#Living labs

Topic within Citizens & Living
Jelle Burger, AMS Academy assistant at AMS Institute, posted

AMS Urban Living Lab Winter School 2021

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Join the online AMS Living Lab Winter School starting on Feb 15th during
which you will be introduced to the AMS Urban Living Lab approach. You
will be working on a real cases in multidisciplinary teams, working
towards creating a real Living Lab design! Find more information in the link attached.

You can register via the following link>>

Jelle Burger's picture Masterclass / workshop from Feb 15th to Feb 19th
Jaleesa Schaap, Strategic Advisor Climate Adaptation and Future Proof Assets at City of Amsterdam, posted

Give your Climate Adaptation project a stage during the Climate Adaptation Summit 2021!

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Amsterdam, how do you keep your head cool and your feet dry?
Give your project a stage during the CAS21!

Proud of your project? Does it take into account the changing climate and more extreme weather? Then you now have the opportunity to put your project on a world stage.

Expand your network and the visibility of your climate adaptive project on a global level and register to be part of the Climate Adaptation Summit 2021.

What is CAS21?

The online CAS21 (https://www.cas2021.nl/ ) will take place on 25 and 26 January, hosted by the Netherlands. CAS21 is a global climate adaptation conference organized by the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment. World leaders present the Adaptation Action
Agenda during this 24-hour climate summit. They make agreements to prepare for the consequences of more extreme weather.

Week full of events

In addition to the CAS21 itself, the whole week is devoted to climate adaptation. Various events will be organized by municipalities and partners between 19 and 25 January 2021.

Amsterdam should of course not be missing in this spectacle. CAS21 is the unique place to generate global visibility for Amsterdam's climate adaptive projects and innovations.

How do you give your project the stage?
We really need your input to show as much inspiring content as possible!

There are two ways to contribute:

1. We make a video of your (climate adaptive) project.
Register with us with your idea and a brief description of what you would like to show and tell in the short film. Do we choose your idea? Then a film crew will visit you and your project in the short term and we will make an inspiring video. This will be broadcast on January 25th and 26th as a  side programma of the CAS21. Deadline for submitting your idea: before December 14th. Mail to: jaleesa.schaap@amsterdam.nl

2. Organize a coronaproof event in the week of 25 to 29 January 2021.
This week will be entirely devoted to Climate Adaptation. You too can contribute this week by organizing something on this theme! This can be both a physical and an online event. Think of an online workshop, digital innovation market, tile seesaw campaigns, planting façade gardens, large or small it does not matter! As long as it has to do with climate adaptation. Register with us so that we can include your contribution in our program. Deadline: before December 18. Mail to: jaleesa.schaap@amsterdam.nl

In order to make as much impact as possible, we try to bundle all ideas and projects. This way we can be part of CAS21 with a powerful program and communicate this as a whole to the outside through various channels.

We would love to hear from you!

Team Climate Adaptation
Gemeente Amsterdam

Jaleesa Schaap's picture #Citizens&Living
Frans-Anton Vermast, Strategy Advisor & International Smart City Ambassador at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

11th Urban COVID-19 monitor

Every two weeks the City of Amsterdam publishes a monitor on urban measures to deal with COVID-19. Different issues are discussed, depending on the questions we receive from within the municipal organisation. It is aimed at giving a general overview of urban measures worldwide and of other information relevant for cities. It also has an overview of EU measures and of different relevant sources. Please find the newest version of the monitor attached.

Frans-Anton Vermast's picture #Citizens&Living
Lennart Zwols, Project leader Energy & Climate Innovation at City of Amsterdam: Digitalization & Innovation, posted


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Maandag 7 december 2020 | 15.30 – 17.00 uur

“Wat betekent het als een wijk
Energie Positief wil worden? Welke zaken komen daar bij kijken? Dat wordt
op dit moment in Buiksloterham onderzocht in het Europese project
ATELIER. Denk mee, laat je inspireren en informeren in deze gratis
Innovatie Atelier webinar!”

