#Public participation

Topic within Citizens & Living
Bernard MERKX, CEO, owner at GreenWavePlastics, posted

Oceanic Face shields

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Personal protection products made with high plastic recycling content (all green parts) Other parts still work in progress

Bernard MERKX's picture #Citizens&Living
Bernard MERKX, CEO, owner at GreenWavePlastics, posted


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Product made with 100% recycled plastics from the maritime industry (obsolete fishing gear and ropes)

Bernard MERKX's picture #Citizens&Living
Ioana Biris, co owner at Nature Desks, posted

Outdoor Office Day

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In het Nieuwe Werken staan gezondheid en vitaliteit centraal. Voor iedereen is bewegen en werken in het stedelijke groen een ‘must’. Wist je dat wetenschappelijke onderzoeken hebben aangetoond dat een groene omgeving bij mensen creativiteit stimuleert, de concentratie verbetert en een rustgevend effect heeft? Buiten bewegen is noodzakelijk voor je gezondheid. Het sluit perfect aan bij de breed gevoelde noodzaak om het werkgeluk en het welzijn van medewerkers te verbeteren.

Staat het idee van een #OutdoorOfficeDay je wel aan?

Verlang je ook naar een werkoverleg buiten in het stedelijk groen, in de omgeving van je kantoor? Wil je bij voorkeur je plannen wandelend bespreken met een collega? Of gewoon ergens in een park in de buurt een werklunch organiseren? Of het liefst dat belangrijke telefoongesprek buiten voeren?

Initiatiefnemer Nature Desks wil ook andere mensen, organisaties en bedrijven in Nederland uitnodigen om ook dit jaar op 23 juni hun ‘werkplek’ letterlijk buiten in het stedelijk groen te plaatsen.

Ook jij kunt aan de slag met deze landelijke Outdoor Office Day! Ga naar buiten. Maak je collega’s enthousiast en verzin een gaaf idee voor de #outdoorofficeday!

Ioana Biris's picture #Citizens&Living
Ferencz Robert, CEO at Unserver Business Solutions, posted

Tarnaveni Smart City App

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With this application, we want to facilitate communication between citizens and the city hall. We want citizens to be actively involved in city development and problem solving by reporting issues directly through the application. The city hall can keep citizens informed about the infrastructure works that are taking place through constant updates. We also managed to eliminate a huge parte o birocracy through ANA, the only virtual public official based on artificial intelligence from Romania, it provides useful information to users about the services offered by public institutions. The application also supports local economics by enabling companies to list their vacancies jobs in the application, as well as promoting local products through a special section. The application wants to improve the cultural activity of the city so we constantly announce users about the cultural events that take place.

Ferencz Robert's picture #Citizens&Living
Jennifer Johanna Drouin, Project Manager & Community Manager , posted

Campus Amsterdam

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Amsterdam is where the world discovers new solutions for global challenges. Campus Amsterdam connects all campuses, labs and innovation districts in the Amsterdam metropolitan area, to provide entrepreneurs, researchers and students around the world with one entrance to the region's wealth of innovation, knowledge and education.

For all the local partners involved, Campus Amsterdam is a network that facilitates the exchange of knowledge and the development of new crossovers. The diversity and amount of districts combined with Amsterdam's bottom-up innovation DNA make Campus Amsterdam a unique accelerator of regional innovation.

Jennifer Johanna Drouin's picture #Citizens&Living
Anonymous posted


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Nature4Cities is a H2020 EU-funded project, creating a comprehensive reference Platform for Nature Based Solutions (NBS), offering technical solutions, methods and tools to empower urban planning decision making. This will help addressing the contemporary environmental, social and economic challenges that face European Cities.

We will bring Nature back into innovation, planning and their implementation. This new governance implies new collaborative models driven by citizens, researchers, policy makers, and industry leaders, utilizing co-creation processes and sharing of Best Practice. Thus, the goal for implementation Projects is a positive balance between economic, environmental and societal benefits and costs.

Aafke Fraaije, PhD Responsible Smart Cities at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU), posted

Onderzoeksproject Catalyst

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Voor dit onderzoeksproject zijn we nieuwsgierig hoe kunst kan helpen om bewoners en andere stadsgebruikers een mening te laten vormen over de slimme stad.

