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Last spots available for "Prototype for Change" project. Pitching your digital challenge february 4 and receive a prototype of a new website in june 2025 by talented, datadriven students UvA!
Do you work on innovative new ideas and are in for a project where talented students develop digital prototypes of websites aiming for Change? Do you want work with students from the most innovative datascience programme of the University of Amsterdam? Please reach out to me and drop me an email at: or call me.
Students Computational Social Science are tasked with designing a website aimed at driving behavioral change in the contexts of climate change, surveillance, renewable energy, Circular economy or health. The project involves iterative prototyping and testing phases, which include conducting focus groups and experiments to refine users’ experience and impact.
The final deliverables include:
- A website (in python)
- A written report, investing divergent stakeholder perspectives and emphasizing effective opportunities for digital interventions
Students will also prepare and deliver a presentation of the study’s major findings to the partner, stakeholders, and their peers.
In 16 weeks from a challenge and idea into a prototype.
The only commitment we ask is your time, for at least 1 hour a week.
Please let us know if you have interesting project ideas!
greetings, Suzanne Hansen, head of partnerships Computational Social Science
M: 06- 482 72 193 |
De opleiding Computational Social Science, is een innovatieve datascience opleiding van de UvA gericht op de publieke sector. Onze internationale en gepassioneerde studenten werken 2x per jaar, in februari en september in teams aan digitale producten zoals websites, data analyses, infographics en meer.
Wat wij zoeken zijn ambitieuze opdrachtgevers en innovators, die 1 uur per week willen investeren en boeiende challenges kunnen aandragen gericht op gedragsverandering en systeemverandering.
Bel gerust als je meer informatie wilt. Mijn nummer is 06- 482 72 193 en mail is
Onze studenten werken op de Roeterseiland campus in Adam Oost, waar we voor onze partners ook een fijne werkplek kunnen bieden op de momenten dat zij online of fysiek studenten coachen en inspireren.
Join a Virtual Reality experiment in Amsterdam
Would you like to take part in a Virtual Reality experiment? Then we are looking for you!
What is it? An indoor experiment about using Virtual Reality (VR) to study pedestrian crossing behaviour. Virtual Reality can be a powerful tool in the future to experiment with new settings and implementations before putting them into practice. Are you interested? Register or get in touch with us.
When? From 11 April until 6 May for the duration of 60-90 minutes per participant
Where? AMS Institute, Marineterrein Amsterdam, Kattenburgerstraat 5
Who? Everyone is welcome! We are looking for participants who want to join and help us make it a success! Each participant will receive a €10,- gift voucher
Register now! Here
Let's go electric!
As in the rest of the Netherlands, the number of electric cars (EVs) at Schiphol will only increase in the coming years. Whereas Royal Schiphol Group currently has 400 EV charge points, we expect to grow rapidly towards 10,000 charge points over the next few years. We cannot achieve this growth alone. That is why we are looking for a partner who can help us manage this growth with smart technology. Can you help us? Check the link below to the tender on Negometrix
CityFlows is Looking for International Crowd-Management Innovations & Best Practices
The EIT-KIC project CityFlows aims to improve the liveability of crowded pedestrian spaces through the use of Crowd Monitoring Decision Support Systems (CM-DSS) to manage pedestrian flows. Amsterdam, Milan and Barcelona are the three CityFlows project test sites where various innovative crowd monitoring techniques will be evaluated in real-life settings. These tests will take place where large crowds meet, such as mass events, tourist spaces and transfer hubs. The CityFlows project also prepares a CM-DSS for market launch which incorporates state-of-the-art monitoring techniques.
One of the goals of the CityFlows project is to build a community of crowd-management researchers and practitioners which supports knowledge sharing between the various stakeholders. To this end, in 2020 we hosted a webinar series focused on knowledge sharing.
Now, we are putting out an open call for crowd-management best practices and are looking to collect international best practices.
Do you have a crowd-management solution or project which you would like to showcase to peers, policy makers and the public?
We invite all stakeholders, including public authorities, companies, start-ups, and knowledge institutions to share their crowd-management innovations and lessons learned.
A selection of the cases will be featured in a “Best Practices for Crowd-management” digital showcase.
Submitting your crowd-management solution / project is possible via this short form by providing answers to the following questions:
- What crowd-management technologies were deployed in the project?
- How did you turn data into actionable information? What key insights were gained from the project and how did this help improve managing crowds?
- How did you deal with privacy and other ethical challenges in your project?
- What were the main challenges encountered and how did you overcome them?
- What are the most important transferable lessons learned (positive or negative) from the project? What can other cities / stakeholders learn from this experience?
Please complete submission by 18:00 on Friday, December 10th.