De Gemeente Amsterdam wil samen met
lokale partners laten zien dat een (deel van de) wijk Buiksloterham
Energie Positief kan worden, oftewel meer energie levert dan gebruikt. In
het Europese project ATELIER wordt in twee Europese steden (Amsterdam en
Bilbao) een Positief Energie District gerealiseerd. In het project werken
30 organisaties samen aan het realiseren van deze doelstelling in de
periode van november 2019 tot december 2024.

Om een wijk  energie te laten leveren, zijn veel vernieuwingen en
innovaties nodig. In het Innovatie Atelier Buiksloterham wordt door de
gemeente, bedrijven, kennisinstellingen en bewoners samengewerkt om deze
vernieuwingen in de praktijk te realiseren. Denk aan duurzame energie
opwek, opslag en uitwisseling. Dit brengt niet alleen technische
uitdagingen met zich mee, maar ook uitdagingen rond financiering en
betaalbaarheid, wetgeving en juridische kaders, en sociale innovatie. De
burger heeft bij het realiseren van een energie-positieve wijk een
belangrijke rol.

In deze webinar wordt de officiële aftrap gegeven van het Innovatie
Atelier Buiksloterham. Dit is de gelegenheid om u te informeren over de
ambities en de werkwijze om een energie-positieve wijk te realiseren in

Voor meer informatie: https://smartcity-atelier.eu/

- Wethouder van Doorninck over het belang van dergelijke projecten in de duurzaamheidsambities in Amsterdam.
- Vertegenwoordigers van Gemeente Amsterdam, Schoonschip, TNO, Spectral, Waag
- Moderator: Waldemar Torenstra

Lennart Zwols's picture Online event on Dec 7th
Zéger Nieuweboer, Founder / Teacher at Learning is growing.nl, posted

Green Urban Living Lab Arnhem

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The  Green Urban Living Lab Arnhem provides a innovative, cooperative learning and co-creating enviroment, in which multiple stakeholders jointly test, develop and create green metropolitan solutions.

Zéger Nieuweboer's picture #CircularCity
Cornelia Dinca, International Liaison at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

The Journey Continues — The Road to Smart City Live Reveals Lessons Learned and Opportunities for Follow-up

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The Road to Smart City Live was a three day program that featured more than 40 sessions covering a wide variety of smart city and urban innovation topics including smart governance, data platforms, digital twins, smart mobility and living labs. The goal was to bring together and connect the Dutch and Nordic smart city ecosystems, facilitate knowledge exchange, and help establish new collaboration opportunities.

The program was held in the lead up to this year’s digital alternative to the World Smart City Expo, Smart City Live. Amsterdam Smart City contributed to the program by organizing daily recap sessions together with Amsterdam Trade & Innovate and Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO).  The intention was to create a casual setting for participants to reflect on lessons learned and discuss opportunities for follow-up.

Here are six key outcomes from the recap sessions:

  1. Outdated Regulations — Cities and innovators are struggling with outdated regulations.  The role of governments should be to ensure the right regulations are in place for stimulating the transition to sustainable and liveable cities.  This is much more important and effective than facilitating specific pilots, which can be left to the market when the right regulations and incentives are in place.  However, changing regulations is easier said than done.  The City of Amsterdam is collecting input on what regulatory changes need to be overcome to facilitate the energy transition.
  2. Public-Private Collaboration — Despite a strong appetite for public-private collaboration, organizing it in practice remains a challenge.  City of Amsterdam has developed innovative procurement programs like Startup in ResidenceInnovatie Partners and AI4Cities to enable collaboration with start-ups and scale-ups. And, the City of Amsterdam is now sharing these tools and lessons learned nationally and internationally, for example through the Startup in Residence Toolkit.
  3. Post Corona Recovery — How can the corona emergency be used to implement and accelerate ambitions for circularity and sustainability?  FME hosted a session exploring best practices which can help cities recover from corona and build back better.  FME will facilitate follow-up discussion and exchange among parties interested in collaborating on post-corona recovery.
  4. Digital Transition — Digital technology is increasingly part of all aspects of urban life and software innovation is key to a safe, responsible and inclusive digital transition. ITEA is currently preparing several innovative projects on topics like smart mobility and future of work which are still open for input from potential partners.
  5. Digital Inclusion & Data Control — Covid-19 has deepened the digital divide and highlighted the need for building digitally inclusive cities.  In order to become a digitally inclusive city, the City of Eindhoven is working to ensure all citizens have access to digital tools and are aware of what’s happening with their data.
  6. Scaling Living Labs — Netherlands and Sweden are leaders in smart city pilots and living labs, but in both countries scaling remains a challenge. While some stakeholders express “pilot fatigue”, others argue that this great diversity of pilots (including many failures) is an indicator of a healthy innovation ecosystem.  Cleantech Scandinavia and RVO are looking for ways to better capture and share lessons learned from past pilot projects, and ways to "resuscitate" and scale them when appropriate.

The Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) collaborated with ITEA, Cleantech Scandinavia and the cities of Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Utrecht, Eindhoven and The Hague to facilitate The Road to Smart City Live.  Video recordings from the different sessions will be made available in the upcoming weeks via the b2match platform.

For more information about any of the above lessons learned or follow-up opportunities, please connect with cornelia@amsterdamsmartcity.com.

Did you participate in (The Road to) Smart City Live?  Are there more insights or opportunities for follow-up which you would like to share with the community? Share your feedback in the comments below.

Cornelia Dinca's picture #Citizens&Living
Ahmed Larouz, Founder at Inclusive Algorithm, posted

Looking for partners on Inclusive and AI

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With Inclusive Algorithm, we would like to bring more inclusion and diversity in Artificial Intelligence revolution and business.

Our main objective is to generate more network and knowledge in the Artificial Intelligence field to better understand how artificial intelligence, algorithms and big data can be ethically developed for societal benefit by involving the marginalized groups (groups with migrant backgrounds & bi-culturals).

We just started this initiative and we are building alliances with people believing in our cause. Please feel welcome to reach out if you think we can add value to the work you do or vice versa.

Ahmed Larouz's picture #Citizens&Living
Francien Huizing, Program and Communication Manager at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

Wicked Problems

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Te wicked? Niet voor ons.

Wij werken allemaal aan urgente, complexe, maatschappelijke uitdagingen. Issues die schier onoplosbaar lijken, van dilemma’s en paradoxen omgeven, nog niet duidelijk hoe het moet. Wel is duidelijk dát het moet, dat we elkaar nodig
hebben en dat we er NU aan moeten beginnen. Om met de woorden van Jan Rotmans te spreken; we leven niet in een tijdperk van verandering maar in een verandering van tijdperk. En hier hoort een nieuwe gereedschapskist bij.

En of je nou aan energietransitie werkt, andere mobiliteitssystemen, creëren van waterstofhubs, peer to peer autodeelsystemen, het maakt niet uit, we zien dat al deze opgaven op enig moment tegen gelijksoortige barrières aanlopen. Op samenwerking, financiering, privacy, onvoldoende aansluiting op de maatschappij, om maar een paar voorbeelden te noemen.

Unieke samenwerking
Als Amsterdam Smart City netwerk willen en kunnen we deze opgaven niet laten liggen. Door het bundelen van onze kennis en expertise kunnen we als netwerk iets unieks bieden en de wil en durf tonen om deze barrières te doorbreken. De betrokken partners die dit uitdenken en begeleiden zijn RHDHV, Kennisland, Drift, NEMO, Arcadis, Alliander, HvA en Metabolic. Zij bundelen hun expertise en ervaring om de echte vragen boven tafel te krijgen, tot nieuwe manieren van samenwerken te komen en barrières te doorbreken. We richten ons met name op de start van de samenwerking. Gezamenlijk ontwikkelen we een ‘wicked problem aanpak’. Op een nieuwe manier, lerend door te doen, exploratief.

