Smart home and smart living: REQUEST FOR EXAMPLES IN AMSTERDAM (and around)

For a visit in Singapore, I promised that would try to get some info from companies or people involved in examples in and around Amsterdam. So, that is why I ask for info about concrete examples smart home/living. I most certainly will mention the name of your company and/or you if I use the info (and tell yuo if used).

Apart from the general interest I have since I am also CTO at Amstelveen, where we might want to do something in this area as well. But, that is no rush at the moment :)

So can you send me some information about examples: maybe a short description (Word or PDF) and an URL for more info. Mail me please on My australian number (I am available the next 4 hours; after that I am in the plain) is: 0481184872

Topics that I really like to know from your example:
- where is and since when the smart home/living?
- by whom, for whom made/realised?
- what is it about? Why is it or what makes it smart?
- results: i.e. which: i.e. some learningpoints in realisation and what added value already visible (i.e. advantages compared with more traditional homes/living, savings etc)?

And maybe, if possible, as well an idea of
- needed time and effort to realise;
- costs and savings.
- riscs.

Please mail me on

I work at the society of Amsterdam (within CTO) and I am CTO in Amstelveen. So, apart from the need now, I also do have a general interest to see what we can do in Amstelveen perhaps as well. C for more info about me at linkedin:

Thanks for trying!

Theo Veltman


Theo Veltman's picture
Theo Veltman

Thank you for your contributions. Great! I feel duly prepared with examples of what we do in NL Amsterdam, to give (low profile proudly:)) in Singapore when speeking to the CEO of Centre of Liveable Cities and its director. Their effort is very impressive (if my prep is correct), so we can learn a lot :) Thank you very much. It was short notice.

Lauren Macpherson's picture
Lauren Macpherson

Buiksloterham to the North is a community where the city encourages the self-build of sustainable homes on formerly industrial land. The city also work with AEB to reuse heat from their waste incinerators to heat homes/schools etc. and water from the IJ to cool them.

It's not necessarily a home, but De Ceuvel is a smart/circular coworking space and cafe which uses lots of sustainable tech and is using specific plants to detoxify the polluted land over their 10 year lease

The Circl building is the first circular one in the Netherlands, just opened this month by ABN AMRO bank.

Nancy Zikken's picture
Nancy Zikken

Is this something for you @beatebouwman ?

Nancy Zikken's picture
Nancy Zikken

Take a look at!
