
Topic within Mobility
Tom van Arman, Director & Founder at Tapp, posted

Top 10 Reasons why The Netherlands is leading the future of mobility

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Last week we hosted The Future Of Mobility Workshop at the SmartCities NY ’18 Conference where we demonstrated how The Netherlands is the leader in smart, safe and sustainable mobility.

We divided the participants into 5 workgroups to speak with the industry leaders like Goudappel, Deloitte, TWTG, RAI / Intertraffic, Yazamtec, OC Mobility, 2GetThere, TomTom & Atos, Delivery-bike, Lumiguide to demonstrate Dutch solutions on themes “Future Mobility Planning”, “Smart Parking”, “Autonomous First And Last Mile Solutions”, “Urban Data And Smart Mobility Solutions”, & “Green Mobility”.

To see the video summary visit: https://youtu.be/HzDvvjSaOZk

There were 60 participants attending the workshop to learn from the experts and showcase why The Netherlands offers a rich ecosystem of world class suppliers, knowledge institutes and service providers. From design, architecture, car and equipment manufacture through to innovative new technologies and green smart mobility solutions.

Did you know:

1. The Dutch were the first to map the world in the Middle ages... TomTom Dutch company delivering over 550,000,000 (yes, 550 million) data points per day

2. The Netherlands is the only country in which real autonomous vehicles move people among normal traffic

3. With over 90,000 EVs charged every day, the Netherlands operates one of the world’s largest and most advanced charging infrastructures.

4. KPMG and Roland Berger named the Netherlands global frontrunner in Future mobility (prepared for Autonomous driving, disruptive tech)

5. NL is the only country in the world that facilitates multimodal trip planning with one chip card

6. >90% of the chips in your car, cellphone are produced on a machine built in the Netherlands/Brainport Eindhoven by ASML

7. In the Netherlands the world’s first shockwave reduction project, which applies car2x communication in ‘normal’ traffic, was introduced on a highway that is equipped with cooperative roadside units (WiFi-P)

8. The Netherlands is one of the safest countries in the world with the most bicycles fully integrated bicycles in the mobility system

9. The Netherlands has the most cost efficient public transport

10. The Dutch automotive sector employs 55,000 people, most of whom work in the ancillary supply domain.

The Future of Mobility Conference was organised by AMSiXL and Brainport Eindhoven

For more information about upcoming future mobility workshops contact me at: tom@tapp.nl

Tom van Arman's picture #Mobility
Mirko van Vliet, strategy at Amsterdam Economic Board, posted

How messages from public data can be delivered through design & art: example from NYC

Frequently I'm looking for open data about cities in the Netherlands and Europe. Often it requires me to dig deep, struggle and look for patterns in somewhat abstract and elusive datasets, which are hard to grasp.

Yet in the coming decades, the amount of public data will increase enormously and I believe we are now only scratching the surface of the powerful insights that remain covered. Design & Art expands the mind and can bring data alive. That's why I enjoyed this article about a newly installed art exhibit created in honor of NYC’s Open Data Week with new, interesting ways of representing data. I hope it may inspire you as well.

Perhaps a good source of inspiration for creating this in the city of Amsterdam and thinking about Smart City?


Mirko van Vliet's picture #SmartCityAcademy
Smart City Academy, posted

"City Brain can help solve urban issues in Amsterdam"

In a "city brain" government, businesses, and citizens bring together data, for example on traffic flows, garbage pick up and activities in the neighbourhood. This will give better insights in the issues in the city and possible solutions. Professor Nanda Piersma, professor of Urban Analytics at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences and Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica calls for a City Brain as a public service. She held her public lecture on 17th of April 2018.

Further tekst in Dutch.

Steden verzamelen steeds meer data, bijvoorbeeld over het groeiend gebruik van elektrische laadpalen, slimme vuilophaalsystemen en goede verkeersdoorstroming. De stad Amsterdam loopt in Nederland voorop in het verzamelen en publiceren van dergelijke ‘city data’. Datagedreven dienstverlening kan de stad leefbaarder maken, kosten besparen en verspilling verminderen. Voorwaarde is wel dat zo’n City Brain ook veilig, transparant en democratisch is. Dr. Nanda Piersma is als bijzonder lector Big Data in de stad verbonden aan de HvA (de faculteit Techniek en de faculteit Digitale Media en Creatieve Industrie) en het Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica (CWI). Zij pleit voor de ontwikkeling van een City Brain als openbare dienst, net als bijvoorbeeld voor water en elektriciteit.