Waar moet je aan denken?
Wat is eigenlijk het echte probleem? Wiens probleem is dit? Hoe kijken anderen er tegenaan? Welke andere partijen lijken nodig? Hoe vind je ze? Hoe ga je om met eigenaarschap en botsende frames? Hoe zorg je dat je al in
een vroeg stadium de maatschappij (bewoners, ondernemers, werknemers, etc) betrekt en hun ervaringen in het project trekt? Het wicked problem team zet nieuwe methoden in voor het beantwoorden van deze vragen. En het creëren van de benodigde commitment om het vraagstuk aan te pakken. Niets staat van te voren vast, want we passen ons aan aan wat we tegenkomen. Met elkaar ontwikkelen we een nieuwe aanpak om de barrières te doorbreken.

Francien Huizing's picture #Energy
Monique Custers, coodo Brandmanager & importeur Nederland , posted

coodo sneak preview

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Be smart!
Invest in how you
#live #work #care #recreate
on your
#roof #water #forest #dune #public space #plot

Do connect if you have a roof, plot or project or are just curious what we can do for you!

Soon available in the Netherlands to boost sustainable urban and rural development.

Monique Custers's picture #Citizens&Living
Ilona Kemps, Programme Assistent at City of Amsterdam, posted

Startup in Residence Toolkit Launch

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The last couple of months we’ve (together with other SiR pogrammes) worked really hard to create a Manual. This Manual contains tips, tools and insights that come from the collective knowledge of 6 SIR editions in Amsterdam, and 15+ editions in the Netherlands.
It is a step-by-step guide to set-up and run a SIR programme. It is a workbook with “how-to’s” per step, worksheets and insights from previous programmes and contains a library with useful attachments. We want to inspire and motivate others to explore new ways of working, to set up and run a SIR programme or develop and/or expand an existing programme.

We want to invite you to the online launch presentation on Wednesday 25th of November. The first presentation is from 10:30 – 12:00 (Dutch), the second presentation is 13:30 – 15:00 (English). During the presentation we will give more information about the Manual and have plenty of time to answer all of your questions.

Ilona Kemps's picture Online event on Nov 25th
Audrie van Veen, Director Strategic Partnerships at Amsterdam Economic Board, posted

Helsinki publishes guide to agile urban pilots

How to get the most out of urban experimentation? The guidebook for urban developers sums up learnings and experiences from agile piloting in Helsinki.
The Pocket Book for Agile Piloting shares the experiences from Smart Kalasatama and Jätkäsaari Mobility Lab in Helsinki and condenses the key learnings in a pragmatic and easily digestible way. Free download via Forum Virium

Audrie van Veen's picture #DigitalCity
Cristina Albesa, International Business Consultant at Integra Innovation, posted

DoQRead Summer Pills

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Text transformation and entity identification features support part of business processes.
Willing to find a solution to identify, extract, understand, classify and integrate texts by analysing images in documents such as orders, despatch notes or mortgages, among others, INTEGRA has developed DoQRead. With DoQRead you will take advantage of Artificial Intelligence progress to reach and cover all needs of every department in your company and organisation.

If you feel like hearing more, you are in luck! We will be glad to show you in a 30 minutes demo how DoQRead can be essential from now on to your company and organisation.
Just write to this email (calbesa@integratecnologia.es) and we will contact you.

Cristina Albesa's picture Online event from Aug 22nd to Sep 14th
Folkert Leffring, Digital Media Manager , posted

Amsterdam seeks start-ups for six-month residency programme

The City of Amsterdam is seeking the latest cohort of innovators for its Start-up in Residence programme, with this year’s themes being sustainability/circular economy and mobility. During a six-month programme, selected companies get the chance to pilot their products and services in the city and at the end, the municipality may become a launch customer or collaborate with the businesses in other ways.