More information
For questions and more information about this call for solutions please contact:
- Cornelia Dinca via
- Dorine Duives via
Code the Streets is Looking for Amsterdam Pilot Participants
Would you like to help make Amsterdam a safer and more livable place? The Code The Streets project is looking for car drivers in Amsterdam who would like to test the TomTom AmiGo navigation app. The goal of the pilot is to support you in choosing an alternative, more 'social' route by providing you data about school zones, traffic jams, environmental zones, and vulnerable infrastructure. All you have to do is fill in a short questionnaire and download the app. The only "must" is that you're an Android user. As a token of appreciation, The Code The Streets team will be giving away a number of tickets to Move Amsterdam, including a guided tour of the interactive exhibit and a drink at Madame Cyclette. Find out more and register to join the pilot via:
Enquête (1min): Internationaliseren als MKB tijdens en na een crisis
Veel MKB-ers willen zich uit de crisis innoveren. Internationaal actief worden is kansrijk en vraagt voorbereiding en energie. Amsterdam Trade and Innovate en PIM Noord-Holland (Programma Investeringsgereed Innovatief MKB Noord-Holland) willen ondernemers helpen dit goed en succesvol aan te pakken. Ben jij een MKB-er in de MRA die actief is op de thema's van smartcity? Vul dan de enquête in zodat ons aanbod goed aansluit bij wat jij nodig hebt. Hou onze media in de gaten, in q1 organiseren we onze eerste event gericht op internationalisering.
Pitch your best practices at our event ‘Sharing data for MaaS systems’ – 18 February 2021!
Mobility as a Service (MaaS) is about planning, booking and paying for all possible transport via apps. It enables carefree, integrated travel according to your own preferences. To facilitate this, mobility providers have to collaborate. They have to share data and work in a standardized system.
There’s not yet a fully operable MaaS system in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area. There are a lot of different mobility parties in our region that collect data and are hesitant to share them. And there are a lot of (local) governments that have a say in the development of MaaS systems.
In some European cities and MaaS systems are running. What are their success factors? How did they convince private parties to share data to set up a MaaS system? How did governments reached an agreement on this?
The Province of North-Holland is looking for best practices to learn from! Therefore, Amsterdam Smart City is organizing an event on this topic on the 18th of February! More information:
Have you been involved in the development, testing or roll-out of MaaS system in another country than The Netherlands? And would you like to share your experiences? Get in touch!
Nieuw platform voor innovatieve ondernemers 👨💻 zoekt feedback. 👇
Ben jij een ondernemer en is het voor jou ook lastig om tot samenwerking met gemeentes te komen? Vind je de (inkoop)procedures ook complex? Denk je ook dat Tenderned makkelijker en duidelijker zou kunnen zijn? En heb je hier ideeën over? Dan zoekt de Gemeente Amsterdam jou! Met jouw hulp kunnen wij aan de slag om dit te veranderen.
Waarom dit platform?
De Gemeente Amsterdam werkt, samen met partners uit de regio, aan een platform voor innovatieve ondernemers met nieuwe business opportunities bij overheden. Voor de grote uitdagingen van de stad (bv mobiliteit, klimaatneutraal) zijn innovatieve oplossingen hard nodig. De gemeente kan dit niet alleen en zoekt partijen met goede ideeën en producten.
We horen vaak van kleinere ondernemingen dat het, door complexe procedures en ingewikkelde platforms, niet makkelijk is om tot een samenwerking met de gemeente te komen. Het nieuwe platform,, heeft als doel om het voor beide kanten makkelijker, eenvoudiger en duidelijker te maken.
Beta zoekt feedback
Onlangs is de beta versie gelanceerd. Voor nu nog even met 1 project maar er komen binnenkort nieuwe projecten bij. Het komende jaar gaan we verder en jouw feedback helpt ons!
Wat vind jij goed aan het platform? Waar zie jij ruimte voor verbetering? Heb je nog andere goede ideeën wat we met dit platform zouden kunnen bereiken? We horen graag van je! Je kunt je reactie achterlaten in dit feedback formulier.
(PS: dit keer wel met een link die werkt 😄)
Master's thesis: Looking for interviewees involved in Schoonschip project
Greetings everyone, my name is Rhea and i am pursuing my master's in Urban Management and Development.
I am currently writing my thesis on decentralised smart energy systems accelerating neighbourhood circularity (through the case of Schoonschip, Amsterdam), aiming for an integrated result in the energy and circularity transition as well as to fill the gap in literature about neighbourhood circularity.
Consequently, I am looking to interview people who were involved in the Schoonschip project, including experts, project developers, community members, municipality etc. The interview would be focusing on conditions such as technological, economic, institutional, socio-cultural and environmental (depending on the interviewee's background) associated with the development of Schoonschip and its energy systems. Your valuable insights will be fully acknowledged in the final publication.
