Citizens & Living

To keep Amsterdam liveable the municipality collaborates with its citizens. On average Amsterdam’s population grows with 10.000 people a year. This small big city has a density of 5065 people per square km, over 180 different nationalities. 19% of the total Dutch GDP is earned in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area. Between 2015 and 2016, the amount of tourists in Amsterdam increased by 7%. To keep Amsterdam’s 162 canals, monumental centre and residential areas liveable, innovative initiatives are required. Share your innovative concepts and ideas here!

Emmeline Beker, Volunteer Manager , posted


During WeMakeThe.City (17-23 June) Amsterdam and its metropolitan area transforms into one big festival, for seven days: over 400 programs and thousands of visitors. This means that there is a lot of work to do and we can't do it alone. Because we build future of the city together. That is why we need your help!

We are looking for YOU:
People who would like to contribute to a better city by supporting various program parts, as hosting our Enthusiasts who like to contribute to a better city by helping during one of the many parts of the program. For example hosting one of the speakers, the build up and break down of specific events, checking tickets and many more tasks.
Let us know in the application form what you would like to do and what you find interesting. We will do our very best to find you the most suitable spot on the team!

What we offer:
- An interesting evening training at Pakhuis de Zwijger on the ins and outs on how to contribute to the city as a volunteer
- A free Passepartout for you and 2 friends
- Free entrance to the closing party
- A WeMakeThe.City T-shirt
- The chance to add to your professional network

[When you work more than 6 shifts]
- Free Passepartout for you and 4 friends
- Invitation to the summer BBQ of Pakhuis de Zwijger

What we expect from you:
- Helping out during at least 3 shifts (morning, afternoon or evening) during WeMakeThe.City
- Attending one of the two training evenings in June
- Characteristics: enthusiastic, involved, social, love for the city

We can't wait!
How about you?

Check out the website here:

Emmeline Beker's picture #Citizens&Living
Cornelia Dinca, International Liaison at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

€300,000 available to build Platform for Cycling Innovations & Showcase Amsterdam as a Knowledge Cycling City

Are you . . .
* Passionate about the role that the bicycle plays in keeping Amsterdam and the metropolitan area accessible and livable?
* Playing an active role in sharing this knowledge internationally?
* Experienced with building digital platforms and innovation ecosystems?

If so, the City of Amsterdam and the Vervoerregio (Amsterdam Transport Region) could select your organization as the collaboration partner to support the following goals:
* Develop and share knowledge about cycling
* Stimulate innovation and experimentation in the field of cycling
* Profile Amsterdam nationally and internationally as a knowledge cycling city
* Stimulate bicycle use to achieve these goals

In its Multi-year Bicycle Plan (MJP), the municipality of Amsterdam profiles itself "nationally and internationally as The Knowledge City in the Field of Cycling.” According to the MJP, the City would like to create more room for experimentation in order to solve Amsterdam’s unique cycling challenges, and testing of innovative bicycle concepts plays an integral role in finding those solutions.

Amsterdam has been building on knowledge development in the field of cycling in a compact city, and the municipality is now taking a deliberate path toward a stronger profile of sharing knowledge and supporting innovation and experimentation. To achieve these goals, the municipality of Amsterdam and Vervoerregio seek support for the following activities:

1. Digital Knowledge & Innovation Platform
Knowledge sharing leads to concrete ideas, projects or initiatives. The winning proposal will need to detail plans for a digital platform which will be in both Dutch and English, through which knowledge and innovations concerning cycling in the Amsterdam region will be bundled and made accessible. It will provide a shared bicycle platform for companies, citizens, academic, municipality, and transport region and social organizations in the field of cycling for the Amsterdam region. The platform will also offer the opportunity to showcase Amsterdam as a cycling city internationally. The platform must be fully transferable, so that it can be managed and further developed by the municipality or third parties at the end of the term of the agreement.

2. Expanded Network in the Field of Cycling
The winning proposal will be charged with setting up, mobilizing, and stimulating a powerful network organization. Through this network, the makers, inventors, implementers and policymakers will share bicycle knowledge and will be empowered and supported to develop innovative ideas in close collaboration with the commissioning parties.