Verantwoordelijke data science

Nanda Piersma: “Amsterdam heeft de ambitie om te groeien en staat daarom voor grote uitdagingen op het gebied van dienstverlening, mobiliteit, energiebehoefte, bestuurs- en samenwerkingsvormen en leefbaarheid. Door ICT en de beschikbaarheid van grote hoeveelheden informatie, Big Data, kunnen we veel problemen in de stad beter inzichtelijk maken en nieuwe oplossingen bedenken. In steden als Parijs, Singapore en Macau is de ontwikkeling van City Brains al een stap verder dan bij ons, bijvoorbeeld op het gebied van verkeersdoorstroming, parkeren, veiligheid en crowd control. Wat we daarvan kunnen leren is dat het essentieel is om de privacy van data te waarborgen. Privacy is een randvoorwaarde om mensen datagedreven oplossingen en intelligente systemen te laten vertrouwen. Ook moeten alle inwoners ervan kunnen profiteren en er invloed op kunnen uitoefenen. We hebben daarom een ‘verantwoordelijke’ data science nodig, met begrijpelijke, transparante en veilige datamodellen.”

Inclusieve datapraktijken

“Steden functioneren beter als ‘urban computing’ een openbare dienst wordt, net als voorzieningen voor water, elektriciteit en dergelijke”, stelt Piersma. “Een city brain is een data-analyse systeem, bedoeld om city services te verbeteren. De data zijn afkomstig uit verschillende bronnen en van verschillende eigenaren. Zo brengt het Citizens Data Lab van de HvA bewonersinitiatieven bij elkaar in het kader van empowerment. De gemeente Amsterdam heeft daarvoor veel open data beschikbaar gesteld. Bewonersinitiatieven als VoorElkaarInDeBuurt, JeKuntMeer, AtlasVanDeWijk en Buuv kunnen deel gaan uitmaken van het City Brain. Ook staat de ontwikkeling van een Amsterdam Data Exchange (AMDEX) op ons verlanglijstje. Dat moet een veilige digitale marktplaats worden voor bedrijven, organisaties en overheden, waar data kunnen worden samengebracht voor een specifiek doel. Bedrijven kunnen door het samenbrengen van databronnen bijvoorbeeld betere onderhoudsvoorspellingen doen voor vliegtuigen, doordat ze niet alleen over de eigen data beschikken, maar ook over die van collega-vliegmaatschappijen.”

Big Data-station

De komende jaren werkt het team van het lectoraat Big Data in de stad van de HvA en het CWI samen met de stad aan het City Brain Amsterdam. “Maar de ontwikkelingen in de data science gaan zo razendsnel dat je dit vak niet op de traditionele manier kunt inbedden in het onderwijs”, zegt Piersma. “Want tegen de tijd dat je je curriculum hebt aangepast is de nieuw ontwikkelde kennis allang weer achterhaald. Daarom gaan we een Big Data-station opzetten. Daarin werken studenten, onderzoekers en docenten samen met overheden en bedrijven aan de verdere ontwikkeling datagedreven services voor de stad.” Op 12 april werd bekend dat Nanda Piersma is benoemd tot Comenius Senior Fellow, een onderwijsinnovatieprogramma van het Nationaal Regieorgaan Onderwijsonderzoek (NRO). Het bedrag van 100.000 euro gaat ze besteden aan de ontwikkeling van het Big Data-station.

Smart City Academy's picture #SmartCityAcademy
L Persoons, posted

The Data Economy - How to Succeed in a World of Data and AI

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The Amsterdam Business School is honoured to invite Professor Viktor Mayer-Schönberger to speak about what companies will need to do in order to succeed in the new data economy. His lecture will take place on Friday 25 May.

Due to an abundance of data and the availability of data-driven machine learning systems, we are entering the world of the data economy, an economy in which data is replacing money as the main driver of market behavior. In this economy markets will soar, conventional firms will struggle and traditional financial institutions will face unlikely competition by small groups and individual actors. The future will be driven by data, but run by digital superstars. Avoiding this oligopolistic dystopia will require bold measures.

Event programme
18:00 – 18:45: Doors open, welcome drink
18:45 – 19:00: Welcome and introduction of Professor Mayer –Schönberger by Professor Marc Salomon (UvA - Amsterdam Business School)
19:00 – 21:00: Lecture + Q&A by prof. Mayer-Schönberger (University of Oxford)
21:00 – 22:00: Networking

UvA - Roeterseiland Campus
Seminar room C.1.04
Nieuwe Achtergracht 166, 1018 WV Amsterdam

Registration is mandatory.