Kindly contact me if you are willing to contribute to my research or if you know someone who could help me out. I would be grateful! Thanks in advance!
Participants required! Travel experience research and data collection
Check the intro/promo video of my research
In my master thesis I examine how people experience their everyday trips in the Netherlands and the parameters that affect their perception. Data is now collected via the UMO Research app ( and you are invited to participate.
The thesis is performed at the Department of Transport & Planning of TU Delft.
Roxani Gkavra
Search for information around smart cities
I'm an MBA student in South Africa, in the last State Of Nation address President Ramaphosa announced development of smart city. Now I want to do treastise on the subject the topic that is on my mind is "smart city impact on citizens" I stand to be correct if I'm bit outside. Its what I think at the moment, I need articles and websites.
Marineterrein Amsterdam Last Mile Challenge
Door werkzaamheden in de openbare ruimte kan het een uitdaging zijn om je eindbestemming te bereiken. Heb jij een innovatief idee over hoe de last mile het best afgelegd kan worden? Doe dan mee met de Marineterrein Last Mile Challenge en grijp je kans om zes weken gratis te testen op Marineterrein Amsterdam!
In steden wordt continu gewerkt om leefbaarheid en verkeersstromen te verbeteren. Door de wegopbrekingen die hier soms voor nodig zijn kunnen delen van de stad tijdelijk moeilijk bereikbaar zijn. Als parkeren in de buurt niet kan, hoe zorgen we dan dat mensen hun bestemming bereiken?
Deel je idee
Met de Marineterrein Last Mile Challenge doen we een oproep aan iedereen die een goed idee heeft om de bereikbaarheid te verbeteren en dit wil testen. Vanaf zondag 23 februari is het door werkzaamheden aan de Kattenburgerstraat niet meer mogelijk om te parkeren buiten de poort van het Marineterrein. Een ideaal moment om te experimenteren met oplossingen voor de last mile.
Wat zoeken wij?
Wij zijn op zoek naar innovatieve ideeën die het Marineterrein bereikbaar houden tijdens de wegwerkzaamheden. Dit kan zowel over de weg als over het water zijn, en moet een oplossing bieden aan tijdelijke problemen met de bereikbaarheid: Makkelijk te implementeren, en makkelijk te beëindigen. Als jouw idee gekozen wordt, krijg je de kans dit vanaf eind februari/begin maart gedurende zes weken te testen. De operationele kosten worden vergoed. Houd er dus rekening mee dat je ook snel moet kunnen starten. Stuur je innovatieve idee vóór 21 februari 16.00 uur in via dit formulier!
Alles op een rijtje:
- Last Mile Challenge: Wie heeft de beste oplossing om de tijdelijke last mile soepel te overbruggen?
- We zoeken oplossingen die vernieuwend zijn, in de vorm van hardware, een platform of samenwerking.
- Fietstaxi’s en andere reguliere commerciële activiteiten zijn uitgesloten van deelname.
- Gratis testen op dé plek voor experimenteren op het gebied van stedelijke vraagstukken.
- Gratis exposure en koppeling met gemeente Amsterdam/Chief Technology Office.
- Testduur tot ten minste 20 april.
- Inschrijven kan tot 21 februari, 16.00 uur.
Een commissie kiest uit alle inzendingen het beste idee. De commissie bestaat uit:
- Thijs Meijer, adjunct-directeur en procesmanager van Bureau Marineterrein Amsterdam.
- Pim Stevens, projectleider Marineterrein Amsterdam Living Lab.
- Gerben Mienis, thematrekker Last Mile oplossingen.
- Joshua Serrão, innovation officer bij Chief Technology Office, gemeente Amsterdam.
Op basis van een eerste selectie volgt een pitchronde, waarbij de geselecteerde ideeën gepresenteerd worden aan deze commissie. De winnaar wordt vervolgens op korte termijn gekozen, zodat bezoekers van het Marineterrein zo snel mogelijk gebruik kunnen maken van het gekozen idee!
Vragen? Neem contact met ons op via
Bureau Marineterrein Amsterdam is gerechtigd om te besluiten de challenge (vroegtijdig) te beëindigen als inschrijvingen onvoldoende invulling geven aan de gedefinieerde challenge.
De overeenkomst over het uitvoeren van de last mile challenge wordt in overleg met beide partijen opgesteld en ingevuld na bekendmaking van de winnaar door Bureau Marineterrein Amsterdam.
De uitvoerder Last Mile Challenge is zelf verantwoordelijk voor het aanvragen en afsluiten van de benodigde vergunningen en verzekeringen.
