
Topic within Mobility
Amsterdam Smart City, Connector of opportunities at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

How to move the masses

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Hoe zorgen we ervoor dat grote evenementen in 2020, zoals SAIL, goed te bereiken zijn?
De Dutch Grand Prix in Zandvoort, UEFA 2020 en SAIL 2020 in Amsterdam. Verschillende grote, internationale events vinden in 2020 plaats in Nederland. Er worden honderdduizenden mensen verwacht die naar deze evenementen komen. Hiervoor moet een stad of gebied om kunnen gaan met een grote massa mensen. Hoe zorgen we dat grote evenementen bereikbaar zijn, en welke manieren van reizen zijn daarvoor beschikbaar? Welke innovaties kunnen hierbij helpen? Samen met partners van Amsterdam Smart City gaan we in gesprek over de bereikbaarheid van grote evenementen zoals SAIL2020.

Amsterdam Smart City's picture Event on Jan 14th
Joshua Serrão, Innovation Officer at City of Amsterdam: Digitalization & Innovation, posted

Public opening of the Amsterdam Drone Week 2019

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The European Union wants to be at the forefront of exploring the use of urban airspace. This would drastically change the way we experience our cities. What would this mean for Amsterdam or other European capitals? Are we finally getting the flying car? What is the impact on the livability and the sustainability of our cities? Together with experts from the industry, science, government and the public, we will explore this - not so distant - future.

The future is now. How to build urban aviation? What practical applications of drones are useable now? Nick Cornelissen, a robotica specialist at Waternet, will talk about the use of drones in watermanagement. And Jeroen van den Tweel, a security manager at ProRail, will talk about the use of drones in rail maintenance.

To enable safe, secure and regular drone services in our cities, a new airspace infrastructure is demanded. What are the challenges and possibilities to create a new secure infrastructure for drones in urban areas? How will drones be allowed to move, and how can they be integrated into the social structure? Petra Dalunde, Chief Operating Officer at Kista Science City in Stockholm, will tell us about her research Urban Drone Testbed.

Petra Dalunde, Vassilis Agouridas, AIRBUS and Martijn Lugten, AMS Institute, will discuss the future of urban air mobility.

At the end of the evening I will talk about the perspective of the city of Amsterdam.

Please register, come and join the conversation at Pakhuis de Zwijger on the 3rd of december.

Joshua Serrão's picture Event on Dec 3rd
Leontine Born, Coordinator Research and Education at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, posted

EyeBeacons: Wayfinding in Public Spaces

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Navigating from A to B is an essential part of our daily lives.
Unknown routes, busy places and unexpected obstacles are a big challenge for everyone, regardless of what your eyesight is. For people with a visual impairment, this process is primarily a task because they have limited use of spatial orientation and directions in the environment. The EyeBeacons project investigated how new technologies can support people with a visual impairment when navigating through the city.

For more information you can get in contact with Joey van der Bie, researcher at the Digital Life Centre of the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. Follow this link for further details.

Leontine Born's picture #Mobility
Anonymous posted

Hely Start in December Zuidas' Eerste MaaS-dienst.

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Medio december 2019 opent Hely haar tiende mobiliteitshub aan het Summertime complex, wat het eerste Mobility as a Service concept op de Zuidas zal zijn. Met een Hely abonnement kan de gebruiker diverse soorten deelvervoer van verschillende aanbieders huren via één app. Hierdoor kan de consument ieder moment op zijn ideale manier van a naar b komen.

Hely is de snelst groeiende MaaS-aanbieder van Nederland, met negen mobiliteitshubs in zes grote steden binnen anderhalf jaar. In december dit jaar opent Hely haar tiende hub op de Zuidas. Deze Hely Hub zal uitgerust worden met diverse soorten deelvervoer van Hely’s mobiliteitspartners, waaronder MyWheels en Urbee. Zo komen er verschillende soorten auto’s, e-bikes en elektrische bakfietsen. De diversiteit aan vervoermiddelen en de directe verbinding met het openbaar vervoer helpt de reiziger met het samenstellen van zijn ideale reis, zonder gedoe met verschillende apps en accounts.