About Viktor Mayer-Schönberger
Mayer-Schönberger, professor at the University of Oxford is the author of over a hundred articles and eleven books on the economics and governance of information, of which the most recent is 'Reinventing Capitalism in the Age of Big Data' (translated in Dutch: 'De Data-Economie', 2018 Maven Publishing). His other international bestsellers include 'Big Data
' (co-authored with Kenneth Cukier, translated into more than 20 languages), 'Learning with Big Data' (also co-authored with Cukier) and the award-winning 'Delete: The Virtue of Forgetting in the Digital Age'.

Event on May 25th
Smart City Academy, posted

Inaugural lecture Nanda Piersma - Big Data and Smart Cities

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Nanda Piersma is Professor Urban Analytics at the faculty Technology and the faculty Digital Media and Creative Industries of the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences together with her appointment at CWI.

Data has been collected since mankind, but in the recent years the technical innovations enable us to collect exponentially growing amounts of data through the use of sensors, smart devices and other sources. In her lecture Nanda will explore the role of Big Data in urban environments. She will give an introduction to the world of Big Data and Smart Cities, and an assessment of the role that data analytics plays in the current state of the digital transformation in our cities. Examples are given in the field of energy and mobility.

Finally, she will address how Urban Analytics research contributes to the international network of researchers and stakeholders of data science.

Tuesday 17 april 2018 at 16.00 hrs dr Nanda Piersma, Professor Urban Analytics at CWI and the AUAS, will give her inaugural lecture in the Kohnstammzaal at the Kohnstammbuilding, Wibautstraat 2-4 in Amsterdam. You are welcome from 15.30 hrs.

The Executive Board of the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences cordially invites you to attend this inaugural lecture.

Smart City Academy's picture Event on Apr 17th
Kate Black, Communications Director at Metabolic, posted

Metabolic Cities Program

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Given their immense ecological footprint and impact on human wellbeing, it is critical that cities make the transition to become sustainable and circular. Yet accessing the right resources and crafting the right policy isn’t easy. The Metabolic Cities Program is here to help.

For more information, read about the program here or look at the full Metabolic Cities Program brochure.

Get in touch by emailing <a>cities@metabolic.nl</a> or call +31 (0) 203690977

Kate Black's picture #CircularCity
Suzanne Ketelaar, Assistent Projectmanager at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, posted

Research into wishes and needs of the customer in the field of SmartHome

For my graduation assignment at PostNL I do research into the wishes and needs of the consumer in the field of SmartHome and then mainly focused on the installation of this. It is important for me to know what your wishes and needs are! The survey takes up to 6 minutes. (Please note that the survey is now only available in Dutch. If you are only English-speaking and would like to participate in the study, I am of course willing to translate the survey into English. )

Click on the link to go to the survey: https://hva.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_08swaKTe6orvMvH.

Suzanne Ketelaar's picture #SmartCityAcademy
Smart City Academy, posted

We successfully matched smart city researchers and professionals at our smart city academy event

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On the 16th of January 40 smart city professionals met our smart city researchers at the Amsterdam University of Applied Science. Our researchers presented their fields of knowledge, projects and tools. After which the Smart city professionals took the stage and pitched their smart city issues in order to win one of our research vouchers (equals one fulltime week of research). Each organization was matched with one of our researchers in order to start a research or student project.

The ambition of the smart city academy is to make our knowledge and tools more visible and applicable to smart city professionals. That’s why we for example presented our projects on upscaling, business models, entrepreneurship and learning, user design, stakeholder engagement and data. We showed a couple of our tools, like ‘the multi stakeholder multi criteria analysis’ (MAMCA), which can be uses to discuss and weight the interests of stakeholders in smart city initiatives. And our multi stakeholder business canvas, that is still in development, which helps finding a viable business model that suits the needs for all involved stakeholder your smart city project.

The researchers and organizations that brought up their smart city issue will continue with drawing up a research question which will be evaluated by the smart city academy professors; at the end of January. We will grant four research vouchers to the most promising combinations.

Big thanks to Mark Deakin for giving a key note on his research on sustainable smart city developments and offering a theoretical framework. And to those brave enough to climb up the soap box and present their smart city issue. We showed once again that a smart city is indeed a learning city!

Are you curious about our researchers and their ambitions? Starting a project together of doing a masterclass on one of the subjects mentioned above? Contact the academy at smartcityacademy@hva.nl and find us on the website.

Smart City Academy's picture #SmartCityAcademy
Smart City Academy, posted

We are looking for Smart City issues and research questions!

