#User involvement

Topic within Smart City Academy
Prashant Shukla, Savana Solutions , posted


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The app offers users a simple, yet effective way to manage their household waste more efficiently, as well as making sure the surrounding areas of their neighbourhood comply with waste management regulations too. Available on Google Play and Apple Store.

My Clean City App - How does it work?

My Clean City App - How To Report



Keep track of MyCleanCity through our:

Facebook: <http://bit.ly/2A6Hz4c>

Instagram: <http://bit.ly/2yPrLUV>

Twitter: <http://bit.ly/2AqPpsH>

Youtube Channel: <http://bit.ly/2j8LSVN>

Our Website: <http://bit.ly/2AoXaws>

Prashant Shukla's picture #Citizens&Living
Evert Kuiken, Manager operations and projectmanager , posted

Herman's Smart Grids

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Herman can switch energy produced by solar panels to a specific household connected to it. Herman's Smart Grid enables it to distribute energy to a connected storage device as well. And Herman's Smart Grid can switch on or off or even manage household appliances to balance energy produced and energy used. And it can do so several times a day.

Evert Kuiken's picture #Energy
Anonymous posted

AI and Big Data City Council Trial

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Citibeats is a start-up based in Barcelona and we have been awarded funding to launch a proof-of-concept (lasting one month) with a limited number of cities - at no cost to the city organisation.

Our software leverages AI and Big Data to promote a more responsive, transparent and inclusive governance; providing governments with accurate situational analysis and prioritisation of solutions in a city.

We have been recognised by the UN, European Commission and NTT Data for our work in this area (see the video below for more info): https://youtu.be/JlqFpgUIJMQ

Do you want to listen to your citizens’ voices?
Do you want to empower them to create actionable change that will improve the city?
At Citybeats, we are seeking launch partners to pioneer a new model for creating sustainable and engaging communities.

Visit <http://citibeats.net/> or contact <a>cquigley@thesocialcoin.</a>com for more info.

Social Coin: NTT Data Open Innovation Contest 2016 Winner

Ward Mesman, Adviseur Duurzaamheid at City of Amsterdam, posted

Circular Expo

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A temporary exposition from 9 till 27 October in the Herstelling at the Town Hall to provide practitioners of circular projects in the city and the municipality Amsterdam a place to show their work and take the spotlight. Learn what a circular economy is and how the whole city is working on becoming and staying circular.

Opening 9 October

End 27 October

Special program follows later

Do you have an innovative circular product or project and want to show it at the circulair expo? Contact Ward Mesman at w.mesman@amsterdam.nl

Ward Mesman's picture #CircularCity
Rozemarijn deFeijter, Development Manager Smart Living @ PostNL at PostNL, posted

PostNL Mailmen inform citizens about activities in the neighborhood

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Almost half of the citizens of Amsterdam is lonely. Therefore, Amsterdam has set up a network of stakeholders who want to fight loneliness. Cordaan and PostNL are part of this network. We see many activities that are already organized for people, that can help them to deal with loneliness. Cordaan, for instance, organizes daily activities for seniors. However, citizens are not always familiar with the possibilities to get help and the activities that are organized for them in their own neighborhoods. Only people who actively seek help themselves or get help via their general practitioner or family now profit from the help organized by welfare organizations.

To increase awareness about these activities and possibilities, and eventually increase participation, Cordaan and PostNL work together in a new experiment. This experiment is one of the 39 out of 116 experiments selected by the municipality to decrease loneliness in Amsterdam. Cordaan and PostNL will focus on lonely seniors. Cordaan will make a selection of addresses of possibly interested senior citizens in Banne Buiksloot in Amsterdam Noord and will inform them about the experiment by mail. A week later, the mailmen will ring the doorbell and ask questions such as: ‘Do you know about the activities organized for you in your neighborhood?’; ‘Would you like to participate in these activities?’; ‘Would you like to talk about the activities and possibilities with an employee of Cordaan?’. If the last question is answered with a ‘Yes’, an employee of Cordaan will make an appointment with the senior to determine which activities or what help would be suitable for that individual person.