3. Receive Delegations
The Bicycle platform for knowledge sharing, innovation and experiment has a leading role in receiving international delegations, giving and organizing presentations, and arranging excursions for the many delegations that are expected in Amsterdam and throughout the region.

Deadline for proposals is May 14 at 14:00 via TenderNed. All relevant documents and information can be found in Dutch via:

Good Luck!
The wining proposal will play an important role in strengthening Amsterdam visibility as a cycling city nationally and internationally!

Cornelia Dinca's picture #Mobility
Ferencz Robert, CEO at Unserver Business Solutions, posted

Tarnaveni Smart City App

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With this application, we want to facilitate communication between citizens and the city hall. We want citizens to be actively involved in city development and problem solving by reporting issues directly through the application. The city hall can keep citizens informed about the infrastructure works that are taking place through constant updates. We also managed to eliminate a huge parte o birocracy through ANA, the only virtual public official based on artificial intelligence from Romania, it provides useful information to users about the services offered by public institutions. The application also supports local economics by enabling companies to list their vacancies jobs in the application, as well as promoting local products through a special section. The application wants to improve the cultural activity of the city so we constantly announce users about the cultural events that take place.

Ferencz Robert's picture #Citizens&Living
Jennifer Johanna Drouin, Project Manager & Community Manager , posted

Campus Amsterdam Meetup #7 Innovation District Amsterdam Zuidoost

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Wie zich niet ontwikkelt, staat stil en laat zich inhalen door de rest. Wie zich wil ontwikkelen zal steeds meer en steeds nauwer moeten samenwerken met anderen. Dus als je je wilt ontwikkelen en innovaties omarmt dan zoek je elkaar op en ga je van elkaars sterke punten een gezamenlijk verhaal maken. Precies dat gaan de mensen van het innovation district Amsterdam Zuidoost doen.

Samen met de ING, Gemeente Amsterdam, HvA, ROC en vele andere betrokkenen ontwikkelen ze een inspirerende omgeving waar organisaties, groot en klein, onderwijsinstellingen en overheden van elkaar leren en kennis en talent delen. Om zo gezamenlijk bij te dragen aan de vraagstukken van nu en de toekomst.

Vanaf januari 2020 gaan de eerste gebouwen open waar partijen op een vernieuwde manier gaan samenwerken. Te beginnen met vraagstukken op de thema’s Urbanisatie, Digital Identity, Creative Industries en Ondernemerschap.

Om dit te kunnen realiseren zijn er nog 3 prangende vraagstukken:

1) Hoe krijg je de gewenste verbinding tussen organisaties, bewoners, ondernemers, studenten, medewerkers in Amsterdam Zuidoost?
2) Hoe maak je het gebied echt aantrekkelijk en zichtbaar. Oftewel een hotspot om te bezoeken en te verblijven?
3) De vernieuwde manier van samenwerken vereist een nieuwe vorm van innovatie. Collaborative innovation tussen partijen uit meerdere industrieën staat centraal. Hiervoor is een nieuwe innovatie methodologie ontwikkeld die we graag zouden verrijken met jullie inzichten.

Iedereen is welkom, de meetup is gratis, kort en in de ochtend. Zo ben je helemaal bijgepraat voordat je aan je werkdag begint.

09.15 Inloop met koffie
09.30 Introductie Campus Amsterdam via Matthijs ten Berge
09.35 Presentatie ING, HvA, ROC + 3 prangende vragen
10.00 Rondleiding
10.45 Aankomst pop-up Kleiburg (in Amsterdamse Poort) en recap
11.15 Einde


Jennifer Johanna Drouin's picture Event on Sep 17th
Olivia Chouchane, Project medewerker at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, posted

Summer School Urban Entrepreneurship Bootcamp

The world around us is asking for innovative and entrepreneurial action. This two week summer course will challenge you to find entrepreneurial opportunities that contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s).


• Take a deep dive into the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the role of innovation and entrepreneurship for a real and lasting impact
• Experience the potential of innovation driven entrepreneurship and technological innovations for the creation of new business models
• Explore your own capability for opportunity recognition and motivation for entrepreneurship, innovation and impact

Olivia Chouchane, Project medewerker at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, posted

Summer School Urban Entrepreneurship Bootcamp

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The world around us is asking for innovative and entrepreneurial action. This two week summer course will challenge you to find entrepreneurial opportunities that contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s).