Folkert Leffring's picture #Mobility
AMS Institute, Re-inventing the city (urban innovation) at AMS Institute, posted

ONLINE AMS Summer School - Urban Living Labs

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Build your knowledge & skills on the Living Lab approach during the online AMS Summer School 2020. This year's Summer School focuses on challenges brought forward by Amsterdam: Quay Walls and Bridges, Future Proof Assets and Positive energy Districts.

The challenges facing cities around the globe are complex and multidisciplinary by nature. Attempting to solve them in conventional linear ways is insufficient for addressing these manifold human-environment relationships that are at the heart of these challenges. Alternative approaches are necessary; ones that acknowledge the need for distributed problem-solving capacity and infrastructures for multi-stakeholder collaboration that incorporate local knowledge and practices.

AMS Institute is leading the way to develop, test, use, and train on Living Lab approaches. One of the forms in which to transfer knowledge and experience is in our Summer School.

This year we, focus on challenges brought forward by Amsterdam: Quay Walls and Bridges, Future Proof Assets and Positive energy Districts.

What are Urban Living Labs?
Urban Living Labs are environments for different stakeholders to explore and experiment together on solutions for complex urban challenges. The goal within Living Labs is to make impact by developing new products on a small scale – be it an object, a service, a technology, an application, or a system – and to find solutions that can be implemented on a larger scale. This is done in a real-life and co-creating setting in which different stakeholders give shape to the innovation process. The actors are users, private and public actors, as well as knowledge institutes. In essence, it is a methodology to help the collaboration and the structuring the content of an explorative process.

What you will get
You will learn to understand what a Living Lab is and when it can be of added value to start one. You’ll also gain hand-on knowledge on what is needed to have a successful start, and how to deal with issues such as stakeholder involvement and citizen empowerment.

The summer school will challenge you to work with a new mindset, build a new network of professionals and academia. It gives you the opportunity to be a part of the next steps towards the future of one of Amsterdam’s key projects.

During the summer school, we will help you solve the real-world challenge you bring with your team.

What we will do During the week you will work in a team of 5 participants on a pre-defined real-life case. The Urban Living Lab Summer School consists of lectures, online co-working sessions, trainings, and real-world interventions. It will tap into theoretical frameworks of Living Lab methodology, process tools to help deliver a plan of approach and deploy teamwork on a real-life case. It will focus on your own learning goals for reinventing cities of tomorrow. The mix of participants (Academic Researchers, Public Professionals, and Company Innovation Managers) generates new insights and perspectives on the challenges by cocreating solutions together.

Requirements for participation
As a participant,

  • you are a professional with minimal five years of experience in the field of urban challenges;
  • or you are involved as a PhD or Postdoc in urban challenged research projects
  • you identify with themes like urban circularity, mobility, energy, food systems, climate resilience and digitization;
  • you strive for sustainable, innovative and just solutions;
  • you are looking for different ways to tackle urban challenges;
  • you are inclined to learn, collaborate and co-create from different perspectives.

Challenges: Quay Walls and Bridges, Future Proof Assets and Positive energy Districts

Target Group: Academic Researchers, Public Professionals, and Company Innovation Managers

Form: lectures, interactive online sessions with personal learning goals and team challenges.

Language: English

When: 17-21 August 2020
Where: Online

PHD regular price €500; 2020 edition special price €300
PROFESSIONALS* regular price €2000; 2020 edition special price €1500
TEAMS please contact us for a special package deal

* AMS Institute partners please contact us for our partner prizes.

The application deadline is July 20th 2020. The application should include full name, email address, cell phone number, organization/university- faculty, function, CV. The application must include a motivation letter. Send the application to events@ams-institute.org

AMS Institute's picture Online event from Aug 17th to Aug 21st
Cornelia Dinca, International Liaison at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

Marineterrein Amsterdam Living Lab

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Like cities worldwide, Marineterrein Amsterdam faces major challenges. For example in mobility, circularity, and (ethical) digization. To come up with innovative solutions, there is a need for physical location, knowledge and collaboration. Marinetterein Amsterdam Living Lab (MALL) is a place where this happens.

