Joyce Overklift Vaupel Kleyn


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Joyce Overklift Vaupel Kleyn, Communication advisor at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, posted

Lector Nanda Piersma (HvA) benoemd tot hbo-kroonlid Sociaal Economische Raad

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We zijn trots bij de Hogeschool van Amsterdam met de benoeming van lector Nanda Piersma tot kroonlid van de Sociaal-Economische Raad (SER). De ministerraad stemde vrijdag in met haar benoeming. Het is de eerste keer dat een lector kroonlid wordt van de SER.

Piersma is benaderd vanwege haar expertise op het gebied van digitalisering. Volgens de SER is digitalisering in steeds meer kwesties actueel. Piersma is lector Responsible IT bij de HvA. Ook is zij wetenschappelijk directeur van het HvA Centre of Expertise Applied Artificial Intelligence. Daarnaast is Piersma betrokken bij verschillende landelijke netwerken rondom datawetenschap zoals het platform Praktijkgericht ICT-onderzoek (Prio) en de Nederlandse AI coalitie (NLAIC). Lees meer.

Joyce Overklift Vaupel Kleyn's picture #DigitalCity
Joyce Overklift Vaupel Kleyn, Communication advisor at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, posted

Save the date for the upcoming livecast session from the series: ‘Designing for Neighbourhood Resilience’

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With the research project 'From Prevention to Resilience' the Civic Interaction Design Research Group is exploring how public space and civic engagement can contribute to more resilient urban neighborhoods. And how local communities can become more resilient in the face of crises such as the Covid-19 pandemic, global warming and biodiversity loss. Over the past months, this exploration has resulted in the development of a nature-inclusive design framework, which challenges and enables urban designers to not only consider ‘human’ residents within their scope but also ‘other-than-human’ residents. During this second public event at the Pakhuis de Zwijger, the research team will discuss what this framework brings to the practice of design professionals and how we could use it for new resilient strategies within city planning. Sign up below and join us for a thought provoking conversation.


Joyce Overklift Vaupel Kleyn's picture Meet-up on Mar 31st
Joyce Overklift Vaupel Kleyn, Communication advisor at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, posted


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Please join our online Food for Thought inspiration session at April 29th, from 11.30 to 12.30. The Crossmedia research group from the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences provides an overview of design methods, tools and insights they have gained in various research projects, in particular from the project "Spectacular Arena eXperiences" (SAX). As part of this program, innovative media services have been developed and learned how to influence user experiences.

Joyce Overklift Vaupel Kleyn's picture Meet-up on Apr 29th