• Take a deep dive into the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the role of innovation and entrepreneurship for a real and lasting impact
• Experience the potential of innovation driven entrepreneurship and technological innovations for the creation of new business models
• Explore your own capability for opportunity recognition and motivation for entrepreneurship, innovation and impact

Event from Jul 1st to Jul 12th
Anuradha Sharma, Management Consultant , posted

Looking for a job opportunity in the areas of smart cities / digital transformation

I am a Smart Cities Consultant, actively looking for opportunities in the areas of Smart Cities, Digital Transformation, Livable Cities, Sustainable Development, Urban Mobility, ICT/ IoT, Strategy Planning, Project Management, Urban Management, Urban Economic Development, Urban Governance, Feasibility Studies, Technical Research, and Development.
I hold a Masters degree from Germany with specialization in Urban Agglomerations. I would be happy to hear from you pointing out at any leads or opportunities.
Thanks in advance,
Kind Regards,

Anuradha Sharma's picture #DigitalCity
Pascal van den Noort, Executive Director , posted

Vrij maar onverzekerd

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Het GroenLinks ondernemersnetwerk organiseert een informatie- en discussieavond over risico voor zzp’ers waar een aantal experts inleidingen zullen verzorgen vanuit de wetenschap, de politiek maar ook vanuit eigen ervaring.

Pascal van den Noort's picture Event on Apr 11th
Manon den Dunnen, Strategisch specialist digitaal , posted

Prototyping Societal Solutions

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Growing plants in extreme environments like Mars, the Moon, or on the South Pole? Impossible without reliable technologies to sustain a healthy environment for the plants and a good understanding of how to regulate that environment to make the plants grow over and over again. The AstroPlant network is an international network of citizen scientists, schools, and makers.
The second talk will be about an IoT device designed to identify accidents with bicycles. Bringing an idea from the scratch to a tangible prototype and transforming it to a final product, may be a challenging task in many ways. In this talk Paola Rodrigues (Trek Bikes IoT Trainee and Sensemakers organiser) will guide us through her journey of developing a Crash Notifier for bicycles from the conceptual idea up to a working prototype.

Manon den Dunnen's picture Event on Apr 17th
Anonymous posted

Breek uit je Bubbel - Ben jij een groene starter

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Werk jij bij een leuke organisatie, maar doen jullie (te) weinig aan duurzaamheid? Ben je benieuwd hoe dit beter kan? Wil je weten wat jij kunt doen om zelf een steentje bij te dragen, los van het plastic scheiden en de fiets te pakken in plaats van de auto? Kom dan naar de eerstvolgende MeetUp van Hieroo Amsterdam!

Op donderdag 9 mei organiseert Hieroo weer een nieuwe MeetUp voor talenten, trainees, starters en young professionals uit Amsterdam. Wil jij uit je bubbel breken en nieuwe, inspirerende mensen ontmoeten? Zien op welke manier je een bijdrage kunt leveren aan je lokale omgeving? Save the date en meld je aan!

Tabitha Saliba heeft zich als student aan de Vrije Universiteit sterk gemaakt om daar een Green Office op te richten. Toen zij later als trainee bij de Gemeente Amsterdam begon, heeft zij ook daar aan de voet gestaan van een nieuwe Green Office. Hoe ze dat deed en waar ze tegenaan liep, vertelt ze deze avond. De Green Office Amsterdam heeft het streven om de gemeentelijke organisatie in 2030 klimaatneutraal te hebben. Hoe gaat de Green Office dit realiseren?

De 2e spreker houden we nog even geheim, maar belooft een waardevolle toevoeging te worden aan deze mooie avond!

18:00 – 18:30 Inloop & Diner
18:30 – 19:30 Tabitha Saliba, Green Office, Gemeente Amsterdam
19:30 – 20:30 TBA
20:30 – 21:00 Afsluiting & Borrel

Onze MeetUp vindt plaats bij House of Watt (James Wattstraat 73).

Deelname staat open voor Young Professionals van organisaties in de regio Amsterdam en is inclusief eten. Deelname is geheel kosteloos. Vul het formulier hieronder in om je aan te melden en we ontvangen je graag 9 mei!