Our ambition is to do further research on Smart City projects and their ecosystem. Therefore, we are curious about your smart city issues and questions! Are you a company, foundation, government or startup with a challenge in health, mobility, energy or other smart city issues? Are you curious about the possibilities of big data, struggling to scale-up, wondering how to create effective partnerships, trying to make a business case for you smart city project?
Put your research question into the spotlight at our Smart City Academy event on the 16th of january and win a research voucher. This voucher gives you access to a researcher that will explore your issue for a week. We will try to formulate some first answers to your research question and explore further steps for research together with public or private companies.

If you're interested in pitching on this event, or want some further information, please contact smartcityacademy@hva.nl

For more information about the event, click here https://amsterdamsmartcity.com/events/elevate-smart-city-practice-ih01ygsv

Smart City Academy's picture #SmartCityAcademy
Zulfikar Dinar Wahidayat Putra, University Student , posted

looking for: Interviewee in the field of Environmental Aspect and Smart City

I am Zulfikar a master student of Urban Environmental Management in Wageningen University and Research.
Currently, I am conducting a thesis research with the title "The Interaction between Non-Government-based Smart City Projects and Government-based Environmental Management: The Case of Amsterdam". ​Basically, the research aims to investigate three elements, namely the smart city projects initiated by non-governmental parties, environmental management conducted by governmental parties, and their interaction with each other.​

Regarding that, I would like to talk to people who have knowledge about their smart city project and environmental aspects in Amsterdam. I need at least 2 persons from Amsterdam Smart City Platform, knowledge institutions, and/or companies.

The result of this research will benefit the Amsterdam Smart City platform and Amsterdam Municipality to understand about the linkage between smart city projects and environmental management of Amsterdam.

If you are the one, please let me know by contacting me via email zulfikar.dinar@gmail.com
Thank you for your help and attention.

Zulfikar Dinar Wahidayat Putra's picture #SmartCityAcademy
James Bell, Editor , posted

Amsterdam – A Data-driven City Of Europe

The smart city projects of Amsterdam overlay 8 primary categories that include big and open data, smart infrastructure, smart mobility, smart economy, smart society, smart areas, smart living and living labs.

James Bell's picture #SmartCityAcademy
Jurgen Rutgers, Managing Director , posted

Mobility Portal

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The Mobility Portal offers visitors of venues the best travel advice at that moment (real time), which they can immediately book online.

Smart Stories

Check the article about the Mobility Portal featured in our online magazine 'Smart Stories':

Jurgen Rutgers's picture #Mobility
Smart City Academy, posted


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Smart City Academy's picture #SmartCityAcademy
Brian Nap, Urban designer , posted

Meaningful Circular Metabolism

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Using flow analysis to validate and quantify the spatial impact of measurements for circularity and using urban design to see how these measurements can be integrated in the context of the city.

More information can be found in my booklet. Or for further information or requests I can be contacted. I will be happy to try and answer the questions/requests.

Meaningful Circular Metabolism

Meaningful Circulair Metabolism

Brian Nap's picture #Energy
Marije Poel, Programma manager at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, posted

Watch now the Webinar EIP-SCC on "organising smart city projects"

This webinar gives some insights into the research on 12 Amsterdam Smart City projects, conducted by the Amsterdam University of Applied Science together with Amsterdam Smart City.

From minute 9.37 onwards, professor van Winden presents the wide context of smart projects, focusing on non-technological aspects of smart city projects. He addresses several challenges commonly faced during smart projects; for example, the collaboration of organisations with different agendas and the involvement of different stakeholders and how to divide returns and risks. From minute 40 onwards professor van Winden answers some questions coming from the audience who attended the webinar live at the 6th of june.

Marije Poel's picture #SmartCityAcademy
Antoine Heideveld, Director at Het Groene Brein, posted

Knowledge map Circular Economy

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Knowledge map made by scientist and entrepreneurs to get easy acces to all kind of knowledge in the field of circular economy. More than 200 reports and books are summarized in an easy format. The knowledge map is up to date and will be refreshed twice a year. The map is coordinated by The Green Mind (Het Groene Brein): www.hetgroenebrein.nl

Antoine Heideveld's picture #CircularCity
Anonymous posted


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Share a ride, Toogethr.


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amsterdam.png EY logo.png

Alex Stewart, Director at ByteToken, Ltd, posted

KeyPass hands free mobile ticketing

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A Bluetooth solution that will allow operators to track passengers with valid mobile tickets and and let them pass through the gate with no user interaction.

Alex Stewart's picture #Mobility
Sladjana Mijatovic, Program Manager at City of Amsterdam, posted

Cross Chain Control for waste collection and processing

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Cooperation between companies in South East Amsterdam, waste collectors, start-ups and knowledge institutions on the realisation of a circular economy and the reduction in the number of journeys.

Sladjana Mijatovic's picture #CircularCity