PostNL investigates how it can react on a changing society by investigating new ways to leverage it’s network, with over 20.000 mailmen. This new role for the mailmen holds numerous advantages. The mailmen are well-know in the neighborhood and work for a trusted brand. Therefore, we believe people will be more inclined to answer their questions at the door, than they would be if the person at the door were a complete stranger. In addition, the mailmen are not affiliated with a healthcare or welfare organization, and can start a conversation from a more neutral perspective. Therefore, with this cooperation between Cordaan and PostNL, we hope to reach more seniors who would benefit from the activities and possibilities in the neighborhood. Eventually, we hope to decrease loneliness of senior citizens by increasing their network in the neighborhood and their participation in that network.

Rozemarijn deFeijter's picture #Citizens&Living
Beatriz Pineda Revilla, Researcher at University of Amsterdam (UvA), posted

CODALoop Amsterdam

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CODALoop is a EU-funded research project and a joint venture of different academic and non-academic partners in three countries, The Netherlands, Austria and Turkey and four cities, Amsterdam, Graz, Leibnitz and Istanbul. CODALoop Amsterdam is active in two neighborhoods, the Indische Buurt and Buiksloterham.

There is a tremendous urgency to reduce energy consumption to guarantee quality of life for future generations. In the light of the weak results of behavioral approaches and top-down investments on infrastructures for energy efficiency, such as grid management, smart meters and the like, innovative approaches to tackle this issue are required. CODALoop Amsterdam is a research project which uses a sociological approach and explores the extent to which social interactions, at the level of the neighborhood, are able to activate ‘energy consciousness’.

Beatriz Pineda Revilla's picture #Energy
Arjan Luiten, Senior Strategisch Consultant; Monitoring & Data Gedreven werken , posted

Het Vuilrak

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On a location in Haarlem we focus on co-creational development of circular solutions for businesses.

Arjan Luiten's picture #CircularCity
Jurgen Rutgers, Managing Director , posted

Mobility Portal

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The Mobility Portal offers visitors of venues the best travel advice at that moment (real time), which they can immediately book online.

Smart Stories

Check the article about the Mobility Portal featured in our online magazine 'Smart Stories':

Jurgen Rutgers's picture #Mobility
Sandy Reitsma, Communication & PR at The Great Bubble Barrier, posted

The Great Bubble Barrier

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Every year, more than 8 million tons of plastic pollution ends up in our oceans of which 60-80% originates from rivers. Plastic does not biodegrade and causes great harm to the environment. Marine life gets entangled in plastics, vessels get damaged and microplastics form a health hazard for the smallest to the largest organisms. The Great Bubble Barrier has developed a technology which can intercept plastic pollution in rivers before it reaches the ocean: the Bubble Barrier, a bubble curtain with a catchment system.

The first long-term Bubble Barrier in the world was placed in November 2019 at Westerdok in Amsterdam.

Watch the video of Bubble Barrier Amsterdam.

The bubble curtain is created by pumping air through a perforated tube on the bottom of the waterway. We make use of the natural flow of the river. The plastic waste will be directed to the side and into our catchment system at the riverbank, where it will be retained and removed from the water.

- It does not hinder ship traffic
- It covers the full width and depth of the waterway
- It allows fish to pass

Visit the Bubble Barrier Amsterdam at Westerdoksplein.

Will the next Bubble Barrier be in your river or city? Send The Great Bubble Barrier a message!

Sandy Reitsma's picture #CircularCity
Stephanie Akkaoui Hughes, Founder & CEO at AKKA Architects, posted

Social Mobility Rotterdam

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In collaboration with the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure, we are working on a new opportunity for social mobility. It is a program that supports start-ups (as well as other companies with a start-up service) who have a service in the field of Social Mobility. Social Mobility is about mobility services that can create social impact, either by servicing the less mobile users, the ones with less financial means, addressing loneliness, lack of education…etc. For example, think of people that need the soup kitchen or the salvation army but can’t afford getting there, or people that cannot go to job interviews because they can't afford the transport to get there and are therefore stuck in a vicious circle of poverty.

We are looking for social (mobility) entrepreneurs, testers and investors:

1. Social entrepreneurs: If you are or know of start-ups that have such social mobility services that would be interested in developing them, testing them with users, finding investment and scaling, please let us know! P.S: We are not only looking for start-ups, we are also welcoming established companies that have a 'start-up level' service.

2. Testers: they can be the end-users themselves or in-between organisations, such as the Salvation Army for example, which would have access to a large group of end-users. Do you have contacts of know someone that would be an early adopter of such innovative social mobility services, please put us in touch.

3. Investors: we are also looking for investors that would be interested in investing in social entrepreneurs to help create social impact. Do you have contacts or know a party that could be interested, please put us in touch.


