in the middle of the room. As was once quoted in the horror thriller Saw; “Wanna play a game?”. Participants were presented with a series of theorems in which they had to make a choice that’d question their liberal thoughts; either stand on one side of the room for one answer or on the other side for the other – No in-betweens. Being forced to make ultimatums proved to be both challenging for the participants yet fun, as it was met with bountiful heaps of enthusiasm. In the first theorem, participants were presented with a question of whether or not mobility should be a fundamental right for each and every citizen. While agreed one did not, but can their minds be changed? A flurry of other theorems were presented, each of which dove deeper into the depths of dilemmas one may encounter when attempting to solve the puzzle of mobility inequality. Like who is more important, those who have low incomes or those who suffer from physical and mental disabilities which hinder their day-to-day lives? Brief discussions flowed forth after each and every theorem, after each voting round, reasons were given as to why one can choose one over the other. After which another second voting session followed. Perhaps new insights would change one’s opinion on the subject? It actually did once or twice! Such is the power of dialogue.
Embarking into the abyss : Worst Idea Possible.
“How ba-a-a-ad can I be? I’m just doing what comes naturally-“ -such were the words Onceler sung in Dr. Seuss’s ‘The Lorax’. While people do not like the idea of being bad or thinking of bad ideas sometimes this way of thinking can actually bring plentiful new insights never thought of before. The group split itself in two, each of which under the guidance of either Jackie Ippel or Jade Salomons. Participants were asked to come with their most horrid, ludicrous ideas that’d actually make mobility injustices worse. After which they had to decide what element made this a bad idea. Example, if public transport were to be described, the element that’d make the idea bad would be less alternatives for traveling. The final and third part of this exercise required something rather unique however. Does your mind already wonder what? Well, it’s quite simple really, now participants had to come up with what would be the opposite of their bad idea! So what would their idea be in reverse, an actual solution to the problem they created. If your bad solution was to make everything only scannable by QR-codes its reverse solution would be… using solely physical text! For a solid 20 minutes participants racked their heads and discussed until their times were down to only 5 minutes left. The last of those minutes left were spent discussing and laughing about their ideas – A method met with confusion at first was appreciated with loads of enthusiasm by the end where only time was the fun killer.
A creative view found in madness: Crazy Eight.
The creativity cannot just end after one session. Holding the thought of the previous session, participants were asked to gather in a circle around a table. With each given a paper and asked to fold it so that 8 separate square spaces would form on the sheet the Crazy Eight exercise was explained. Participants were asked to draw their solution one of their 8 square. For each drawing they had a minute per square, a total of 8 minutes until all were filled. Of course with so little time there was little room for thinking, imagination had to pull the cart here, which led to both silly and unique drawings. The longer the session went on the more difficult it became – the participants were truly pushed to their creative limits. A well-trained eye could even notice how some participants still tried to finish their previous drawing before moving onto the next despite the time. You could feel the atmosphere in the room shift to a hectic, almost crazy aura, thus doing its name of ‘Crazy Eight’ truly justice.
At the end of the session it was only natural that people presented their top 3 drawings. One after another each participant proudly showed off their creative drawings like a trophy to the rest of the group. Turns out, despite not communicating with one another during the drawing sessions there were lots of similarities in the elements used in each drawing. The bus, the civil servant, and the elderly were commonly used elements seen back in almost everyone’s drawing. Via these sources of inspiration it became clear just where the solutions may lie.
An journey’s end : Results.
At the end of the session we didn’t just start talking about what we had done. No, instead we At the end of the session, we didn’t just start talking about what we had done. No, instead we went back and looked at the very first theorem everyone was presented with; “Should mobility be a fundamental right for each and every citizen?”. Last time everyone answered all but one was in favor of this theorem, now participants were asked to revise their statement and see if they still agreed with what they said at the beginning. As said before, dialogue can change the outlook we have on the world and so someone did change their stance – The one person that disagreed with the theorem now actually agreed that mobility should be a fundamental right. A full 100% score! Only after this a talk about what we had done started. Opinions were asked and each participant shared the emotion they had experienced during this work session and to leave it behind on a post-it.
· Fun and insightful: The gamification of thinking is taking the design world by storm, and on this Demoday, it has proven that this form of design thinking can not only be effective in bringing brand new insights but also can be fun.
· Enthusiasm: What started off with an iffy approach ended with tons of enthusiasm. Idea generating doesn’t just have to be sitting at a table and talking in your own bubble; it can become so much more effective when the mood is changed from serious and gloomy to frivolous and enthusiastic..
· Creativity: A creative way of thinking actually helps in generating ideas. Using playful thinking such as considering a bad idea first and then the opposite helps find solutions to problems in a much more efficient way.
During this Demoday, we as a group of graduating students got to know the thought process behind those who work within the field of mobility. While we hope that we brought them plenty of insights and, above all, a fun day, it is sufficient to say that we too learned an abundance of information. The insights made during the Demoday will be used by us in writing our final report for the Provincie Noord Holland regarding a detailed consult on how to improve the mobility of the citizens of the province of Noord-Holland and how to tackle the injustices surrounding mobility. Demoday’s are fun and can inspire even the most closed-minded people. If we could, we would do it all over again. And, if you are still on the fence about joining a Demoday, then I hope that column will ignite that curiosity.
New article "Guidelines for a participatory Smart City model to address Amazon’s urban environmental problems"
Dear Amsterdam Smart City Managers and Members,
As a member of your digital platform, I would like to sincerely thank you for the insightful emails and contents you provide to members like myself throughout the year.
I am delighted to share with you my latest published article, "Guidelines for a participatory Smart City model to address Amazon’s urban environmental problems," featured in the December 12, 2023 issue of PeerJ Computer Science.
The article can be fully accessed and cited at:
da Silva JG. 2023. Guidelines for a participatory Smart City model to address Amazon’s urban environmental problems. PeerJ Computer Science 9:e1694
I welcome you to read my publication and share it with fellow members who may find the digital solutions for the Amazon region useful. Please let me know if you have any feedback or ideas to advance this work.
Sincerely (敬具)
Prof. Jonas Gomes ( 博士ジョナス・ゴメス)
UFAM/FT Industrial Engineering Department (Manaus-Amazon-Brazil)
The University of Manchester/MIOIR/SCI/AMBS Research Visitor 2020/2023
Responsible apps and other digital dilemmas