We doen dat in drie rondes, waarbij we steeds meer de diepte ingaan:
* De eerste ronde vindt plaats op straat; voorbijgangers worden geprikkeld om over de slimme stad na te denken door middel van kunstinstallaties en onzichtbaar theater.
* Ronde twee vindt plaats in buurthuizen; bewoners en andere stadsgebruikers worden gestimuleerd om een mening te vormen over de slimme stad.
* Ronde drie vindt plaats bij het NEMO Science Museum en brengt bewoners in gesprek met slimme stadsmakers, zoals technologieontwikkelaars en beleidsmakers.

Daarbij hebben we steeds drie vragen:
* In hoeverre helpen de kunstinstallaties en theaterstukjes om de slimme stad relevant te maken voor deelnemers? Wanneer ervaren deelnemers het als leuk en belangrijk om een mening te vormen over de slimme stad?
* In hoeverre helpen de kunstinstallaties en theaterstukjes deelnemers om de verbeelding te stimuleren? De slimme stad is voor veel mensen een abstract begrip. Hoe kan kunst helpen om de slimme stad tastbaar en bespreekbaar te maken?
* In hoeverre helpen de kunstinstallaties en theaterstukjes deelnemers om gefundeerde mening te vormen over de slimme stad? wat helpt deelnemers om niet alleen een mening te vormen, maar ook van zichzelf te begrijpen waar deze mening vandaan komt?

We onderzoeken deze vragen op een kwalitatieve manier, namelijk door middel van observaties en interviews. De publieksactiviteiten vinden plaats in Amsterdam tussen september 2018 en januari 2019.

Aafke Fraaije's picture #SmartCityAcademy
Bep Schrammeijer, PhD researcher , posted

Crowdsensing Rembrandtpark

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Urban green is good for your health. Urban green is good for social cohesion and Amsterdam’s city parks are being used more and more intensively. It is the City of Amsterdam’s responsibility to ensure that the parks remain attractive for everyone, but how? The Institute for Environmental Studies (IVM) at the VU is working together with the Gemeente Amsterdam on an app that collects information about how people perceive and use urban green spaces. A pilot is being conducted in the Rembrandtpark to see how such information can inform park renovations.

An example of the first results may look like this:

Are you visiting the Rembrandtpark? Go to http://mijnpark.environmentalgeography.nl/ to join!

Smart Stories

Check the article about MijnPark featured in our online magazine 'Smart Stories':

Bep Schrammeijer's picture #Citizens&Living
Dina El Filali, Intern Research & Valorisation at AMS Institute, posted

We Make Amsterdam Resilient

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The increasing changes (in the weather, economy, politics and the socio-technical infrastructures etc.), bring next to new opportunities also new challenges and require us to rethink the way we co-create resilient cities in terms of energy, food, mobility and living.

Stay tuned via this channel for the date and time of the next event or contact me for questions via:


Dina El Filali's picture #Citizens&Living
Gertjan de Vries, Partner at Learn Adapt Build, posted

Prevent noise nuisance from a youth hangout

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Noise pollution is one of the biggest social problems in densely populated areas. To monitor and solve noise pollution problems in cities SensorTeam developed a novel automated platform and sound sensor for distributed noise measurements.

In a partnership with the city of Amstelveen we have installed a professional audio system in a hangout at the Zetterij in Amstelveen. We use wireless sensors to measure the sound level (dB) produced around this meeting place to avoid public nuisance.

These sensors are placed in the area around the hangout. Maximum sound levels can be remotely monitored and adjusted from SensorTeam’s cloud platform.

In this smart city project the city of Amstelveen gives substance to the local youth’s wish to play music at their own hangout.

About the technique
SensorTeam’s sound level meter is solar powered and is using low power network (LoRa) communication for realtime cloud monitoring. Measurements are accurate and independent and are displayed on SensorTeam’s cloud dashboard. To visualise the recorded data (sound levels) the varying decibels are represented on a coloured map, using inverse distance weighted technique.

LoRa Sound Sensor

SensorTeam IoT Dashboard

Gertjan de Vries's picture #Citizens&Living
Katie Hans, Product Manager, Benelux - Endoscopy at Circle Economy, posted

Circle Lab

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Circle Lab is an online platform for cities, businesses, and citizens to explore, brainstorm, and implement circular business models and strategies to tackle universal and local challenges. By digitising knowledge, opening up access, and encouraging co-creation, we aim to break down information silos and fuel cross-industry collaboration and innovation. The circular economy has the potential to change the world, and we believe the time to bring the concept to the kitchen table – so that everyone, from entrepreneurs to big brands, can play a role in making it a reality – is now.