Here you can see an earlier version of this program: http://www.rotterdammobilitylab.nl

Rotterdam Mobility Lab - De terugblik van de eerste editie

Rotterdam Mobility Lab - De Verkeersonderneming

Coen Bakker, Marketing Manager , posted

Mid-scale waste-to-value transformers, on-site

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Turn your last-night leftovers into energy that powers your household!

The Waste Transformers was started in 2012 by Lara van Druten. Lara had one goal: to create a flourishing business that inspires others to change the way that they deal with waste and to establish a business model able to balance financial, social and environmental returns. Today, the Waste Transformers are the recognised partner of choice for those with the ambition and courage to realize real, circular economies around waste.

The Waste Transformers creates another small-scale circular economy in Amsterdam

Coen Bakker's picture #Energy
Counter Content, posted

E-bike als oplossing voor onderhoud A10 West

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Vanaf 24 juli starten de werkzaamheden aan de A10 West, wat automobilisten hinder op gaat leveren. De FietsCoalitie, een samenwerking van verschillende bedrijven en overheden, heeft hier een oplossing voor bedacht. Met hun ‘A10 West dicht? Ga toch fietsen!’ zomeractie kunnen automobilisten een e-bike winnen voor de duur van de werkzaamheden aan de A10 West om zo de afstand tussen huis en het werk op een andere wijze, comfortabel af te leggen. Op deze manier wil De FietsCoalitie ook het fietsgebruik in de regio Zaanstad en Amsterdam stimuleren.

Maak kans op een e-bike voor zes weken!

De werkzaamheden door Rijkswaterstaat aan de A10 West bij Amsterdam beslaan een periode van zes weken. De eerste drie weken is de Noord-Zuid richting afgesloten en de overige drie weken de richting van Zuid naar Noord. Het verkeer zal omgeleid worden met alle hinder van dien. Om automobilisten een goed alternatief te bieden heeft De FietsCoalitie de campagne ‘A10 West dicht? Ga toch fietsen!’ opgezet.

In samenwerking met deelfiets bedrijf Urbee verloten zij 60 e-bikes voor de zes weken waarin de werkzaamheden plaatsvinden (10 fietsen per week). Daarnaast maken 10 personen kans op een Stromer, een high speed pedelec, die wordt geleverd door QicQ. De periode van de werkzaamheden valt voor de automobilisten precies in de zomervakantie, waardoor zij de gelegenheid krijgen om de e-bike ook in de vakantie te proberen.

Deelnemers kunnen zich aanmelden voor deze e-bike zomeractie op:


E-bike als alternatief voor de auto

Niet alleen wordt fietsen met een e-bike een stuk comfortabeler, ook zijn langere afstanden relatief snel (20 t/m 40 kilometer per uur) en gemakkelijker af te leggen. Daarnaast is de e-bike efficiënter dan een auto in de stad. De e-bike biedt een prima alternatief voor de auto bij woon-werk afstanden van wel 20 tot 40 kilometer. Daarnaast is de e-bike beter voor het milieu, de gezondheid en levert het een bijdrage aan het reduceren van files. De regio heeft een zeer goed fietsnetwerk wat fietsen hier nog aangenamer maakt.

“Naast dat wij automobilisten met deze actie een comfortabel alternatief bieden, is dit natuurlijk een uitgelezen kans om het fietsgebruik te stimuleren. Het verloten van een e-bike in plaats van een gewone fiets zal hierbij helpen. Het is immers prettiger fietsen met het gevoel de wind in de rug te hebben, dan er tegenin te moeten trappen. Je legt daardoor sneller en gemakkelijker grotere afstanden af, ook dus van en naar je werk.” aldus Helma Schenkeveld, partner in de FietsCoalitie.

Over De Fietscoalitie

De FietsCoalitie is een samenwerkingsverband tussen een aantal private partijen, de gemeenten Amsterdam en Zaanstad en diverse ondernemersverenigingen. De FietsCoalitie heeft als doel om vertraging tussen woon-werkritten te verminderen, bereikbaarheid van de regio te verbeteren en de lucht schoon te houden. Dit doen zij door, in samenwerking met lokale partijen en overheden, campagnes op te zetten die het fietsgebruik stimuleren.