Scrolling endlessly? Get off your screen and join us for an evening of insights and inspiration with remarkable speakers at our upcoming meetup event! Mike Lee of Stichting Appsterdam will revisit the crucial topic of ethics in app development, shedding light on principles for the future. Joris de Leeuw will share some useful techniques to avoid our constant digital distractions. Mohamed S Bah, founder of City Rights App, will share creative solutions for migrant challenges through podcasting and storytelling. Social designer Anna Noyons of (ink). social design will discuss designing products that bring out the best in people. Emiel Poot will explore the balance between human nature and the digital landscape. See you there for a night of discovery and connections!
- 17:00 Welcome drinks - Welcome drinks to break the ice and network a bit with fellow attendees.
- 17:30 Opening and Welcome - Pinch / Appsterdam
- 17:45 Kick-off Speaker - Mike Lee - Mayor of Appsterdam. Mike will be revisiting his 2013 flagship talk “Ethics Made Easy”. How does this talk still hold up ten years later? What has changed, what principles should app makers consider going forward?
- 18:10 Joris de Leeuw - focus trainer at Diep Werk Doen. With his company Diep Werk Doen Joris trains knowledge workers how to better concentrate on their work and resist the constant lure of apps, calls, email and media. His method teaches the principle of attention by design; how we can reshape our own thoughts and behaviours to become more productive and less restless and distracted. He will give a talk on a few of the most recent insights in the field of focus and productivity. Website:
- 18:30 Mohamed Bah - City Rights App and City Rights Radio. Mohamed is the founder and host of the City Rights Radio and co-founder of the City Rights App. With his platforms he tries to find creative solutions to problems faced by migrants. Concerned with the dangers of negative stereotypes and its impact on the already marginalized community, he uses podcasting, and storytelling to reframe migrant representation in media.
- 18:40 Food is served
- 19:10 Anna Noyons - Anna is a social designer and the founder of (ink). social design. Anna will give a talk about designing services, products and systems that bring out the best in us, people.
- 19:30 Emiel Poot - De Jonge Strateeg & Appsterdammer - Emiel will delve into the balance between our human nature and todays digital landscape. We all have a fundamental need for social connection, but how have our instincts adapted to digital relationships, communication, and sense of belonging? Join us as we navigate the fascinating synergy between our wired brains and the virtual networks that have reshaped the very essence of human interaction.
- 20:00 - Closing and networking drinks.
Live podcast-opname over afbouw: ‘Voer voor Verandering’

