#Internet of Things

Topic within Digital City
Francien Huizing, Program Director at Amsterdam InChange, posted

Wicked Problems

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Te wicked? Niet voor ons.

Wij werken allemaal aan urgente, complexe, maatschappelijke uitdagingen. Issues die schier onoplosbaar lijken, van dilemma’s en paradoxen omgeven, nog niet duidelijk hoe het moet. Wel is duidelijk dát het moet, dat we elkaar nodig
hebben en dat we er NU aan moeten beginnen. Om met de woorden van Jan Rotmans te spreken; we leven niet in een tijdperk van verandering maar in een verandering van tijdperk. En hier hoort een nieuwe gereedschapskist bij.

En of je nou aan energietransitie werkt, andere mobiliteitssystemen, creëren van waterstofhubs, peer to peer autodeelsystemen, het maakt niet uit, we zien dat al deze opgaven op enig moment tegen gelijksoortige barrières aanlopen. Op samenwerking, financiering, privacy, onvoldoende aansluiting op de maatschappij, om maar een paar voorbeelden te noemen.

Unieke samenwerking
Als Amsterdam Smart City netwerk willen en kunnen we deze opgaven niet laten liggen. Door het bundelen van onze kennis en expertise kunnen we als netwerk iets unieks bieden en de wil en durf tonen om deze barrières te doorbreken. De betrokken partners die dit uitdenken en begeleiden zijn RHDHV, Kennisland, Drift, NEMO, Arcadis, Alliander, HvA en Metabolic. Zij bundelen hun expertise en ervaring om de echte vragen boven tafel te krijgen, tot nieuwe manieren van samenwerken te komen en barrières te doorbreken. We richten ons met name op de start van de samenwerking. Gezamenlijk ontwikkelen we een ‘wicked problem aanpak’. Op een nieuwe manier, lerend door te doen, exploratief.

Waar moet je aan denken?
Wat is eigenlijk het echte probleem? Wiens probleem is dit? Hoe kijken anderen er tegenaan? Welke andere partijen lijken nodig? Hoe vind je ze? Hoe ga je om met eigenaarschap en botsende frames? Hoe zorg je dat je al in
een vroeg stadium de maatschappij (bewoners, ondernemers, werknemers, etc) betrekt en hun ervaringen in het project trekt? Het wicked problem team zet nieuwe methoden in voor het beantwoorden van deze vragen. En het creëren van de benodigde commitment om het vraagstuk aan te pakken. Niets staat van te voren vast, want we passen ons aan aan wat we tegenkomen. Met elkaar ontwikkelen we een nieuwe aanpak om de barrières te doorbreken.

Francien Huizing's picture #Energy
Sander van Lingen, Innovation Manager at Dell Technologies, posted

Blue Force Tracking

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Testing medical certified body sensors to detect unexpected behaviour, triggering an alert, which allows the command & control room to act and better support their fellow officers in the field.


Blue Force Tracking - Nalta Experience #1

How to improve the protection and safety of the Dutch Blue Force using smart Technology?
Nalta built a new innovative Internet of Things solution solving just that. In partnership with the Netherlands Police, the municipality of Amsterdam, Johan Cruijff Arena, Dell Technologies and Dell Boomi we cre

Nalta YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_cyFp_XGLFA)

Sander van Lingen's picture #DigitalCity
Yvo Hunink, Concernadviseur Innovatie at Gemeente Den Haag, posted

Conscious Cities

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How might we automate access to a public digital ecosystem for citizens and machines in order to grow a conscious city? How might we incentivize all citizens and companies to interact with the public digital ecosystem of the city in order to improve livability, democratic representation and societal engagement?

Read our ecosystem document

Join our online ecosystem platform

Yvo Hunink's picture #DigitalCity
Daan Groenink, Innovation at City of Amsterdam: Digitalization & Innovation, posted

Digital Perimeter

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By implementing innovative smart & digital solutions, the digital perimeter allows us to experiment with applications that deliver safety & security while providing the visitor with an even better fan experience.

Please do share your comments and thoughts with us as we are currently exploring our technical options with partners within the eco-system.