  • If you are interested in participating in one of our challenges register on the platform at www.circle-lab.com
  • If you would like to provide content for our knowledge hub or are interested in placing a challenge on the platform please email us at hello@circle-lab.com
Rozemarijn deFeijter, Development Manager Smart Living @ PostNL at PostNL, posted

PostNL Mailmen inform citizens about activities in the neighborhood

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Almost half of the citizens of Amsterdam is lonely. Therefore, Amsterdam has set up a network of stakeholders who want to fight loneliness. Cordaan and PostNL are part of this network. We see many activities that are already organized for people, that can help them to deal with loneliness. Cordaan, for instance, organizes daily activities for seniors. However, citizens are not always familiar with the possibilities to get help and the activities that are organized for them in their own neighborhoods. Only people who actively seek help themselves or get help via their general practitioner or family now profit from the help organized by welfare organizations.

To increase awareness about these activities and possibilities, and eventually increase participation, Cordaan and PostNL work together in a new experiment. This experiment is one of the 39 out of 116 experiments selected by the municipality to decrease loneliness in Amsterdam. Cordaan and PostNL will focus on lonely seniors. Cordaan will make a selection of addresses of possibly interested senior citizens in Banne Buiksloot in Amsterdam Noord and will inform them about the experiment by mail. A week later, the mailmen will ring the doorbell and ask questions such as: ‘Do you know about the activities organized for you in your neighborhood?’; ‘Would you like to participate in these activities?’; ‘Would you like to talk about the activities and possibilities with an employee of Cordaan?’. If the last question is answered with a ‘Yes’, an employee of Cordaan will make an appointment with the senior to determine which activities or what help would be suitable for that individual person.

PostNL investigates how it can react on a changing society by investigating new ways to leverage it’s network, with over 20.000 mailmen. This new role for the mailmen holds numerous advantages. The mailmen are well-know in the neighborhood and work for a trusted brand. Therefore, we believe people will be more inclined to answer their questions at the door, than they would be if the person at the door were a complete stranger. In addition, the mailmen are not affiliated with a healthcare or welfare organization, and can start a conversation from a more neutral perspective. Therefore, with this cooperation between Cordaan and PostNL, we hope to reach more seniors who would benefit from the activities and possibilities in the neighborhood. Eventually, we hope to decrease loneliness of senior citizens by increasing their network in the neighborhood and their participation in that network.

Rozemarijn deFeijter's picture #Citizens&Living
Ruth Van Wieren, Project Manager , posted

The sustainable 100 of Amsterdam North

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One of the main goals is to create a network and help people in the neighbourhood to make business, shop and collaborate on a hyperlocal level.

One of the first step towards creating a sustainable community of entrepreneurs, freelances and locals is 'De Groenste Dag van Noord', taking place on the 8th of October.

Visit our website here

Teska Drosten, Communicator at Waag, posted

Smart Kids Lab

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The Smart Kids Lab makes it possible for children to map their environment in a playful way, by using modern technology and instruments.

Want to experience the Smart Kids Lab yourself?

You can! Waag will be present at the Marineterrein Ontdekdagen on the 9th of September and everyone can join the measurements! We collect all the measurements of the day on one big map. Then it is possible to see what are the best spots to swim, play or read a book!

More info: waag.org/nl/event/ontdekdagen-marineterrein

Smart Stories

Check the article about the Smart Kids Lab featured in our online magazine 'Smart Stories':

Teska Drosten's picture #Citizens&Living
Maarten Osieck, Professional Notknower , posted
Anonymous posted

Societal Interface Lab

Encouraging citizens to actively participate in sustainable policy formation

Robin Neven, Business Intelligence & Analytics Engineer , posted


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Not for profit.

1. Gebiedonline offers an extensive range of functionalities for both small
networks who are just starting, and larger, more mature networks.
2. Gebiedonline is flexible: its set up is modular and customizable –in
functionality and visual design.
3. Gebiedonline co-op members are permanently learning from (each others)
practice. The development agenda is managed by consent.
4. Gebiedonline beliefs in circular economy. Value created by the online
platform flows back to the local community.
5. Gebiedonline acts as trans local network. Its members increasingly give
voice to the Dutch urban bottom-up movement.

Robin Neven's picture #Citizens&Living