Dinsdag 7 november organiseert DRIFT in Theater Walhalla te Rotterdam haar allereerste interactieve podcast-avond over afbouw. Waar moeten we mee stoppen voor een beter Nederland? En hoe?
Wouter Mulders gaat in gesprek met stopstrateeg Marije van den Berg en aspirant-Minister van Afbraak Derk Loorbach. Stel je vragen live in de podcast en praat – zodra de microfoon weer uit is – onder het genot van een drankje na met andere transitiemakers. Koop hier je kaartje!
De DRIFT podcast ‘Voer voor verandering‘ gaat het vierde seizoen in. In dit nieuwe seizoen gaan we aan de slag met de vraag: als goede afbouw zo belangrijk is voor een groener en eerlijker Nederland, waarom zien we er dan zo weinig van? In vijf afleveringen, duiken we die vraag in door middel van muziek, verhalen en gesprekken met (oud-)burgemeesters, activisten, een rouw- en verliestherapeut en allerlei andere experts en ervaringsdeskundigen.
Omdat we meer willen doen dan alleen (uit)zenden, gaan we dinsdagavond 7 november een live podcast opnemen, waarin we het gesprek aan gaan met ons (luisteraars)netwerk over afbouw. Daar kun jij bij zijn!
Het programma ziet er als volgt:
- 18:30 – deuren open
- 19:00 – start van de avond met inleiding
- 19:45 – live opname met Wouter Mulders, Marije van den Berg en Derk Loorbach
- 20:30 – afsluiting
- 21:00 – napraten en gelegenheid tot drankje
De avond zal plaatsvinden in Theater Walhalla’s ‘Kleine Walhalla’, Sumatraweg 9-11 op Katendrecht in Rotterdam.
Kaartjes kosten € 12 en zijn te koop via deze link.
KL Brouwerij ‘Leefomgeving van de toekomst’

Waar je woont en hoe je leeft, heeft invloed op je gezondheid. Hoe kunnen we de leefomgeving inrichten om de gezondheid van bewoners te bevorderen en gezondheidsachterstanden te verminderen? Tijdens deze KL Brouwerij gaan we samen op buurtsafari op het Marineterrein in Amsterdam.
Het Marineterrein is een prachtige leefomgeving, waar veel geëxperimenteerd wordt met creatieve innovaties die de leefomgeving en publieke ruimte van de toekomst voorbereiden. Op 28 september gaan we samen op safari over het terrein. We ervaren zelf hoe een aantal van deze experimenten onze leefomgeving verbeteren. Daarna vertelt Annick Mantoua, directeur van De Gezonde Stad over hoe zij samen met bewoners en de gemeente een initiatief hebben opgestart dat leidt tot aanpassingen in de fysieke leefomgeving en de bevordering van de gezondheid in de buurt.
We laten ons inspireren door de leefomgeving van de toekomst. We zoeken naar inspiratie voor wat er allemaal mogelijk is en zal zijn in de openbare ruimte, en ontwerpen vervolgens onze eigen ideeën. Kom ook!
De KL Brouwerij wordt georganiseerd door Kennisland. Een aantal keer per jaar laten we ons werk even voor wat het is en brouwen we samen nieuwe ideeën voor maatschappelijke uitdagingen. We brengen leven in de brouwerij door te ontdekken, smeden, broeden, fantaseren en borrelen. Dit doen we met partners, experts, ervaringsdeskundigen en betrokkenen bij het vraagstuk dat die middag centraal staat, en waar we meer over willen leren.
Deze KL Brouwerij vindt plaats op <strong>28 september van 16.30-18.30 uur</strong>. Meer informatie en aanmelden kan via onderstaande link. Via e-mail houden we je op de hoogte over het programma. Heb je vragen? Stuur dan een mailtje naar Faduma Mukhtar via
Slotevent Summerschool over publieke platformen