Een Hely abonnement geeft toegang tot alle vervoermiddelen en hubs van Hely binnen dezelfde stad. In Amsterdam bijvoorbeeld heeft Hely naast de Zuidas nog twee hubs, welke allemaal toegankelijk zijn met hetzelfde abonnement. Naast een kleine abonnementsprijs van €4,95 per maand betaalt de gebruiker per vervoermiddel een vast uurtarief. In tegenstelling tot veel mobiliteitsaanbieders, biedt Hely een all-in concept: geen borg, geen extra kilometer- of servicekosten en brandstof is altijd inbegrepen. Zo weet de gebruiker altijd waar hij aan toe is, ongeacht het vervoermiddel dat hij kiest.

Naast MaaS voor de consument, biedt Hely ook een zakelijk product aan: Hely For Business. Met een Hely For Business account kan een bedrijf al haar medewerkers van mobiliteit voorzien en toch besparen op kosten en CO2-uitstoot. Met deelvervoer worden de voertuigen namelijk veel efficiënter ingezet, waardoor minder vervoermiddelen en parkeerplekken nodig zijn. Bovendien kan dit bedrijven ook helpen met af komen van vele langdurige leasecontracten en stilstaande wagenparken. Met de komst van Hely Hub Zuidas hoopt Hely nog meer bedrijven te kunnen helpen met het efficiënter en duurzamer inrichten van hun mobiliteit.

Anonymous posted

SAE International Goes “Micro” to Expand View of Mobility

At SAE International, our charge is to embrace opportunities and tackle challenges presented by the evolving mobility landscape. As new players emerge in the mobility space that promote free and easy movement, we’ve expanded our view of mobility to include micromobility.

Leveraging recent strides in vehicle and communication technologies, micromobility aligns with SAE’s commitment to advancing mobility knowledge and solutions for the benefit of humanity. SAE is a neutral party that convenes mobility communities to foster innovation in support of the safe and sustainable deployment of mobility solutions.

Leontine Born, Coordinator Research and Education at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, posted

EyeBeacons: Veilig Navigeren voor Blinden en Slechtzienden

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Op dinsdagmiddag 10 December 2019 vindt het eindseminar plaats van het onderzoeksproject EyeBeacons: Wayfinding in Public Spaces. Dit project is onder eindverantwoordelijkheid van Joey van der Bie uitgevoerd, onderzoeker bij Digital Life | Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. Tijdens dit eindseminar wordt u bijgepraat hoe EyeBeacons mensen met een visuele beperking kunnen ondersteunen bij het navigeren in de openbare ruimte. Daarmee wordt een verbetering bewerkstelligd in hun mobiliteit, onafhankelijkheid en sociale participatie.

Leontine Born's picture Event on Dec 10th
Juliana Obynochnaya, development manager , posted

2nd International Smart City Dialogue on Urban Mobility

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Far beyond of standard event shapes the UMD creates a very special and familiar atmosphere, where governmental representatives, businessmen, academicians and public activists can develop unusual thoughts, discuss controversial opinions and constitute new creative development steps together. Leaving business role-playing behind, acting more as important particles of an urban organism, UMD experts bring in their different views, positions and intentions in a novel way. The UMD enables the various stakeholders in Urban Mobility to achieve new understandings and to create new solution paths for the sustainable future of mobility, and UMD wants and needs each of you for its strategic lab. Next to amazing presentations and descriptions of real life scenarios, the UMD’s new discussion formats and social interactions will pave the ground for 4 days of collaborative thinking and future acting.

Juliana Obynochnaya's picture Event from Nov 13th to Nov 16th
Anne Wijnen, Programmamaker Mobiliteit & Technologie at Pakhuis de Zwijger, posted

Duurzaam Bereikbaar

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Fietsen is gezond en slechte lucht niet, zover zijn we, maar hoe maken wij Amsterdam duurzaam bereikbaar? En waarom willen we dat? Wat is de impact van beweging en slechte lucht op de volksgezondheid en de levensverwachting van de gemiddelde Amsterdammer? En hoe kunnen ondernemers goed gedrag stimuleren. Samen met ondernemersvereniging Breikers gaan we op zoek naar hoe ondernemers kunnen bijdragen aan duurzame bereikbaarheid en de samenhang met modern werkgeverschap.