The Marineterrein uses the terrain as experimental environment for its own development. The partners work together to stimulate collaboration between companies, scientists, students and government agencies. This creates (scalable) experiments that are tested on the grounds, and ultimately applied in urban environments.

MALL is a place to research, experiment and test in a real-life setting. To achieve this MALL partners bring together their expertise, network, and communities in the field of research, innovation, urban development and experimentation at this unique location in Amsterdam.

Everyone is welcome to test at the Marineterrein. Given the special location, high demands are made on parties who come to develop and test on the Marineterrein. In addition to thematic alignment with the themes of the parties, careful consideration is given to whether the applications are innovative, whether they ensure connection between people and knowledge and to opt for a clear focus within a relevant issue.

Current Experiments
CINDERELA | CINDERELA is a demonstration plant that transforms urine into nutrient-rich fertilizer. The plant consists of a refurbished shipping container – containing a laboratory and two urine-diverting toilets – and an adjacent greenhouse which also serves as a meeting space.
Roboat | autonomous floating vessels that create a more dynamic urban infrastructure, and provide new ways of transporting people and goods.
Space for Food | the European Space Agency (ESA) explores the potential and scalability of applying space technology for applications in urban contexts.
Smart Roof 2.0 | an innovative, lightweight, blue-green roof equipped with a Permavoid drainage layer that stores rainwater and provides plants with water during dry spells.
Curious to see what else is being tested? Click here for a full list!

Open Calls
Amsterdam Drone Lab | drone flight testing facility at the heart of the Amsterdam city centre.

Want to start testing in the heart of Amsterdam?
MALL provides a publicly accessible but privately governed site in the heart of Amsterdam. This ensures you to test and implement solutions in the public space under credible circumstances with less restrictions. From quay walls, to buildings and roofs. The infrastructure of the site has been set up in such a way that experiments can be easily set up.
Submit your experiment!

MALL is a collaboration between Marineterrein Amsterdam and Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions, with partners Amsterdam Smart City and NEMO Science Museum.

Cornelia Dinca's picture #Citizens&Living
Cornelia Dinca, International Liaison at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

Amsterdam Smart City’s Knowledge Exchange Goes Online!

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Demand for knowledge and collaboration is greater than ever as cities look for innovative solutions and best practices to respond to the Covid-19 crisis. This is why Amsterdam Smart City is adapting to the corona crisis and the "new normal" by bringing its Knowledge Exchange programs online.

Any interested party, irrespective of their location, can now book one of three standard Knowledge Exchange programs hosted online, via the Zoom platform:

  • Smart City Consultation Session (45 min): This interactive session gives participants the opportunity to ask all of your questions about the Amsterdam Smart City program and projects.
  • Introduction to Amsterdam Smart City (1.5hr): This session shares the development and evolution of Amsterdam Smart City with a focus on governance, key projects and lessons learned since its inception in 2009.
  • Smart City Deep Dive (2.5hr): Dive deeper into one of four societal transitions central to the Amsterdam Smart City program: mobility, energy, circularity economy, or digital city. This session includes presentations and discussions with two experts and focuses on best practices and more than a decade of lessons learned from Amsterdam’s innovation ecosystem.

Launching New Program: Smart City Exchange

In response to demand for exchanging best practices, we are also launching a new “Smart City Exchange” to support cities and organizations with their urban innovation ambitions. During these sessions Amsterdam Smart City shares best practices and lessons learned from Amsterdam’s innovation ecosystem on a specific topic, for example mobility, energy of community-driven initiatives. In exchange we would like to hear from your city or organization’s experience and best practices on the same topic. In this way we create mutually beneficial Smart City Exchange!

To enquire about the Smart City Exchange or any of the other of our Knowledge Exchange programs, email cornelia@amsterdamsmartcity.com with a brief summary of the key challenges you are working and what you hope to get out of a collaboration with Amsterdam Smart City.