🚀 Hoe veranderen publieke platformen de overheid? Een thema dat ons allemaal raakt! Platformen veroveren de wereld. Uber, Marktplaats en AirBNB kennen we allemaal.
Op 30 aug zal het slotevent plaatsvinden van de Summerschool.
Deze middag staat, geheel toepasselijk, in het teken van de veranderende overheid. De 20e Summerschool gaat namelijk over de vraag: Hoe veranderen publieke platformen de overheid, welke toekomstscenario’s kunnen we daarover schetsen en hoe disruptief zijn deze?
Ontdek het antwoord op deze prikkelende vraag tijdens het spectaculaire slotevent ter ere van de 20e summerschool van het @Kennislab voor Urbanisme! 🌟 We nodigen iedereen uit die ooit heeft deelgenomen aan een summerschool of dit graag wil doen.
Deze Summerschool wordt georganiseerd door 'Kennislab voor Urbanisme' en de 'Future City Foundation' in opdracht van de Provincie Zuid-Holland in Den Haag.
Op 30 augustus van 12.30 tot 17.00 uur
Provinciehuis van de Provincie Zuid-Holland, Zuid Hollandplein 1, 2596 AW Den Haag
📅 Zet 30 augustus alvast in je agenda, want van 12.30 tot 17.00 uur staat een middag vol inspiratie en innovatie op het programma.
📢Bekijk hier het programma van de middag
📢of geef je direct op via
*Dit event is gratis toegankelijk
Smart Media Production is looking for a partner

The associate degree program Smart Media Production of the University of applied science of Amsterdam is looking for a partner for an exciting project exploring the future of smart technologies for the city of Amsterdam. We teach students how to use smart technology (AI, machine learning, generative content) to create dynamic content in an ethical way. In short: we train the content creators of the future.
From September to December we ask students to research and come up with a future vision of Amsterdam in which smart technologies are used in an ethical way to benefit the city of Amsterdam. They will create a website, podcast, articles, and future vision video to share their insights. We are looking for a partner who can provide context and a narrowed-down theme so the students can do a deeper exploration.
What are we looking for in a partner?
- Providing a briefing and case with a design question. For example: How does the future of "X" look like for target group "Y" concerning the topic "Z"? Which for example can result in: How does the future of Amsterdam look like for car owners and making the city more sustainable with the use of smart technologies?
- Attending the halfway and final presentations
- Strong interest in smart technologies and ethical considerations about the impact on the society
- Availability to dedicate time (about 6 hours total between September-December) and effort to the project
What can you expect from us?
- Collaborative project work with 15 like-minded students and 3 lecturers
- A fresh perspective on the use of smart technologies and the future
- A website, podcast, articles, and future video about your design question.
If you are interested in partnering with us for this exciting project, please reach out @
Brunch & Code: Write your first Ruby program in 2 hours

Share a coffee and croissant with us and get an intro to Ruby!
Please note: You will need to bring a laptop to participate in this workshop! 🧑💻
In this workshop, you will learn the fundamentals of programming and dive into back-end programming. You will be using the language Ruby, a programming language which focuses on simplicity and productivity. It has an elegant syntax that is natural to read and easy to write. This workshop is for complete beginners!
In this 2 hours workshop you will learn:
✨ The basics of programming, including data types, variables, conditions and loops.
✨ Core concepts of Ruby that can be used into any programming language
✨ The basics of a back-end language and your first step to entering the world of web development.
About this workshop:
This workshop will start with a 1-hour lecture to introduce the core concepts of the day. You will then be onboarded on Le Wagon's e-learning platform and access the slides, a sum-up of key notions as well as exercises to keep practicing after the workshop.
We look forwards to seeing you there!
The Le Wagon Amsterdam Team 🚀
This workshop is brought to you by the #1 rated coding bootcamp worldwide: Le Wagon emerged in 2014 as one of the first tech bootcamps in France, offering web development and data science programs. Now, it has grown to a robust global community of tech talents with over 40 Le Wagon campuses in Amsterdam, Berlin, Lisbon, London, Melbourne, Mexico, Montreal, Singapore, São Paulo, Paris, and other cities worldwide.With this expansion, Le Wagon has helped over 19,000 developers, data scientists, designers, and entrepreneurs start their new careers in tech. Nine years on, the school continues to inspire tech aspirants to find their path in the industry.
TOMAS Connect: Tech Talent speed-dating