Daan Groenink's picture #DigitalCity
Burcu Kuzlak, Program Manager 5G at City of Amsterdam: Digitalization & Innovation, posted


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5G will be the new generation of mobile connectivity. The connection will be faster and more reliable, and will bring previously unknown possibilities for citizens and business. Amsterdam is exploring the opportunities and obstacles on the road to a safe and useful 5G network. One of the ways we do this is with our field lab in Amsterdam South East, from the train station to the Johan Cruijff ArenA. But also through regional, national and international collaborations.

Burcu Kuzlak's picture #DigitalCity
Francisco Duarte, CEO , posted

Pavnext - technological pavements

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Pavnext´s solution consists of a road pavement equipment that allows kinetic energy to be extracted from vehicles and consequently reduce their motion speed without any action of the driver and without impacting the vehicle, thus promoting road safety at locations where it is required to circulate at low speed. The energy captured is then converted into electrical energy, which is produced without associated emissions and can be used in public street lighting, crosswalks, sensors, traffic lights, charging electric bicycles or even injected into the power grid. Additionally, Pavnext also provides real-time data regarding traffic and velocity, as well as generated and consumed energy, which are sent to the cloud and later used to generate reports and to optimize energy consumption in real time, promoting energy efficiency.

We are looking for new international partners that are interested in implementing pilot plants with us, to help us validate our product and reach TRL9. Please don´t hesitate to contact us if you´re interested.

Francisco Duarte's picture #SmartCityAcademy
Nancy Zikken, Trade developer Smart City / Sustainable Built Environment at Amsterdam Trade, posted


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As part of the TechConnect action programme, a number of initiatives are being launched to increase equal opportunities in the tech sector by making related study programmes and tech jobs accessible to everyone. In practice, this means that thousands of women, people from disadvantaged neighbourhoods and owners of SMEs will be trained to become coders, data analysts, growth hackers, UX designers or tech administrators.

For more information, visit the website: <https://techconnect.city/>

Nancy Zikken's picture #DigitalCity
Jasper Soetendal, Partner at City of Amsterdam: Digitalization & Innovation, posted

Amsterdam Open Beacon Network

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The City of Amsterdam is exploring the opportunities of a city wide, open beacon network. Currently 200 beacons are installed on almost all bus- and tram stops in the innercity. This is a first step. At this current stage, we want to involve app developers in the use case exploration for such a network.
We would like to invite you to test the open beacon network, and find out what kind of opportunities arise for your business.

Join the Google Group <https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/amsterdam-open-beacon-network> to get instant access to the Amsterdam Open Beacon Network and start using the beacons by adding your attachments in your own namespace.

Jasper Soetendal's picture #DigitalCity
AYA Nuray Gokalp, Founder at Amsterdam Tech City => Global Tech City, posted

Amsterdam Tech City => Global Tech City

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An innovative and intuitive platform made for streamlining and forging meaningful connections between like-minded, influential, and invested partners in order to efficiently make real progress towards achieving the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals for a better world.

AYA Nuray Gokalp's picture #DigitalCity
Amsterdam InChange, Connector of opportunities at Amsterdam InChange, posted

Amsterdam Innovation Arena

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We combine all aspects of cities, hotspots and venues into a powerful place to innovate

CEO of the Johan Cruijff ArenA Henk Markerink has commented on the importance of the ArenA collaborating with partners to realise innovations, instead of going it alone. As such, the innovation deal sees the Johan Cruijff ArenA work closely together with other companies, knowledge institutions, the municipal authorities, residents and visitors.

Amsterdam InChange's picture #DigitalCity
Amsterdam InChange, Connector of opportunities at Amsterdam InChange, posted

MX3D Bridge

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We are creating an innovative metal 3D printing technology with a high deposition rate and almost unlimited building enveloppe. To show what our technology is capable of we are 3D printing a 12 meter stainless steel bridge for the City of Amsterdam.


Amsterdam InChange's picture #DigitalCity
Emma van der Veen, New business development | Product Management at Philips, posted

IoT Living Lab

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Smart Citizens are making Smart Cities by working together in solving
challenges their communities are facing. The IoT Living Lab promotes IoT interactivity in public spaces to encourage citizens and cities in testing and prototyping innovations. The new project ‘the City Innovation Exchange Lab’ extends this effective bottom-up approach globally.

For more information about CITIXL please visit www.citixl.com

Emma van der Veen's picture #DigitalCity