Deze acties hebben met name betrekking op mensen die dagelijks voor het werk in of door het gebied Westpoort, Sloterdijk, Amsterdam-Noord en Zaanstad reizen. De FietsCoalitie wordt ondersteund door het programma Beter Benutten Metropoolregio Amsterdam. Binnen dit programma nemen het bedrijfsleven, het Rijk en regionale en lokale overheden tot 2018 ruim 30 maatregelen om de reistijd op de drukste knelpunten in de spits met 10 procent te verbeteren. Kijk voor meer informatie op: www.fietscoalitiesmartcity.nl.

Hannah Lennett, Outreach & Partnerships at OpenIDEO, posted

Join the $1 million #CircularDesign Challenge

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Organizations involved


The New Plastics Economy is an ambitious, three-year initiative to build momentum towards a plastics system that works. Applying the principles of the circular economy, it brings together key stakeholders to rethink and redesign the future of plastics, starting with packaging. The initiative is led by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation in collaboration with a broad group of leading companies, cities, philanthropists, policymakers, academics, students, NGOs, and citizens.

The initiative is supported by Wendy Schmidt as Lead Philanthropic Partner, and MAVA Foundation, Oak Foundation, and players of People’s Postcode Lottery (GB) as Philanthropic Funders. Amcor, The Coca-Cola Company, Danone, MARS, Novamont, PepsiCo, Unilever, and Veolia are the initiative’s Core Partners.


The Ellen MacArthur Foundation was created in 2010 to accelerate the transition to a circular economy. The Foundation works across five areas: insight and analysis, business and government, education and training, systemic initiatives, and communication. With its Knowledge Partners (Arup, IDEO, McKinsey & Co., and SYSTEMIQ), and supported by Core Philanthropic Funder (SUN), the Foundation works to quantify the economic opportunity of a circular model and to develop approaches for capturing its value. The Foundation collaborates with its Global Partners (Danone, Google, H&M, Intesa Sanpaolo, NIKE, Inc., Philips, Renault, Unilever), and its CE100 network (businesses, universities, emerging innovators, governments, cities and affiliate organisations), to build capacity, explore collaboration opportunities and to develop circular business initiatives. By establishing platforms such as the New Plastics Economy initiative, the Foundation works to transform key material flows, applying a global, cross-sectoral, cross value chain approach that aims to effect systems change.

www.ellenmacarthurfoundation.org | @circulareconomy


The Prince of Wales's International Sustainability Unit (ISU) was formed in 2010 to address critical challenges to development and the environment. The ISU builds on the success of The Prince’s Rainforests Project, established to help find a solution to tropical deforestation. With an international reputation for neutral convening, underpinned by rigorous analysis, the ISU engages key actors from Governments, the private sector, research communities and civil society to catalyze positive change across the global sustainability agenda.

The ISU's Marine Programme focuses on the global transition to a sustainable Blue Economy. The core components of this work include fish stock recovery, coral reef health and marine plastic pollution. During the last six years the ISU has brought together stakeholders from all sectors to accelerate solutions to some of the most pressing ocean-related challenges and build consensus on solutions for and a pathway towards a sustainable Blue Economy.



Wendy Schmidt is President of The Schmidt Family Foundation, where she works to advance the development of renewable energy and the wiser use of natural resources. The Foundation houses its grant-making operation in The 11th Hour Project, which supports more than 150 non-profit organizations around the world in program areas including renewable energy, ecological agriculture, human rights, and our maritime connection through its 11th Hour Racing program. In 2009, Wendy Schmidt and her husband, Eric Schmidt, created the Schmidt Ocean Institute (SOI), and in 2012 launched the research vessel, Falkor, as a mobile platform to advance ocean exploration, discovery, and knowledge, and catalyze the sharing of information about the oceans. Since 2012, Falkor has hosted more than 500 scientists from 27 countries.

To further her commitment to ocean issues, in 2010 Wendy Schmidt partnered with XPRIZE, following the Deepwater Horizon disaster, to sponsor the Wendy Schmidt Oil Cleanup XCHALLENGE, a $1.4 million competition designed to identify efficient and innovative solutions to clean up surface oil spills. Wendy Schmidt once again partnered with XPRIZE in 2012 to design the Wendy Schmidt Ocean Health XPRIZE, a $2 million purse, awarded in July, 2015, where competitors responded to the global need for accurate and available sensors to more broadly measure the signs of ocean acidification, one of the harbingers of climate change.

Wendy Schmidt is the Lead Philanthropic Partner of the New Plastics Economy Initiative, which is led by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation. Wendy earned an M.J. in Journalism from The University of California at Berkeley, and a B.A. magna cum laude from Smith College.

