Circular City Challenge Berlin, Munich, Stuttgart, Vienna

The Circular City Challenge calls on innovators of the Circular Economy to find answers to the challenges of the transformation to a circular urban system.
To do so, @CircularBerlin, @CircularMunich, @materialkreislauf. und #circonnact are going on a joint search for circular and innovative approaches to advance the Circular Economy in cities and to explore and implement promising solutions together.
Do you feel like this post was written for you? Are you working on an innovative solution that can support the transformation of cities to the Circular Economy?
Do you want to join a network full of innovators who share the same visions and interests? Do you want a real-lab where you can adapt your circular-enabled solutions as close to existing needs as possible?
Then we look forward to receiving your application for the Circular City Challenge!
By participating in the Circular City Challenge, you will advance both your own project and your local Circular Economy!
Through joining the challenge you will get a unique chance to demonstrate the potential of your work directly to local stakeholders within the Circular Economy. You will have the opportunity to interact with representatives of the cities to enable you to tailor your solution to the existing needs of the city. On top of this, you will benefit from the network of our established partners, which will contribute to and increase the reach and visibility of your project.
For this, your project should address at least one of the four key challenges of the Circular City Challenge: Resource Management, Digital Technologies, System Infrastructure and Consumption & Awareness. We are looking for innovators who are motivated to help shape the local transition to a Circular Economy, be it local organisations, entrepreneurs or companies.
Did we pique your interest and now you want to be part of the Circular CIty Challenge? Then visit the Circular City Challenge website for more information on how to apply and to fill out the application form.
The application starts from 01.02. and runs through 31.03.22