Anne Wijnen's picture Event on Nov 22nd
Anonymous posted

Bewonersavond: ervaringen van Elektrische rijders

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Het openbare laadnetwerk is de afgelopen tien jaar uitgegroeid naar ruim 3.000 laadpunten in de stad. De verwachting is dat het aantal Amsterdamse e-rijders sterk zal stijgen in de komende jaren. Bij de verdere uitbreiding van het laadnetwerk neemt de Gemeente graag de ervaringen mee van Amsterdamse e-rijders.

Daarom organiseren we een bijeenkomst. Als u in Amsterdam woont en in een elektrische auto rijdt (of in de afgelopen 10 jaar reed) dan bent u van harte uitgenodigd! We horen graag meer over uw ervaringen en behoeftes rondom het openbare laadnetwerk.

We vertellen over de ontwikkeling van het Amsterdamse laadnetwerk en gaan graag met u in gesprek met vragen als: Hoe verliep bij u de omschakeling naar elektrisch vervoer? Kunt u altijd laden bij u in de buurt? Wat heeft de toekomstige E-rijder nodig? Wat is de impact van de groei van het aantal elektrische rijders en het netwerk op de openbare ruimte? Graag luisteren we naar uw ervaringen.

Event on Nov 18th
Gijs Boerwinkel, Head of communications at Waag, posted

Grip op fietsdata

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Via routeplanners, deelfietsen en camera’s wordt veel data verzameld binnen de mobiliteitssector. Inzichten uit deze data kunnen van grote waarde zijn voor verschillende partijen in de stad. Maar de fietser is nog grotendeels een blinde vlek in dit geheel. Met als gevolg dat de doorstroming van fietsen veel minder goed kan worden geholpen dan van auto’s. Hoe kunnen we de beschikbare data beter ontsluiten, op een manier die eerlijk is en de fietser controle geeft?

Gijs Boerwinkel's picture Event on Oct 31st
Gijs Boerwinkel, Head of communications at Waag, posted

'Are you following me?'

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Wil jij als webdeveloper websites bouwen zonder dataslurpers toe te laten? Wil jij gebruikers van je website niet dwingen gegevens te delen met Facebook of Google? Wil jij open, eerlijke en inclusieve alternatieven onderzoeken die je als web developer kan inzetten in je werk?

Tijdens deze informele meetup maken we web-developers beter bekend met gevolgen van de keuzes die ze maken wanneer ze bv. Google / Facebook tools integreren in de sites die ze bouwen. We kijken naar welke alternatieven er mogelijk zijn, waarbij we ons specifiek richten op open alternatieven voor Google Maps door middel van alternatieve open source javascript-libraries met data van o.a. de Nederlandse overheid en OpenStreetMap.

Kom naar de meetup over geolocatie applicaties in samenwerking met Unc Inc.
Meld je hier aan en vergeet niet je laptop mee te nemen.

- 18:15 Ontvangst bij UncInc met pizza
- 19:00 Introductie Public Stack (Sander van der Waal, Lead Future Internet Lab, Waag)
- 19:20 Alternatieven voor Google Maps (Niene Boeijen, WebMapper)
- 19:45 Workshop alternatieven geolocatie applicaties
- 21:30 Einde

Gijs Boerwinkel's picture Event on Oct 22nd
Gijs Boerwinkel, Head of communications at Waag, posted

Wat zijn datacommons?

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Het gebruik van data neemt sterk toe, ook in de mobiliteitssector. Denk daarbij aan OV-data, maar ook aan data van bijvoorbeeld routeplanners, e-steps en deelfietsen. Inzichten uit deze data kunnen van grote waarde zijn. Hoe gaan we daarmee om? Wat gebeurt er met onze data? En welke invloed hebben burgers op het gebruik van hun data? Tijdens deze startbijeenkomst van het Mobiliteitslab verkennen we de toekomst van mobiliteit en datacommons met onderzoekers, gebruikers en andere experts.

Op deze avond verkennen we de toekomst van mobiliteitsdata. Wat is een aangename stad om in te leven? En hoe kunnen datastromen gebruikt worden om de infrastructuur te optimaliseren? Deze publieksavond is de kans om jouw perspectief te laten horen. De input op de avond zal worden meegenomen naar de designbijeenkomsten van het Mobiliteitslab Fietsdatacommons.