De gemeente Amsterdam, het initiatief TOMAS en Amsterdamse tech-academies slaan de handen ineen en organiseren een speed-dating hiring event voor snelgroeiende bedrijven die op zoek zijn naar divers talent.
Tijdens dit evenement komen bedrijven in contact met 50 software & data engineers die onlangs zijn afgestudeerd of op het punt staan af te studeren aan een van de topacademies van Bit academy, Codam, Le Wagon, SALT of Techgrounds. In totaal hebben deze academies meer dan 2000 mensen (om)geschoold die als junior professionals de IT-banenmarkt hebben betreden.
Benieuwd geworden? Bekijk het volledige programma en meer informatie over het Tech Talent speed-dating event.
Online Workshop: Code your first Chrome extension

This workshop is for total beginners!
This is an online workshop. Sign up on Livestorm
Chrome extensions such as Adblockers, Webpage translators, third-party apps (e.g. Evernote) integrators, and many others, can be extremely powerful, and also very fun to use. This workshop is for total beginners!
In this workshop you will learn:
• How to build step-by-step your first Chrome extension
• Publishing your first Chrome extension
• The key concepts to understanding how these extensions work
About this online workshop:
This workshop will start with a 1-hour lecture to introduce the core concepts. You will then be onboarded on Le Wagon's e-learning platform and access the slides, a sum-up of key notions as well as exercises to keep practising after the workshop.
This workshop is brought to you by the #1 rated coding bootcamp worldwide:
Le Wagon emerged in 2014 as one of the first tech bootcamps in France, offering web development and data science programs. Now, it has grown to a robust global community of tech talents with 45 Le Wagon campuses in Amsterdam, Berlin, Lisbon, London, Melbourne, Mexico, Montreal, Singapore, São Paulo, Paris, Tel Aviv, and other cities worldwide. With this expansion, Le Wagon has helped over 20,000 developers, data scientists, designers, and entrepreneurs start their new careers in tech. Eight years on, the school continues to inspire tech aspirants to find their path in the industry.
Online Workshop: Women’s Coding Day

Le Wagon Women's Coding Day is a full morning of coding dedicated to all women who want to gain coding skills
This is a free online workshop for women! Sign up on Livestorm
Le Wagon Women's Coding Day is a full morning of coding dedicated to all women who want to gain coding skills 💪. If you are interested or know women who want to discover to code, this is the place!
Our team of female teachers will assist you during this workshop on the basics of HTML and CSS. In this workshop you will learn:
✨ The tools you need to design, build and host your own landing page
✨ How to structure your landing page with HTML, then style it with CSS and finally get your website live
✨ All the necessary tools to start designing and building pages yourself without any prior coding experience!
About this workshop: This online workshop will start with a lecture to introduce the core concepts. You will then be onboarded on Le Wagon's e-learning platform and access the slides, a sum-up of key notions as well as exercises to keep practising after the webinar.
This workshop is brought to you by the #1 rated coding bootcamp worldwide:
Le Wagon emerged in 2014 as one of the first tech bootcamps in France, offering web development and data science programs. Now, it has grown to a robust global community of tech talents with over 40 Le Wagon campuses in Amsterdam, Berlin, Lisbon, London, Melbourne, Mexico, Montreal, Singapore, São Paulo, Paris, and other cities worldwide. With this expansion, Le Wagon has helped over 20,000 developers, data scientists, designers, and entrepreneurs start their new careers in tech. Nine years on, the school continues to inspire tech aspirants to find their path in the industry.
Online Workshop: Get started with Data Visualization in Tableau

This is free online workshop. Sign up on Livestorm
In this free online workshop, you will learn the basics of Data Visualization and how to use it in your day-to-day.
In this 2 hours workshop you will learn:
✨ What Data Visualization is and how to use it
✨ The basics of Tableau and how to implement it in your day-to-day
✨ How to create your first Tableau chart and dashboard together
About this online workshop:
This online workshop will start with a 1-hour lecture to introduce the core concepts. You will then be onboarded on Le Wagon's e-learning platform and access the slides, a sum-up of key notions as well as exercises to keep practicing after the workshop.
About Le Wagon:
Le Wagon emerged in 2014 as one of the first tech bootcamps in France, offering web development and data science programs. Now, it has grown to a robust global community of tech talents with 45 Le Wagon campuses in Amsterdam, Berlin, Lisbon, London, Melbourne, Mexico, Montreal, Singapore, São Paulo, Paris, Tel Aviv, and other cities worldwide. With this expansion, Le Wagon has helped over 20,000 developers, data scientists, designers, and entrepreneurs start their new careers in tech. Eight years on, the school continues to inspire tech aspirants to find their path in the industry.
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