Deelnemers zijn verplicht tot het verschaffen van correcte, actuele en complete informatie bij de deelname aan een prijsvraag of winactie.
De persoonsgegevens die in het kader van winacties worden verkregen, worden alleen gebruikt door Bureau Marineterrein Amsterdam.
Partners for pilots in our Mobility services
TripService is a joint venture between BeSite and 2Ways.
Through this collaboration we have been able to develop many new services. We would like to use these services to run pilots at events, roadworks or large companies with many buildings.
With these pilots we want to improve our services and enter into multiple partnerships.
Searching for early adopter for Smart city traffic system!
With 45 Actibump installations in Sweden and 7 in Australia Edeva are now looking for a first customers in The Netherlands.
The Actibump is a dynamic speed bump. In combination with the web service EdevaLive (SaaS) this a real Smart City System.
Besides safe and accessible pedestrian crossings the system generates loads of data in real time.
We are offering the first customers to rent the system during a test period.
Please read more at and get in touch with to get the offer!
The test-site we’re looking for has the following properties:
• Speeding issues
• >2000 vehicles/day
• Pedestrians and/or cyclists crossing
• Speed limit 50 km/h or lower
• On an active bus route
There is no upper limit on the number of vehicles per day. There is also no upper limit to how heavy the heavy traffic may be. If the road can handle the load, then so can the Actibump.
Job offer: operations officer Marineterrein Amsterdam Living Lab (16-24 hours)
Marineterrein Amsterdam Living Lab is een samenwerking tussen de partners AMS Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions, Amsterdam Smart City, Amsterdam Economic Board, NEMO Science Museum en Bureau Marineterrein Amsterdam. Het belangrijkste doel van Marineterrein Amsterdam Living Lab is het realiseren van opschaalbare innovaties die steden leefbaar maken en houden. Om dat te bereiken, brengen de partners hun expertise en netwerk op het gebied van onderzoek, innovatie, stedelijke ontwikkeling en experimenteren samen op deze unieke plek in Amsterdam.
Voor het komende half jaar (september 2019 - maart 2020, mogelijk met uitloop) zoeken we een gedreven operations officer die het Living Lab operationeel gaat maken, aanvragen toetst, start met het runnen van de experimenten en zorgt voor verdere ontwikkeling van het Living Lab in samenwerking met de partners.
Interesse? Bekijk de vacature hier:
Parking Data
Hello Everyone,
I'm a Master's student at the University of Connecticut and I am doing research on the connection between available parking and mode share. Does anyone know where I can find data for the number of off-street parking spaces in the city center before 2013?
Thank you!
Looking for a job opportunity in the areas of smart cities / digital transformation
I am a Smart Cities Consultant, actively looking for opportunities in the areas of Smart Cities, Digital Transformation, Livable Cities, Sustainable Development, Urban Mobility, ICT/ IoT, Strategy Planning, Project Management, Urban Management, Urban Economic Development, Urban Governance, Feasibility Studies, Technical Research, and Development.
I hold a Masters degree from Germany with specialization in Urban Agglomerations. I would be happy to hear from you pointing out at any leads or opportunities.
Thanks in advance,
Kind Regards,
Introduction to Impact & Monetising OEM & Fleet Data
Hi All,
This is my first post so I thought I should introduce myself... Hi!
I lead all our research across Impact, a mobility business intelligence unit based in London. We are holding our first Mobility Conference is in Amsterdam this June (24-25) and as such I'm keen to connect and engage with as many people in this space as possible! If we're not already connected you can find me on Linkedin here
Conference Brochure & Attendee List -
Conference Website -
Introduction aside I am currently in the midst of a deep dive into new monetisation strategies for OEMs and fleets. If any of you are involved in this space please say hello as I'd love to chat!
Sign up now for new Startup in Residence Sustainability incubator!
Startups & scaleups and social enterprises, check out our 2019 sustainability programme and sign up now:
The governmental startup incubator Startup in Residence gives sustainable entrepreneurs the opportunity to collaborate with the local government towards solving 18 sustainable city challenges. The sustainability challenges cover a variety of topics including waste recycling, new energy sources, sustainable sports city, climate-proof city, etc. Add to that, we as a municipality, would like to become more innovative and sustainable. Find the complete list of challenges here: !
Apply for our programme now! We’re looking forward to receiving your applications from February 5th until March 24th 2019!
Internship request in transportation
Looking forward to become part of an project or an existing program that covert the sector of transportation in metropolitan areas. During the bachelor and master course I could gain knowledge on the use of software related to data management, remote sensing and geographic representation-analysis. Othe courses related to economic estimation of impacts derivative from the interventions. Hope to make a path on an new urban experience. Linguistics soft skills: English, Italian, Albanian.
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