In het Mobiliteitslab Datacommons wordt onderzocht hoe het gebruik van fietsdata kan worden vormgegeven. Dat wordt gedaan aan de hand van het concept van datacommons. Datacommons zijn dataplatformen voor gemeenschappelijk gebruik waarbij de gemeenschap gezamenlijk de regels voor toegang en gebruik opstelt. De datacommons zijn een nieuwe manier om de data te organiseren en terug te geven aan de burger.

Het Mobiliteitslab Fietsdatacommons wordt georganiseerd door CTO Amsterdam, Vervoerregio Amsterdam en Waag. Aan de hand van welke randvoorwaarden de partijen data willen delen binnen datacommons wordt samengewerkt. Deze startbijeenkomst is één van de twee publieksavonden die wordt georganiseerd. Daarnaast worden er ook designsprints georganiseerd waarvoor inwoners, ondernemers en beleidsmakers zullen worden uitgenodigd.

Ruben Verborgh is professor semantisch-webtechnologie aan de Universiteit Gent en onderzoeker aan de Decentralized Information Group van MIT. Samen met Tim Berners-Lee, uitvinder van het www, werkt hij aan Solid: een nieuwe architectuur voor het web.

Gijs Boerwinkel's picture Event on Sep 26th
David Eskilsson, CEO at Edeva, posted

Searching for early adopter for Smart city traffic system!

With 45 Actibump installations in Sweden and 7 in Australia Edeva are now looking for a first customers in The Netherlands.
The Actibump is a dynamic speed bump. In combination with the web service EdevaLive (SaaS) this a real Smart City System.
Besides safe and accessible pedestrian crossings the system generates loads of data in real time.
We are offering the first customers to rent the system during a test period.
Please read more at http://www.actibump.com and get in touch with david.eskilsson@edeva.se to get the offer!

The test-site we’re looking for has the following properties:
• Speeding issues
• >2000 vehicles/day
• Pedestrians and/or cyclists crossing
• Speed limit 50 km/h or lower
• On an active bus route

There is no upper limit on the number of vehicles per day. There is also no upper limit to how heavy the heavy traffic may be. If the road can handle the load, then so can the Actibump.

David Eskilsson's picture #Mobility
Mathilde Delrocq, Research intern , posted

Looking for a job opportunity

I’m enrolled in the Master’s Degree of Urban Planning and Cities Development in Strasbourg (France) and currently I’m a Research Intern on Mobility for the Brussels Studies Institute. I will graduate at the beggining of September. I really want to work in Smart Cities and Mobility , especially with my background as Urban Geographer and several experiences in France and Belgium

Mathilde Delrocq's picture #Mobility
Marieke Meijer, Communication at City of Amsterdam, posted

Week van Schoon Vervoer - 16-22 september

Van 16 tot en met 22 september organiseert Amsterdam de Week van Schoon Vervoer. Eén van de activiteiten tijdens deze week vindt plaats op 20 en 21 september; een groot proefritten-evenement bij het Olympisch Stadion. Maar er is zo veel meer te zien en ervaren op het gebied van schoon vervoer in de stad! Meedoen door een leuke of interessante activiteit rondom duurzaam vervoer te organiseren? Laat zien welke oplossingen er zijn, welke voordelen schoon vervoer de stad biedt of laat Amsterdammers het zelf ervaren!

Wil je zelf ook een activiteit organiseren in deze week? Bijvoorbeeld de buurt mobiliseren voor een duurzaam vervoersconcept? Met een festiviteit aandacht vragen voor het belang van duurzaam vervoer in onze stad of voor de mogelijkheden die er tegenwoordig allemaal zijn? Of Amsterdamse kinderen kennis laten maken met schone voertuigen? Laat het ons weten! We nemen dan contact met je op over de mogelijkheden om de activiteit een mooie plek te bieden in dit stadsbrede programma.

Meld je aan via: https://www.amsterdam.nl/parkeren-verkeer/amsterdam-elektrisch/nieuws/week-schoon-vervoer/

Marieke Meijer's picture #Mobility
Amsterdam Smart City, Connector of opportunities at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

Event report: Will the cities of the future be car-free?

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Climate change, air pollution and lack of space - issues to a lot of cities. Is the solution to become car-free? The third day of the urban festival WeMakeThe.City festival saw experts from industry, academia and government come together to discuss the future of urban mobility during the “Autoluwe Stad” conference. Read the report, written by Ellie Roy.