Follow Wendy on Twitter: @wenschmidt

Hannah Lennett's picture #CircularCity
Anonymous posted

Open Council Information (Open Raad Informatie)

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Het doel van Open Raadsinformatie is om documenten zoals verslagen, voorstellen, stemuitslagen en moties van gemeenten op een gestandaardiseerde wijze als open data te ontsluiten. Door hergebruik van de informatie kunnen innovatieve toepassingen gemaakt worden die de lokale democratie versterken. Al dan niet door meer inzicht te verschaffen in de gegevens, analyse mogelijk te maken of participatie eenvoudiger te maken. Via de

Open Raadsinformatie API

zijn meer dan 30.000 documenten van inmiddels zeven gemeenten te vinden. De informatie is via de zoekmachine

Open Raadsinformatie

te doorzoeken. Het project is in de tussentijd onderdeel geworden van het Actieplan Open Overheid 2016-2017 en van de Digitale Agenda 2020 van VNG en KING. Vanuit de Pilotstarter wordt nu verder gewerkt aan het project.


De Pilotstarter kent drie fases, pilot, praktijkbeproeving en opschaling. Voor de zomer is door de Open State Foundation samen met VNG-KING gewerkt aan de pilotfase. Samen met de gemeente Utrecht, die al in de pilot van 2015 haar raadsinformatie als open data heeft ontsloten, is gewerkt aan verbeteringen omtrent de herbruikbaarheid van de data. Er is samen met de griffie van de gemeente Utrecht en hun raadsinformatieleverancier gewerkt aan het ontsluiten van machine-leesbare stemuitslagen, presentielijsten, personenregister en tekst-doorzoekbare moties en amendementen. Bekijk hier een voorbeeld vanuit de zoekmachine en de API. Eerder waren deze gegevens niet op een goede manier uit de data te halen, terwijl hergebruikers hier wel om vragen.


De pilot met de gemeente Utrecht om beter herbruikbare open data te ontsluiten was succesvol. Nu wordt er door KING in samenwerking met de Open State Foundation gewerkt aan de praktijkbeproeving. Dat betekent dat de methodiek die toegepast in de gemeente Utrecht opgeschaald wordt naar een extra aantal gemeenten met ook een andere leverancier. Lukt het bij gemeenten, met bijvoorbeeld een kleinere griffie of andere systemen, ook om dezelfde informatie te ontsluiten? En hoe kan het project verder opgeschaald worden voor alle gemeenten? Daarnaast werkt KING aan een gezamenlijke standaard voor het ontsluiten van raadsinformatie door raadsinformatieleveranciers. Een doel dat opgenomen staat in het Actieplan Open Overheid.


Van de vijf grote raadsinformatieleveranciers, zijn er momenteel vier die raadsinformatie als open data via een API kunnen aanbieden of hieraan werken. MSI (iBabs) ondersteunt open data ontsluiting via een API al vanaf het begin, Company Webcast en GemeenteOplossingen hebben sinds enkele maanden ook een API-koppeling actief. NotuBiz heeft onlangs laten weten vanaf medio 2017 Open Raadsinformatie technisch te kunnen ondersteunen.


Op dit moment werken we samen met tien gemeenten die gebruik maken van iBabs Dossiers of GemeenteOplossingen voor de Praktijkbeproeving. De resultaten van deze Praktijkbeproeving worden verwacht in april 2017. Heb je interesse of vragen? Neem dan contact op met <a >Tom Kunzler.</a>

In de tussentijd kun je alvast bij jouw raadsinformatieleverancier aangeven dat je interesse hebt in het beschikbaar stellen van de eigen raadsinformatie als open data. Er is ook een FAQ waar je antwoorden op veelvoorkomende vragen.

Remco Wagemakers, Consultant/ Project Manager , posted

Zero Waste Expedition Plantage Amsterdam

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Reducing waste, encourage recycling, converting waste into commodities: developing a new way of sustainable waste collection and disposal.

Remco Wagemakers's picture #Energy
Floor Thomasse, Projectmanager Urban Economic Development , posted

Shopping Street Innovation Lab (SSIL)

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The Shopping Street Innovation Lab (SSIL) is the very first innovation lab that conducts research in an entire shopping street.

Floor Thomasse's picture #Citizens&Living
Maarten Osieck, Professional Notknower , posted