Event on May 9th
Maarten Terpstra, Community Manager , posted

Knowledge Mile Morning Meetup #23 @forty7

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De Knowledge Mile Morning Meetup brengt je in contact met de gebruikers in het gebied van het Amstelplein tot en met het Stadhuis.

"Forty7 Knowledge Mile", zo staat het beschreven op de contactpagina van deze organisatie. Ze gebruiken de Knowledge Mile in hun locatie beschrijving. Hoe tof!. Genoeg reden voor ons om met het netwerk hier een keer op bezoek te gaan. Tijdens de meetup horen we meer over deze organisatie.
Al meer te weten te komen? Bekijk dan:

Tijdens de Meetup vertellen we je over de laatste ontwikkelingen rondom de BIZ, de drie pijlers 'talent en netwerk', 'veiligheid en openbare ruimte' en 'duurzaam en groen', Knowledge Mile Park, Petflesvrij en andere initiatieven in de buurt. Daarna is er alle tijd om ideeën uit te wisselen en nieuwe mensen te leren kennen.


• 08:30 | Inloop met koffie & croissant
• 08:50 | Welkom, ontvangst door Forty7 Knowledge Mile en update door Cora Kreikamp (business communitymanager), Maarten Terpstra (learning communitymanager) en Carla van der Linden ( Project manager Knowledge Mile Park)
• 09:10 | Tijd om nieuwe mensen te leren kennen
Jouw project in de update

Wil je dat jouw project genoemd wordt in de update? Geef dit dan door via de meetuppagina.

Maarten Terpstra's picture Event on May 21st
Wendolijn Beukers, Project manager , posted

Summer school ‘Design our future with data'

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Do you understand data? And do you want to learn what impact data can create on our future living? Join our international Summer school ‘Design our future with data’ and get to know all about data, smart cities and digital twins. In 3 days we are going to develop a digital twin (3D-model) of an urban area that measures and predicts the happiness and quality of life of the people living there. Participation is free for young professionals. Apply before July 31st 2019.

• You learn about data, digitization, smart cities, digital twins, the future of our urban environment, and data-driven policy-making.
• You meet a very interesting network of government organisations, tech companies and other stakeholders.
• You enjoy working on innovative topics in an international and multidisciplinary team.
• And want to have three days of fun with them.
• And have a chance to win € 2000 cash and a fieldtrip to the digital twin of Antwerp!

You can participate for FREE if you are studying or just started working and understand that simple answers are not enough for complex problems. And sometimes do. You have a background in data science, technology, smart city, GIS, Geo and media design, gamification, public administration, urban design, (spatial) planning, or something out-of-the-box.

Check our website for all information and to register:

Wendolijn Beukers's picture Event from Aug 26th to Aug 28th
Laurie Marije, posted

16 Debat: Zorgt pensioenfonds Zorg & Welzijn voor ongezond klimaat?

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Zorgt pensioenfonds PFZW (PGGM) voor een gezond klimaatbeleid?
Op dinsdagavond 16 april is in Amsterdam een debat over het beleggingsbeleid van PFZW. Dit pensioenfonds voor werknemers in de Zorg en Welzijnssector belegt enkele miljarden pensioengeld in fossiele bedrijven zoals Shell en BP. Is dit met het oog op klimaatverandering wel duurzaam investeringsbeleid? #Sustainability # Pensionfunds #Fossil Free

Event from Apr 15th to Apr 16th
Gijs Boerwinkel, Head of communications at Waag, posted

New version Smart Citizen Kit available

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Five years ago we tested the 1.1 version of the Smart Citizen Kit with 100 Amsterdammers in a pilot project for three months. This sensor kit has been further developed at Fablab Barcelona during the past three years and has been tested within the European Making Sense project.

The improved 2.1 version of the kit is now ready and can be pre-ordered via Seeed Studio. There is a starter kit available that consists of a Smart Citizen Kit that includes an adapter and USB cable. Communities can also order a 15-pack version.

Gijs Boerwinkel's picture #Citizens&Living
Richelle Raaphorst, Project Manager at ELBA\REC, posted

Smart Stedenbouw | Seminar smart-inspraak van inwoners en bedrijven (Nog 5 plekken beschikbaar!)