Rethinking the role of cars

Rogier Elshout, moderator of the conference, started by asking the audience: “What should the city of Amsterdam aim to achieve by 2040? Should the city become emission-free, completely car-free or should the government just leave things as they are?” The audience clearly favoured a city in which pollution was avoided and the role of cars reduced. Like many other cities worldwide, Amsterdam has already set a concrete goal for the future: by 2030 the city will be emission-free for all forms of transportation. In order to make this happen, sustainable alternatives to the car need to play a larger role.

For the last decades cities, including Amsterdam, have focused on a car-centred design. Max Hirsh, research professor at the University of Hong Kong, explained how this poses a challenge: “For many people not having a car would lead to a reduction in quality of life. This issue is particularly relevant for those living on the outskirts of the city where the public transport network is more limited. This results in a phenomenon referred to as the “last mile problem” - the challenge of connecting transportation hubs with people’s final destination. While this problem persists, cars will remain the dominant mode of transportation.”

For improvements to be made, Max believes that the relationship between the car and the city needs to be reconsidered fundamentally. In order to do this “we need to start by looking at people’s desires and needs - rather than telling people how they should live. We should look at how they are living and ask them if they necessarily need a car to achieve these different tasks.” In his opinion, providing cheaper and more convenient alternatives is the solution to changing people’s behaviour. Innovations in e-commerce and logistics could play an important role. For instance, home delivery services and airport luggage collection would provide people with an alternative to transporting heavy items themselves, therefore reducing the reliance on the car.

Making car-free make sense

The City of Amsterdam is already taking steps towards reducing car dependence by investigating and implementing cleaner and smarter mobility options. Sharon Dijksma, Deputy Mayor for Traffic, Transport, Water and Air Quality, explained the city’s plans for the coming years. “We want more space and better air quality, therefore it is necessary to reduce the space for cars in the city in favour of cyclists, pedestrians and other modes of transport. In order to achieve this, a variety of new concepts are being tested. For example, in many neighbourhoods “eBuurthubs” will be developed together with residents. These are places where different types of sustainable mobility will be clustered, allowing alternatives to private car ownership (such as e-bikes and shared cars) to become more accessible.”

In addition, the city has conducted research into the feasibility of becoming less car dependent. A so-called “travel test” was conducted, in which 70 people handed in their car keys in exchange for a budget to spend on alternative modes of transport. Diederik Basta from Amsterdam’s CTO Office and Marije van Gent, researcher at the Hogeschool van Amsterdam, discussed the outcomes of this experiment. Diederik explained that one of the most surprising conclusions was that none of the participants finished the 500 euro budget. Furthermore, one third of the participants decided to give up their car after the experiment. Marije pointed out that most people participating in the study were already considering going car-free. However, the results illustrate that being less car dependent is definitely a feasible option.

In many cities worldwide, Uber has become one of the companies helping to make car-free alternatives become more feasible. More than just a taxi company, Uber is expanding its services to include sustainable mobility options. Thijs Emondts, general manager of Uber Benelux, presented the company’s new vision. “Ultimately taxis and cars were just the start, the strategy is to become a platform for all forms of mobility”. Ride shares, e-bikes and public transport will all be incorporated into the platform. An entire journey could be made using one app, allowing sustainable alternatives to become easily accessible. This type of service could provide the city with many benefits. Sharon Dijksma was clear to emphasise the importance of policies to regulate new services, particularly in relation to data collection and privacy. “Anyone offering mobility services in the city also needs to be held accountable”.

Greener streets

Of all of the initiatives presented during the conference, one of the most striking was the redevelopment of the Frans Halsbuurt, initiated by residents of the neighbourhood. The Frans Halsbuurt is an area in Amsterdam characterised by narrow streets and many pedestrians and cyclists. Residents put pressure on the local municipality to remove all parking spaces and redesign the public space to create a better living environment. Peter Ulle, senior designer for the project, explained how collaboration with the residents was made a priority and used to establish the starting points for the design. A rough sketch of what the area might look like in 2020: an impressive vision of green public space. It made the audience wonder: is this what the car-free city will look like...?