Share Your Online / Virtual Program

Are you offering online or virtual lectures, master-classes, trainings, tours or demos? Share your program on the Amsterdam Smart City Visits page! Or, do you have a solution that can enable our community members to do their bring their wokshops or tours online? We would like to hear from you! Share your solution or idea below or email cornelia@amsterdamsmartcity.com

About Amsterdam Smart City Knowledge Exchange Programs

Since 2016, Amsterdam Smart City has hosted more than 250 delegations from 70 countries. Over half of those visiting delegations were governmental groups interested in learning from the Amsterdam Smart City approach to collaborative innovation. Among the most popular topics for international groups are public-private partnerships, smart mobility solutions, citizen-led or “bottom-up” innovations, and living labs.

Cornelia Dinca's picture #DigitalCity
AMS Institute, Re-inventing the city (urban innovation) at AMS Institute, posted

Urban Living Lab Summit 2020: Meet over 150 international Living Lab practitioners

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In many innovation projects, scientific programs, and organizations, urban living labs are achieving good results. In this co-creative, interactive Urban Living Lab Summit, we are going to explore tools that are used and ways to standardize them.

During the Summit - Monday, June 22nd, from 2 to 6pm (CET) - we will address:

● What tools can be used for designing, measuring impact, collaborating, and learning within Living Labs?

● How have these tools been proven helpful for living labs to reach their goals?

● What are lessons/insights that have been learned by living lab practitioners during this Corona crisis?

Want to know who's speaking? Or how to register? https://www.ams-institute.org/events/urban-living-lab-summit-2020/

AMS Institute's picture #Citizens&Living
Lina Penninkhof, Content Creator/Event Producer at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, posted

Campus Amsterdam Living Room Session #2 met Knowledge Mile

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Wij brengen de changemakers van de campussen en hubs in de kennisregio Amsterdam naar jouw woonkamer! Hoe? Je zet een kopje koffie, neemt plaats op een comfortabele stoel en klapt je laptop open. In iedere sessie staat een campus of hub centraal, die zijn eigen hot topic bespreekt.

Tijdens de tweede Living Room Session staat de Knowledge Mile centraal. Dit gebied in hartje Amsterdam - tussen het Amstelplein en het stadhuis - was ooit lelijk en vervuild. Nu is het een levendig gebied waar mensen en organisaties samenkomen om aan een groene, gezonde en duurzame stadsstraat te werken. Het Financieele Dagblad kopte al: 'Deze straat is puur goud'. Learning Community Manager Maarten Terpstra zal ons meenemen in de ontwikkelingen van de Knowledge Mile. Wist je bijvoorbeeld dat het ook een bedrijveninvesteringszone is? En dat Knowledge Mile Park zich hard maakt voor de vergroening van het gebied?

Tijdens onze break-out sessies kun je in kleinere groepen verder praten over het thema. Leer en denk mee over de vormgeving van een learning community.

08:20 | Instroom met koffie en thee
08:30 | Welkom Campus Amsterdam door Jen Drouin
08:40 | Presentatie Knowledge Mile door Maarten Terpstra
09:00 | Q&A
09:25 | Afronding plenaire sessie
09:30 | Start break-out sessies
10:15 | Plenaire wrap-up
10:30 | Afronding

LET OP: Voor de break-out sessies is aanmelden noodzakelijk. Er zijn maar een bepaald aantal plekken beschikbaar. Reserveer je plekje door dit aanmeldformulier in te vullen: https://bit.ly/2Uazbfi
De link komt een dag van te voren online.


Campus Amsterdam is een netwerk van campussen, innovatiedistricten en labs in metropoolregio Amsterdam. Ons doel is om mensen, kennis en faciliteiten in onze diverse kennisregio met elkaar te verbinden, zodat we samen kunnen werken aan urgente, stedelijke vraagstukken.

Lina Penninkhof's picture Online event on Jun 25th
Amsterdam Smart City, Connector of opportunities at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

Join the Marineterrein Amsterdam Living Lab New Normal Challenge!