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Let op! Nog 5 plekken beschikbaar!

Inschrijven door te mailen naar

Op dinsdag 9 april staat Smart Stedenbouw in het teken van de juridische en bestuurskundige middelen. We gaan aan de slag met de vraag 'Wat is er nodig?' Om vervolgens te kijken naar de mogelijkheden aan de hand van een Apeldoornse casus. Al kijkende vanuit drie perspectieven – overheid, burgers, bedrijven. We nodigen dus ook deze drie groepen uit.

Het programma
Wat – Seminar Juridisch
Wanneer – 9 april
Waar – Tot2021, Molenstraat-Centrum 1, 7311 XG Apeldoorn
Thema – Centrale vraag: Hoe waardeer je iets? | Over de smart-inspraak van burgers en bedrijven en de veranderende verhoudingen tussen deze groepen (onderling) en met de overheid.

14.00 Welkom en voorstelrondje – door Jan-Willem Wesselink
14.30 Smart burgerinspraak | Casus: Klimaatsensoren in Apeldoorn – Jeroen van Bussel (en Gert Velthuis)
15.30 Sluipverkeer door AI: de effecten van Google maps en waze op de RO
16.30 Slotgesprek over smart city, ethiek en regelgeving
17.00 Borrel

Richelle Raaphorst's picture Event on Apr 9th
Krystyna Lizohubova, Product Manager at Kharkiv Office of Reform, posted

10 facts to introduce Smart City Kharkiv to you!

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Did you know that Kharkiv was the capital of Ukraine? Have you ever heard that in this city atom was split for the first time in the world? Did you also know that in Kharkiv are produced technologies that still help space rockets to conquer the outer space?

But our city is not only recognized with historical merits. Today we also have something to be proud of!

Few people know that Kharkiv is not only a million-plus city in Ukraine, but also a large industrial, intellectual and technological center. Kharkiv is a comfortable and fast-growing city that keeps up with the times.
In order not to seem empty talkers, we will tell you about our city in facts.

1. The most efficient city in Europe for investment in 2018 according to the magazine “Financial Times”
2. The only city in Ukraine that continues the construction of the metro with the support of the IBRD.
3. The first city in Ukraine with a complete set of Council of Europe awards: the European Table, Diploma, Honorary Flag, Prize of Europe. In addition, Kharkiv heads the Association of Cities with the Prize of Europe.
4. Kharkiv was awarded by status of “City of 12 stars” from the Council of Europe for the fourth year in a row.
5. Kharkiv is the most comfortable city for living in Ukraine in 2018 according to the “Focus” magazine.
6. Kharkiv received the award “Best Practices of Local Self-Government” for the project of reforming the municipal enterprise “Kharkiv City Bureau of Technical Inventory”
7. The most innovative city of Ukraine according to experts of Kyiv Smart City Forum 2018.
8. Kharkiv is the first city in Ukraine where Vodafone project “Smart City UA” and Mobile ID technology were launched.
9. One of the largest IT clusters in Eastern Europe which includes more than 70 companies that develop the IT ecosystem in Kharkiv.
10. Kharkiv International Airport has become one of the fastest growing airports in Europe over the past year and ranked 1st in the WizzAir travel destination ranking.

Krystyna Lizohubova's picture #Citizens&Living
Catalina Iorga, Content Lead at Amsterdam Impact (City of Amsterdam) , posted

Sustainable Travels | Young Impactmakers

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Do you love travelling but dislike the negative impact it’s having on the environment? Are you curious about how you could contribute to more sustainable tourism? Want to help develop solutions that enhance sustainable travels?

Join us to find out more about sustainability in tourism and get fresh ideas that can be easily adopted by both organisations and travellers. This event is the ideal moment to meet like-minded people who are working on making tourism more conscious!

Four initiatives will share their inspiring stories, as well as issues they face in the field of sustainable tourism. And you’ll dig into these challenges to co-create exciting solutions together with other Young Impactmakers!

Green Tickets
Sustainable Travels
Better Places
The Turn Club

18:45 – Walk-in
19:00 – Welcome & intro
19:10 – Sustainability challenges in tourism
19:30 – Guest pitches
20:00 – Interactive co-creation to tackle challenges
21:00 – Drinks!