Text and photos: Ellie Roy

Amsterdam Smart City's picture #Mobility
Lizann Tjon, Program Manager Innovation at City of Amsterdam, posted

Start Smart Mobility Amsterdam 2019 - 2025

An accessible, liveable and less polluted city: this is what we’d like to achieve for residents, visitors and businesses in Amsterdam today and for future generations.
Smarter and cleaner mobility can help us realise these aims. As a city, we want to offer Amsterdammers, commuters and visitors alternatives to the present forms of mobility, providing a door-to-door solution and contributing to our aims. This includes shared electric transport, from cars to bikes, in ‘Neighbourhood eHubs’ (eBuurthubs) established in cooperation with local residents. That way, we can use clean modes of transport and create more space in the city by sharing. We can then use this extra space to improve liveability.

More info on www.amsterdam.nl/smartmobility

Lizann Tjon, Program Manager Innovation at City of Amsterdam, posted

Program Smart Mobility Amsterdam 2019 - 2025

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An accessible, liveable and less polluted city: this is what we’d like to achieve for residents, visitors and businesses in Amsterdam today and for future generations. Smarter and cleaner mobility can help us realise these aims. As a city, we want to offer Amsterdammers, commuters and visitors alternatives to the present forms of mobility, providing a door-to-door solution and contributing to our aims. This includes shared electric transport, from cars to bikes, in ‘Neighbourhood eHubs’ (eBuurthubs) established in cooperation with local residents. That way, we can use clean modes of transport and create more space in the city by sharing. We can then use this extra space to improve liveability.
More info and link to the program via www.amsterdam.nl/smartmobility

Check the report:



To achieve the ambitions, we will start working with two program lines:

1. Data and digitization
This program line helps the municipal organization digital tools and skills to ensure sufficient control in the future be able to rely on mobility in the city and around
improve quality in public spaces. We are working towards a mobility center of the
future. For this we will use the take the following steps:
• A shared basis: building a strong one data position
• A level playing field: frameworks
• Learning by doing: from traffic management to mobility management
• Ready for the future: aware of the consequences of digitization of mobility

2. Innovative mobility solutions

In this program we work together on concrete smart and clean alternatives to transport, so that Amsterdammers and visitors to the city are less dependent on their own car. We do this by setting up projects in certain urban areas and for specific target groups. We also focus on smart city logistics and we explore the possibilities of transport by water and air. Special attention is given to vulnerable groups and Amsterdam residents with a small grant. We improve the range of new affordable mobility concepts and increase demand, we grow into smart mobility city number 1 with a better and accessible mobility system for everyone. For this we will include the following in this program:

• Smart organization of mobility in the city: travelers are working on alternatives to possessing cars and initiating behavioral change.
• Smart fitting and efficient deployment of new mobility solutions: creating space for new concepts in the city and scaling up
• Anticipate on technological innovations: insights into new opportunities and collaborations. The report contains an overview of the various projects started in the previous program that are still running and newly started activities.

Cornelia Dinca, International Liaison at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

Amsterdam Smart City Mobility Experience: Delegation Report

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On May 9, Amsterdam Smart City hosted a municipal delegation from Leverkusen, Germany which was led by Mayor Uwe Richrath. The City of Leverkusen is currently developing its "Mobility Concept 2030+” — a strategic vision for how people and goods will move around their city in the future. To add to the municipal leaders knowledge, the delegation participated in Amsterdam Smart City’s Mobility Experience.

On May 9, Amsterdam Smart City hosted a municipal delegation from Leverkusen, Germany which was led by Mayor Uwe Richrath. The City of Leverkusen is currently developing its "Mobility Concept 2030+” — a strategic vision for how people and goods will move around their city in the future. To add to the municipal leaders knowledge, the delegation participated in Amsterdam Smart City’s Mobility Experience.

“We have taken a lot of interesting facts, especially that change cannot be ordered by the administration and politics. It has to come from the people, which only works with very intensive public participation. The visit reassured us that we are on the right path to developing a vision for the future of mobility in Leverkusen in close consultation with citizens and stakeholders.”
— Uwe Richrath, Mayor Leverkusen Germany

The delegates were particularly interested in the process by which Amsterdam Smart City brings together various public and private stakeholders, and how it engages with citizens.

Throughout the day, the group met with various experts, including Dirk de Jager, district alderman for Amsterdam South-east who explained how Amsterdam transitioned from being car-oriented to a more sustainable mobility system by reallocating space from cars to bicycles. Dirk also introduced Amsterdam’s planned mobility policies through 2025, for instance the elimination of 10,000 parking places within the ring road of Amsterdam.