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How do we shape the new normal? Marineterrein Amsterdam Living Lab is looking for innovative ideas to help us safely reopen our restaurants and public spaces. Join the New Normal Challenge for a chance to test your solution on the Marineterrein!

The Coronavirus crisis has transformed our lives and its impacts will continue to be felt for months, potentially years. We are only beginning to shape the “New Normal”. What impact will keeping a 1.5 meter distance away from each other have on our lives?

Marineterrein Amsterdam Living Lab (MALL) is a place to develop, test and apply solutions to global urban challenges and it’s the ideal location to bring creative ideas for our post Coronavirus life to fruition. Amsterdam Smart City is a core partner of the MALL.

With The New Normal Challenge, we are looking for other innovative ideas that can help us shape the new normal. This includes spatial, technological, social, and behavioral solutions for a better living environment.

Specifically we are looking for creative solutions on three challenges:

  1. How can restaurants and cafes on the Marineterrein safely reopen and adapt to the rapidly changing governmental guidelines?
  2. How can we ensure safe access and use of public space on the Marineterrein, especially during upcoming summer months when many people use it for cooling off?
  3. How can we use the current corona crisis to support lasting change toward more sustainable practices in Amsterdam?

Join the Challenge!

The challenge is open to anyone with an innovative idea, including citizens, NGO’s, start-ups, SME’s and corporates. Interested parties should submit their proposal by Friday, June 5 at 19:00.

Selection Process

Following an initial evaluation the top three ideas per challenge will be invited to pitch their solution during an online event on Wednesday, June 10. A jury will select a winning idea based on the following criteria:

  • How well does the solution address one or more challenges?
  • How innovative, sustainable and inclusive is the solution?
  • What is the economic and social impact of the solution?
  • Can the solution be implemented quickly?
  • Does the solution have the potential to scale-up nationally or internationally?


The winning idea per challenge will receive a free experimentation slot on Marineterrein Amsterdam for 3-6 months from June – November. The winners will also get access to the Challenge partners to develop, implement and scale their solution.

About MALL

Marineterrein Amsterdam Living Lab (MALL) is a collaboration between Bureau Marineterrein, AMS Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions (AMS Institute), Amsterdam Smart City and NEMO Science Museum. The main goal is to develop scalable innovations that make and keep cities liveable. At this unique location in Amsterdam, various communities in the field of research, innovation, urban development bring their expertise together to develop, test, and apply solutions to global urban challenges.

Challenge Partners

The MALL New Normal Challenge is an initiative of the Marineterrein Amsterdam Living Lab in collaboration with the Chief Technology Office (CTO) of the City of Amsterdam, StartupAmsterdam and Amsterdam Trade & Innovate.

Questions or more information

If you have questions or would like more information about the Challenge, you can email <livinglab@marineterrein.nl>. Or visit the website.

Amsterdam Smart City's picture #Citizens&Living
Frans-Anton Vermast, Strategy Advisor & International Smart City Ambassador at Amsterdam Smart City, posted

Smart Cities The Economic and Social Value of Building Intelligent Urban Spaces

A 2016 publication with a high vendor and top-down level approach.

Interesting to see how most smart cities have evolved their approaches:

from top - down to bottom - up
from centralised to decentralised
from municipality to community

from supplier to user and citizen centric
from solution orientated to problem orientated
from tech push to demand pull
from PPP to triple double helix (quintuple helix)
from 'capex' to 'opex'

from old fashioned consultancy roadmap to learning by doing
from 'talking the talk' to 'walking the walk'
from planning to design
from assessment to information
from physical to digital
from linear to circulair
from ownership to availability

from fossils to clean, creating sustainable options for ALL
from single use to restorative and regenerative use od resources
from closed to open using tech for social value
from crowded and polluting to smart and sustainable mobility solutions

last but not least: from 'EGO-systems' to 'ECO-systems'
(credit for this last one to Emil Boc, former Prime Minister of Romania and is the current Mayor of Cluj-Napoca, the largest city of Transylvania)

Frans-Anton Vermast's picture #Citizens&Living