Through the Young Impactmakers community, Impact Hub Amsterdam, Starters4Communities and partners support talented young people who want to do good while doing business, either by starting their own impact enterprise or by collaborating with organisations working towards a better world.

In addition to hosting sessions every second Tuesday of the month at the Impact Hub, Young Impactmakers gives you everything you need to take your talent and ambition to the next level – from hands-on workshops and matchmaking events, to a strong network, problem-solving power, a testing stage, bootcamps, dinners and more!

To get our latest news and opportunities, and meet other Young Impactmakers, join our Facebook group >

Catalina Iorga's picture Event on Apr 9th
Catalina Iorga, Content Lead at Amsterdam Impact (City of Amsterdam) , posted

SDG Meetup | SDG 16: Peace, Justice & Strong Institutions

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In the March edition of our monthly SDG Meetup, we'll be focusing on SDG 16: Peace, Justice & Strong Institutions.

Peace, stability, human rights and effective governance, based on the rule of law, are essential for achieving sustainable development. That’s why SDG 16 promotes peaceful and inclusive societies, providing access to justice for all and building effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.


TYKN is a startup that is protecting access to human rights through digital identities by helping organisations validate the existence of millions of people. Tykn's digital identity platform allows public and private institutions to issue and verify digital identity credentials. It’s an innovative way to share and request personal data proofs. Users are provided with an app, a digital identity wallet, that works on every mobile device and allows them to digitally access services from those institutions in a private and secure manner. Founder Tey El-Rjula will share the inspiring journey of Tykn and how it contributes to SDG 16.

MASTERPEACE is an award-winning, global grassroots nonprofit movement present in more than 40 countries. It aims to mobilize people around the world to use their talent and energy for peace-building and togetherness. Through music, sports, arts and dialogue, MasterPeace focuses on actively engaging people around the world in peace-building actions and leads the way to a more sustainable world with less (armed) conflict.

WO = MEN: As March is the month of International Women’s Day, WO = MEN (women equals men), will create a mobile pop-up experience that allows everyone to dive into the head of a woman or a man. WO=MEN, the Dutch Gender Platform, is an association that puts the unequal power relationships and dynamic between women and men worldwide on the map with an ever-growing unique mix of organizations and individuals. Gender inequality is both a violation of human rights and an obstacle to sustainable development.


19:00 Entrance (grab a drink)
19:30 – 21:30 Event (learn-innovate-participate)
21:30 – 22:00 Networking Drinks
22:00 End


The Sustainable Development Goals Meetup is a monthly meetup powered by SDG House Residents Impact Hub Amsterdam and C-Change.

The SDG Meetup series provides a continuous engagement opportunity to accelerate solutions per SDG and develop shared knowledge and resources. It is also an accessible collaboration platform for established organisations, impact entrepreneurs, SMEs, institutions and independent professionals who want to learn about and work on the SDGs in an entrepreneurial way.

Catalina Iorga's picture Event on Mar 27th
Anonymous posted

Inclusive Programming

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Is programmeren iets dat je altijd al wilde leren, maar nooit de kans hebt gekregen? Denk je dat de programmeerwereld niet-inclusief is of dat het te ingewikkeld is? In de Waag worden twee (Engelstalige) workshops georganiseerd door ClojureBridge als introductie op de programmeertaal Clojure.

De workshops zijn bedoeld om de diversiteit in het programmeren te vergroten door gratis workshops aan te bieden aan mensen uit ondervertegenwoordigde groepen. Clojurebridge-evenementen richten zich op het creëren van gastvrije en inclusieve omgevingen, zodat mensen van alle verschillende geslachten, geaardheid, vaardigheden, leeftijd, etnische groep of klasse zich welkom en comfortabel voelen.

De workshops zijn gratis toegankelijk.

28 maart (20.00 uur) - registreer hier
11 april (20.00 uur) - registreer hier
De Nederlandse Java User Group schreef eerder over de zeven voordelen van de Clojure:

Clojure is simpel
Clojure is data-georiënteerd
Clojure vergt minder regels code
Clojure ondersteunt meerdere platformen
Clojure is interactief
Clojure is full stack
Clojure voorkomt callback hell

Event on Mar 28th