Sjors van Duren, from Royal Haskoning, was particularly inspiring, sharing examples and best practices from smaller municipalities in the Netherlands and Germany which the delegates could relate to.

Joris Hupperets of EV-Box explained the role EV-Box is playing in transitioning Amsterdam to a zero-emission future, as the City of Amsterdam will ban diesel and gasoline vehicles by 2030. Joris explained some of the key mechanisms and policies the City is using to implement this vision and how this will be done in an incremental way and in consultation with various stakeholders.
Joris Hupperets shares insights into Amsterdam's successful approach to electrification of transport
The delegation also met with Maarten Woolthuis, co-founder of BYCS who explained the role of the Bicycle Mayor program in shifting public perspectives and giving cyclists a voice in Amsterdam as well as internationally.

At the end of the day the delegates reflected on the most important lessons they would be taking back to Leverkusen:

  • A transition to a sustainable mobility system takes decades and the work is never finished.
  • It’s important to show people the positive benefits of change. For instance by explaining to car drivers that more cycling benefits all road users, including drivers themselves as there is less congestion and pollution as more people shift from driving to cycling.
  • Ambitious visions should be matched by clear strategies for how to achieve goals.
  • The Amsterdam Smart City program provided many helpful ideas for how to engage and communicate with stakeholders, especially citizens, about the future of mobility in Leverkusen.

When asked about the highlight of the day, most delegates agreed the bicycle tour led by Marjolein de Lange, cycling planning consultant, was an eye-opening and inspiring way to experience best practices and innovations first hand.

Delegation report by Cornelia Dinca, Amsterdam Smart City Delegations Lead. Photos by Thomas Schlijper.

Cornelia Dinca's picture #Mobility
Anonymous posted

Invitation Munich Mobility Programme @ WeMaketheCity Festival Amsterdam (17-22 June)

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Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

After the dutch royal couple visited Munich in 2016 the cooperation between the Region of Amsterdam, Utrecht Region and the City of Munich on Future and Green Mobility has been intensified.

In February 2017 a large delegation from Amsterdam and Utrecht visited Munich for an exchange on the topic „Full Mobility – More Public Space“ in order to learn about new mobilty concepts and solutions. In November 2017 a delegation from the Munich city council, administration and business visited Amsterdam and the Utrecht Region to get insights in the topics of urban mobility, sharing-mobility, public transport of the futures, E-mobility and Mobility as a Service in the Netherlands. In the framework of Dialoog Kreativ in Juli 2018 in Munich there was again a focus on Future Mobility. Representatives from Amsterdam, Utrecht and Munich worked together in the topics of cycling, cargobikes, 5G, smart mobilty and circular economy and much much more.

Now, soon, during the WeMakeTheCity festival in Amsterdam from 17th to the 22th of June 2019 Munich will again be present in Amsterdam on the topic of mobility.

Due to the close cooperation between the Amsterdam Region, Utrecht Region and Munich, during the WeMakeTheCity festival stakeholders from Munich will be present with keynotes, break-out sessions, pitches and interviews at the "Metropolitan Conference", dealing with mobility - a great opportunity to meet again!:

18 June: Getting Around Smart - Who's driving the digital revolution?
19 June: Car-reduces city
20 June: Green Logisitcs

We would be happy to welcome you in Amsterdam at our mobility events: https://wemakethe.city/nl/tickets
You are also happily invited for the Munich Networking Night at the 19th of June with talks, music and networking in the New Werktheater in Amsterdam. Please register at https://wemakethe.city/production/guest-city-munchen?ref=19148&lang=en&q=Munich

For more information you can visit the https://wemakethe.city website

Hope seeing you soon in Amsterdam!

Dipl. Geogr./M.Sc. (Physik)
Attila Lüttmerding

Landeshauptstadt München - Referat für Arbeit und Wirtschaft - Wirtschaftsförderung - Grundlagen der Wirtschaftspolitik
City of Munich - Department of Labor and Economic Development - Mobility
Herzog-Wilhelm-Str. 15 - 80331 München
Tel. +49/89/233-27668, Fax: -27966


Floris Beemster
Repräsentant in Deutschland
CTO office/Amsterdam Trade & Innovate at City of Amsterdam
+49 15758721498

Event from Jun 17th to Jun 19th